Luncheon Pt. 1

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"YOU GAVE HER FRANK'S ENCLOSURE!?!" Queenie squealed the moment Newt & Tina walked through the door.

"Erm...yes?" Newt replied, blushing.

"THAT IS ADORABLE!!!" Joanne's voice came from the kitchen.


"Yes, Queenie. Yes, I did." Tina said, calmly.

"Newt, you romantic bastard!!" Theseus entered the room, winking at his brother. "You actually gave her the enclosure?"

"What's so big on this enclosure?" Tina asked.

"Whenever Newt felt particularly upset or lonely, he would go to the enclosure. He said it reminded him of New York." Theseus explained. "I didn't know why he wanted to be reminded of New York but, now I see..."

Queenie squealed again & ran into the kitchen.

There was more muffled squealing coming from the door.

"Queenie & Mother. Who knew they would be such good friends?" Newt said, thoughtfully.

Tina merely shrugged.


It was almost lunchtime & Joanne was hosting a luncheon. 

"I can't wear my work clothes..." Tina muttered, going through her suitcase in Newt's room.

"Just wear something a bit on the formal side," Newt told her.

"I don't have anything on the non-formal side!! I just have work clothes, & normal clothes." Tina sighed.

"I may have something." Newt went to his closet.

"No offence, Newt, but I'd rather not wear something of yours to a fancy luncheon." Tina laughed.

Newt pulled out a hanger. "How about this?" 

It was a simple, dark blue dress. It had crisscross shoulder straps & the bodice was not too tight. The skirt, however, looked as if it would reach Tina's knees. It was flowy & sweet. Tina loved it.

"B-but why did you have this dress in your closet?" Tina asked.

"Well, a couple days before you were here, I went out to get some fresh air & I saw this dress. It instantly reminded me of you." Newt explained, blushing slightly. "Do you remember the lady who was at the docks, when I visited you?"

"The one who aww-ed really loudly & said: 'Young love!!!' at us?" Tina furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember what the woman looked like.

"Yes. Well, she worked there. As I admired the dress &- about you, she said: 'For that young, American lover of yours?' I instantly remembered her." Newt blushed more.

"I feel like she's your Mother in disguise!!" Tina laughed.

"Maybe." Newt grinned.

Tina went over to Leta's room to try on the dress.

"Goodness!" Leta exclaimed, standing up. "That dress is absolutely perfect on you!!"

"It is nice," Tina replied, mistily, stroking the smooth skirt.

The brunette went back over to Newt's room.

Newt was blown away.

"W-wow," he breathed. "You look..."

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