Our Love Story?

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"Isaac, please do your work," Tina chided.

"I'm so dumb," he groaned.

"It's not your fault."

"Why did I just spring it onto her?!"

"Well, she said yes, though." Tina shrugged.

"But as friends. She said that she was flattered, but she barely knew me & said that we could go as friends instead!!"

"Oh...uhm... That's good! That's progress."

Isaac just groaned again. "Urrrrgh..."


"Hello there," Newt smiled.

Tina almost melted. 

She & Newt had been dating for 11 months now & he was just picking her up from work, but he was still perfectly capable to charm her to pieces.

"How's Isacc?" he motioned to the man.

"Feeling rejected," Tina sighed.

"I'll talk to him."

"Please," Tina stepped back to let Newt into the office.

"Isacc," Newt chided.

"Yes?" He grumbled.

"Look, just go to her. Go get coffee with her if you're so upset. She still said yes."

"She just wants to be friends," Isaac pouted. "I know I'm being immature, but I really like her."

"She might just want to be friends now, but you never know. You two could have a friendship turned to love," Newt raised his eyebrows.

"What would you know turning friendships into love?"

"Quite a bit, honestly." Newt looked over to Tina & smiled.

She blushed again.

"Really?" Isacc looked up.

"You don't know our love story?" Newt blinked in surprise as he gestured for Tina to come forward.

Isaac shook his head.

"Well, a couple of years ago, I came to New York with my case..."

Tina & Newt took turns telling the story.

5 minutes later, Isacc was fully updated on what had happened in the past 2 years.

"And now we're happy & very much in love," Tina finished.

"Indeed we are," Newt agreed, squeezing her had gently.

"But remember Isaac, friendship is where it starts. After we broke up, it was our friendship that brought us back together. There are other types of relationships & they're all important. Yes, Tina & I are a couple but she's also my best friend. She was my best friend before she was my girlfriend & she is everything to me, whatever our relationship is," Newt added, wisely.

Tina kissed him on the cheek, blushing madly.

"Wow..." Isaac smiled. "That's really romantic."

His face grew hopeful.

"I'll be friends with Alexa. Maybe we'll fall in love but maybe not. But whatever relationship we'll have, I'll cherish." He reached out to the candlestick phone that was on his desk. "Does she have a phone?"

"No, but the bakery does," Tina answered.

"Do you know the number?"

"I have it on a notepad. It's in my office, I'll be right back," Tina left & came back with her favourite leather notepad.

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