Welcome Home

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"Hello, my dears!!" William Scamander beamed.

"But you said you weren't coming back until next week!!" Joanne, if it was possible, looked even more happy than she was before.

"I decided to surprise you all." William smiled. "Tonight's the ball, correct?"

"Yes," Theseus answered.

"Perfect!!" The old man took out his wand & transformed his work clothes into a dashing tuxedo.

"And who might these lovely young people be?" He gestured to the American trio.

"Father, this is Queenie Goldstein & Jocaob Kowalski. My dearest friends." Newt stepped in.

'And this fine young woman?" William gave Tina a kind smile.

"This is Tina Goldstein." Newt grinned. "My girlfriend."


They re-entered the ballroom.

It was full of activity. There were people dancing & friends laughing. The mood had lightened incredibly ever since Violet & Leonardo had left.

"Well," William looked around. "Let's have some fun!!"

The group scattered.

Newt & Tina, of course, stayed together.

"My father likes you." Newt took her hand.

"How do you know?" Tina cocked her head sideways.

"I can see it in his eyes," Newt explained. "It twinkles when he likes somebody. He twinkled for you, Queenie & Jacob."

"Good to know." Tina wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Isn't it?" Newt hugged her waist.


William was strolling around, having a short conversation here & there, when he found himself next to the young Tina Goldstein.

"Hello," he smiled.

"Oh! Hi," Tina stuttered.

"Where is Newt?" William asked her.

"He offered to get me a drink. Your son is a true gentleman." Tina smiled.

"Isn't he?" The older man nodded.

They continued to talk for a while.

"How long have you two been together? I've only been away for 3 weeks but was Newton hiding something from us?"

"We only got together just tonight." Tina blushed.

"Really? How long have you known each other?" William questioned.

"A little over a year, actually." Tina sighed, happily. "We met in New York last year. That's where I'm from."

"Ah," the kind, old man nodded again. "I remember when Theseus enlarged a copy of Newton's wanted poster. He underlined the words: bearing wand, most menacing & will resist arrest."

"They wrote that on mine too." Tina laughed softly.

"Yours?" William raised an eyebrow. Not in suspicion, but in curiosity. 

"We were both wrongly arrested. It was quite an adventure." Tina was happy to reminisce.

"Newton only told us that he was wrongfully arrested & the Magical President let him go."  William furrowed his eyebrows.

Tina laughed. "It was much more than that. I wrote it all down in a notebook. Even though I could never forget it, it was nice to read it. I can get it to you, it's in third person, so I'm sure it will all make perfect sense."

"Thank you very much." William really did like Newton's choice of a girl.

"A-are you finished talking? I didn't want to interrupt." Newt was standing behind them, holding two glasses of butterbeer.

Tina & William laughed at how polite Newt was.

"It's okay, Newt." Tina shook her head, smiling.

Tina gave Newt a short, but sweet kiss before taking the butterbeer out of his hand.

"I'll leave you two alone, then." William smiled at the young couple.


It had struck midnight. The ball was over.

As the Scamander family farewelled their guests, the Americans, plus Leta, discussed what was to happen next.

"What's happening now?" Jacob finally got Queenie to stop drinking earlier in the night. 

"I dunno," Tina said, thinking. "But I think we're supposed to get out of our fancy clothes first."

"Yes, everybody meet back in the sitting room in their pyjamas in 15 minutes." Joanne appeared at Tina's side.

The others nodded.


Everybody was together. 

Joanne & William were wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.

Leta & Queenie were wearing silk dressing gowns, one red, one pink.

Theseus was wearing a white t-shirt & black sweatpants, as was Jacob.

Newt was sporting a grey t-shirt & black sweats as well, while Tina was wearing a white & black polka dot sweater & leggings.

Joanne & William were sitting next to each other on the couch, while everybody else was sitting on the soft rug next to the fireplace

The fire was crackling merrily & everybody was feeling toasty & warm.

Mugs of butterbeer were passed around.

"Happy Christmas all!" Joanne raised her mug.

"Happy Christmas!" The British people in the room smiled. "Merry Christmas!!" The Americans added.

Tina was snuggled up with Newt on the ground.

Suddenly, a sprig of mistletoe sprouted above them.

"Hey, lovebirds, look up." Queenie giggled.

Looking up, Newt & Tina realised that they were trapped.

Newt & Tina both leaned slightly, blushing.

Their lips met once more. This time though, it was different. Every single problem flew away. They could finally kiss without any concern.

Their lips parted but they kept their foreheads touching. 

"Merry Christmas, Newt." Tina whispered, biting her lip.

"Merry Christmas, Tina." Newt whispered back.


I actually started fangirling over this chapter when I was proofreading. 

It was so cute!

Drama soon, but not in the next few. (I think.)

See ya soon!!

- Fangurl_700

PS. I know it's kinda short. You may be slightly annoyed at that. I know I sometimes am. And I repeat: I do not friggin care.

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