Red & Purple

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"I can't do this!!" 

"Yes, you can. Remember what you said. You've been planning for ages!!" Tina soothed as she brushed Leta's hair.

"You'll be fine!! Better than fine!!" Queenie calmed the woman as she did her makeup.

"I-I can't do it!! I'm not ready!!" Leta's breathing was sharp & fast.

"Shhh, it's okay," Tina reassured. 

The older Goldstein sister took out her wand & cast a spell.

Leta's medium length brown hair swept up into a beautiful updo before placing a purple flower crown on top.

Queenie stepped back & admired her finished work.

Leta's makeup was flawless. Her shimmery gold eyeshadow matched perfectly well with her dark red lipstick.

"You look amazing!!" Queenie gasped.

"Here," Tina handed Leta the dress bag. "Take this & go get dressed!!"


"How are you?" Newt poked his head through the door.

"I-I'm fine..." Theseus replied shakily.

He was in his untucked white shirt, crumpled grey trousers & his untied tie was hanging loosely from his neck.

"Theseus, do you need any help?" Newt went into the room & shut the door.

"I'm okay, Newt."

"Are you?"

A pause.

"I love her with all my heart, she's the best thing in my life. I can't ruin this, but I'm not ready!!"

"You are more than ready. You took the entire week off from work in preparation!"

"I did?! Oh, no. I'm going to get fired!! I can't get married without a job!! How will I support us? I'm not ready!!!"

"First of all, you are very ready. You've been together for 3 years & YOU were the one who proposed. Second of all, if you back out now, I assure you, she won't be happy. You love her Theseus & she loves you back. That's how you know you're ready."

Theseus nodded slowly.

"Thanks, Newt."


Leta emerged from the dressing room fully ready.

Her strapless wedding dress was made of purple lace & trailed along the ground as she walked

Her hair & makeup were exquisite as if they were done by pure professionals.

The panicked woman earlier was replaced by a calmer, happier one.

"You look beautiful!!" Queenie & Tina spoke in unison.

Leta let out a shaky breath.

"I-I'm ready."


Tina shifted in her seat next to Queenie & Jacob.

She looked up to where Newt was standing next to Theseus.

Leta & Theseus decided not to have any bridesmaids or groomsmen because they just couldn't choose, so Newt was the only one up there. The childhood best friend/brother.

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