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Newt looked out of his window as he packed up the rest of his belongings.

He watched as the Statue of Liberty passed by.

He was back in New York.


Tina hurried along the bustling streets of New York as she made her way to the docks.

She eventually made it & started pushing through the rush of people coming off the boats.

Newt walked briskly off the gangplank & looked around for a certain someone.

"Tina?!" He called out.

Newt saw a tall woman with short, dark hair pass him.

"Tina?!" He raced after her.

"Tina!!" Newt placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry?" The woman turned around.

At a second glance, Newt noticed that her hair was actually jet-black & her eyes were bright green. She was also wearing a dress. Not something Tina would do on a day to day basis.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay. I have a feeling you were parted from your lover for a while."

"How did you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes. It looks like you're completely smitten."

Tina heard a familiar chuckle a little ways behind her.

"Newt?!" She whipped around.

Tina saw Newt talking to a beautiful black-haired woman with red lips, emerald green eyes & a purple dress.


Newt turned sharply at his name.


He saw her watching him from around 10 meters away.

"Tina!!" Newt rushed over to her & enveloped her in a warm embrace.

"Newt..." Tina smiled softly as she inhaled the familiar scent.

"I've missed you," Newt, while still holding her in his arms, pulled away to look at her properly.

"Same here," Tina pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"OH, COME ON!! WHAT WAS THAT!! GIVE HIM A PROPER SMOOCH FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!" The black-haired beauty called over to them.

Tina reached around his neck & gave him a loving kiss, which he happily returned.

A few people, mostly the purple dress wearing girl, gave them a scatter of applause.

"I've really, really missed you," Tina pulled away & rest her head on his chest.


The black-haired girl slipped away into an alleyway as Newt & Tina left.

Slowly, her appearance started to change.

First, it was minor. Her vivid green eyes turned to hazel as she shrank a few inches.

She wiped off her bright red lipstick & replaced it with a mild pink.

Then, her fair, flawless skin became darker & sunkissed before revealing age lines.

Suddenly, her waist-cinched, thigh-high purple dress transformed into a looser black one that was cut under her knees instead.

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