A Gift From Me To You

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"Jayden!!" Newt heard Tina giggle in mid air.

Suddenly, the pair apparated in the living room. Yet again startling Newt & making him drop his book.

"Merlin's bloody-"

"Newt, what did we say about language?" Tina scolded him playfully.

"No swearing" Newt muttered. "So, how was the date?!" He said loudly.

"Wonderful!" Tina beamed "first, Jay took me to Starbucks to have to most delicious rainbow latte, they put food colouring in it, did you know?! Then-"

"Starbucks, that fancy new cafe?" Queenie stepped lightly into the room.

Jayden's shiner-than-usual eyes flickered. When he glanced to Queenie, the shine disappeared.

"Yea, then he took me on a little ferry. The lights from the harbour were beautiful!!" Tina smiled that smile.

Jayden's eyes glazed over again.

"Then we apparated to the top of the Statue of Liberty!! You could see the whole city from there!!" Tina's eyes were shining.

Unlike Jayden, who looked sort of enchanted, Tina's eyes were shining like stars. They were brighter than usual & she looked just gorgeous.

To both Newt & Jayden.


It was 7 am & Newt was in the kitchen.

Yawning, Tina appeared.

"Oh, h-hi" Newt stuttered.

"Hey" Tina rubbed her eyes & made her way over to him.

"So, you had lots of fun last night?" Newt tilted his head a little.

"Heaps, actually. It's strange. He was almost like a different person!" Tina smiled.

"Th-That's nice. Would you like some coffee?" Newt hastily changed the subject.

"Hmm, actually.....You know what, I'll have some tea. Earl Grey. I want to see what's so great about it." The brunette smirked playfully.

"You've never tried it before?!?" Newt exclaimed.

"Oh...uh...er-" Tina couldn't tell him that she tried the tea just because she missed him. "Uhm...no" she lied.

"Ookay" Newt, slightly weirded out, went on to make the tea.


"Wow, this is delicious!" Tina was sitting on the couch with Newt.

"R-really?" Newt smiled a little.

"Really" Tina confirmed.

"So, just asking. It's just tea leaves & hot water? Because it tastes different to when I made it-" Tina stopped abruptly.

"Uhm.... I mean......" Tina's face was flushed, ashamed of being caught lying.

"So, when did you make it?" Newt questioned.

"F-few weeks before you came ba-ack to America" Tina murmured.

"Why did you make it? You never tried it? Correct?" Newt continued his interrogation.

"Yes, I never tried it, Newt. I.... I ju-ust" Tina stammered "I just m-m-missed you-u"

Oh god, Tina thought, this is so embarrassing. He probably wants to leave now!! Why did you say that Tina?!

"Honey" Newt mumbled.

"Wh-what?" Tina's eyes widened.

"I put honey in mine" Newt was blushing like crazy.

"Oh- Nice to kn-know"


Simultaneously, they put down their cups.

Then, for the third time that month, they felt a magnet pulling them in.

Closer & closer. Like a fishing line, slowly reeling them in. Closer & closer. Tina could count every freckle on his nose. Closer & closer, Newt could se every single fleck of brownish-gold in her eyes. Closer & closer.


Their lips touched.


There ya have it folks!! That is my way of saying thank you. Why, you ask? First of all, you're reading this!! But my main reason is that I hit 1k views! I know that's probably not a lot compared to the amount of views on the other Newtina stories, but this is a milestone!! In my culture, we celebrate milestone like there's a second Christmas!!So... yeah. Vote & comment!!

Little side note, if you've watched The Crimes Of Grindelwald, comment here & tell me your thoughts!! (It was great, right? RIGHT?!)

PS. Pls check out my second story called:

Mon Amour

(It's terrible, but pls read it anyway!)

That's it.

- Fangurl_700

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