Merry Chrismas!!

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"Okay, Tina. You can do this. Ask him out on a date." Tina smoothed down her skirt & walked into the room.


Tina walked into her office to see Newt & Dominic chatting idly.

"No, you see. There are still Graphorns." Newt explained.

"Oh, really? I thought they were extinct!! Like nifflers!!" Dominic cocked his head to the side in confusion.

Newt had to do a quintuple take.

"Now see here..." He reached for his case.

"Oh! Hi Newt!" Tina stopped Newt from opening his case & letting the Niffler lose again.

"Hi, Tina" Newt blushed slightly at the sight of her.

Tina crossed the room & reached up to give Newt a small, light peck on the cheek.

"How did you get here?" She dropped off her toes.

"Oh.....well...... Queenie sent me" Newt fiddled with his case handle, blushing even more.

"Of course she did" Tina muttered under her breath.

"Well Newt, I think you & Tina would like some time alone for now. We can talk again later maybe?" Dominic smiled.

Tina's eyes flickered intensely.

Newt turned to look at Tina & frowned slightly.

"Uhm....are you busy?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yes, quite" Tina looked over to her immaculate desk. All paperwork fully finished & submitted.

"Oh..... okay. Well, Mr Thomas, we can continue this chat , if you would like, in your office?" Newt's frown disappeared & was replaced by a rather attractive smile.

The glimmering in Tina's eyes died down.

Dominic brightened up considerably.

"That would be very much appreciated Mr Scamander!!! Oh, & please, just call me Dom. It is much easier!!!" He was smiling with so much warmth it was like the sun itself had burst into the room.

Tina's eyes were filled with sparkling shine.

"Then, you must call me Newt" Newt picked up his case.

After bidding Tina farewell, the two men left discussing Nifflers & Graphorns.

Tina walked over to her desk. She picked up a notepad. On it was:

Ask Out Dom

Step 1. Wear knee length black skirt & cream blouse to work. Actually comb your hair Tina.

Step 2. Go into your office & do work as per usual.

Step 3. When Dom comes in to check up on you, bring up the topic of Broadway.

Step 4. Ask him on a date to Broadway using these exact words:

"Y'know..... I heard that Les Miserables is playing at Broadway this Friday. Maybe we can go? Together? As, maybe, a date?"


Tina crossed out the last step & replaced it with:

Step 4. Ask him on an outing as 'friends' to Broadway using these exact words:

"Y'know..... I heard that Les Miserables is playing at Broadway this Friday. Maybe we can go? Together? As friends?"

Cannot Go As A Date Because Of 'Boyfriend'


Tina dropped her notebook back onto her desk, satisfied.


Merry Belated Christmas guys!!

I am currently crying because I'm listening to the Les Mis playlist.

If you think if it's funny that I'm crying...

*Whispers* It's..... A Little Fall of Rain.



Okay, Okay, I'm good.

Sorry I haven't uploaded lately.

I'm currently in my home country of The Philippines. I'm having lots of fun & not uploading.

Thanks guys!!


*Tears streaming down face* Okay, bai

- Fangurl_700


PPS. Jules asked me to promote her new story. It's called (I think):


or something...

There Dolphin-tale3!!
Happy now Jules?

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