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Tina, Newt & Bunty apparated to a small alleyway. 

Newt let go of Bunty's hand immediately, but still clutched Tina's. 

Bunty wanted the feeling of his hand holding hers to return.

"This way." Newt led Tina out of the alley.

They stopped in front of a small apartment.

"It's small..." Newt trailed off.

"Well, I like it." Tina pressed a kiss to his cheek before running lightly up the steps.

Bunty's heart actually hurt.

"You two coming?" Tina tilted her head.

"Coming." Newt followed her lead & went up the steps.

Bunty just nodded.

Newt unlocked the door. (It was a magic lock with a magic key.)

"Welcome to my humble abode." Newt bowed, mockingly.

"It's cute!" Tina gasped.

She looked around.

It was quaint & homely.

"The creatures?" Bunty asked Newt. "If Tina wants to stay up here to explore, then we can tend to them instead?"

"Nonsense!!" Tina approached them. "I want to see the creatures!"

"Are you sure? It could be dangerous?" Bunty tried to look genuinely worried, but failed.

"It's fine, Bunty." Newt smiled. "She's already met some."

"How?" The redhead asked.

"The case." Tina shrugged.

Bunty's eyes widened. "He lets you down there? He doesn't even let me down there."

"I guess you weren't lying." Tina smiled, softly at Newt.

"Would I ever lie to you?" Newt wrapped his arms around her.

"No," Tina gave him a short kiss. "I suppose not."

Bunty coughed.

The couple blushed & let go of each other.

"Sorry, Bunty." Newt blushed. "Momentarily forgot you were here."

The young redhead sighed sadly. Of course he did.

"This way." Newt lead Tina to the basement.

"Whoa..." The brunette gasped, drinking in the sights of the world in front of her.

There was a scuffling noise from a burrow with bars across the opening.

"Are those..."

"Baby Nifflers, yes." Newt smiled.

Tina's eyes lit up.

"They're so cute!!" 

She carefully slid back the lock.

"No!" Bunty scurried over to her, sliding back the lock. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to go on another Niffler hunt. You can't imagine how difficult it is."

"Actually, I can." Tina smiled. "It's sort of the whole reason Newt & I met."

Bunty looked at her curiously.

"Try a fully grown Niffler, Erumpet, Demiguise & Occamy hunt?" Tina grinned at Newt, who was blushing at the mere sight of Tina. 

"Throw in an Obscurus, Grindelwald & The MACUSA, then you got our crazy adventure." Newt laughed softly.

"Tina, there's something I want to show you." Newt beckoned her.

Tina followed him.

"Here." Newt gestured to a metal door.

"Another door?" Tina laughed.

"No..." Newt opened the door.

They both entered a large room. As in HUGE.

Bunty followed them & watched secretly at the door.

"This is Frank's proper enclosure." Newt gestured to the trees & rocks.

The whole room was glowing the colours of the sunset. Orange, pink & red.

"Newt, this place is beautiful." Tina smiled, walking around. "My parents would take us to Arizona every year. It was a tradition from my father's side."

Tina continued to walk around the enclosure. 

"It reminds me of the time I had with my parents. Thank you, Newt, for showing me this." Tina walked back to her boyfriend.

"It's yours." Newt mumbled.


"It's yours." He repeated.

"Really?!?!" Tina looked ecstatic. "Thank you so much!!!"

She pounced onto Newt, kissing him softly.

He slipped his arms around her waist, while ina wrapped her arms around his neck.

That one kiss had, soon, heated up.

They stood there, kissing passionately. With fire, with love.

Bunty walked away from the doorway.

It seemed that Newt was truly in love with Tina.

She had to let go.

She wasn't sure if she could, though. Her heart was clamped on.

But he was happy. That's all she wanted.

Bunty took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

She felt her shoulders relaxing & her heart loosening.

The words: He's happy. Were bouncing around in her brain.

Opening her eyes, she felt some weight being taken off her chest.

She was learning to let go.


Bunty is slowly letting go!!

The future seems bright for Newtina!! (Not.)

See ya soon!!

- Fangurl_700

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