Our Special Spot

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"That might've been the best moment if my life!" Newt grinned.

Tina laughed loudly.

"This can be our spot." Newt took her hand. "Our own special spot. The rest is only open to you, me, Jacob & Queenie."

"Really?" Tina sat up a little straighter.

"Really." Newt held her close. "I haven't let another human being, other than myself, in here since I was in New York last year."

"That's so sweet." Tina hugged him tight.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the lid opening.

"Helloooooo?!" A fairly unwanted voice floated down.

"Oh no" Newt mumbled.

Tina let go of Newt & sat up straight against the rock.

Violet entered the enclosure.

"Oh, hi Newtie!! I was looking for you!! In the Thunderbird enclosure, as always!! I really like sitting there, filing my nails." She smiled sweetly.

"She- You- Filing her nails?!" Tina stuttered.

"I usually sit where you are, actually!!" Violet smirked.

Tina stood up.

Newt hurriedly stood up as well.

"Tina!! I swear!! I have not brought her down here!! Not once, not twice-" He tried to explain but got cut off.

"Not thrice, hundreds of times!! I think I'm the first girl he's brought in here!! We became friends shortly after he came home from America!! He was traveling the world, did you know? I bet you didn't." Violet babbled.

"I did, actually." Tina crossed her arms.

"How, then?" Violet challenged.

"When I met him in America. I'm American." Tina stared at the raven haired woman.

"Oh. Well, I'm still the first girl in here!!" Violet challenged Tina once more.

"That was not you. It was Leta." Tina sighed, annoyed. "Newt explained to me in a letter that when he made the case. The first thing he did was show it to Leta."

"Oh. Well then-" Violet started.

"Please, stop" Newt said, quietly.

"As for you" Tina whipped around to face Newt. "Our special spot. Really?"

"Tina, please listen." Newt explained quickly. "Would I ever lie to you?"

"No." Tina uncrossed her arms & softened a little.

"Well, he did this time!!" Violet chirped.

Tina stormed off in a blind rage.


"Violet!!" Newt was very upset.

"Dingy place you have here, Newtie." Violet turned around.

"Violet!!" Newt repeated.

"I mean, I guess you can fix it up." Violet wandered into Newt's shed. "You need to redecorate."

A picture of a content looking Tina was hanging on the wall. Right above the desk.

"What is this?" Violet took the picture off the wall.

"A picture of Tina." Newt appeared at the doorway. "I saw it in the paper. So, I cut it out & enlarged it. Then, I hung it here so I could see her when I worked."

"Why didn't you put up a picture of me instead?" Violet dropped the simple silver frame on the ground.

"Because I didn't want to?" Newt shrugged, obviously thinking it wasn't a big deal.

"But I'm prettier!!" Violet stamped her foot. "I'm kinder, I'm talented, I'm adorable, I'm drop dead gorgeous, and you like me more!!"

"I rather like Tina" Newt shrugged again.

"Really?" Violet looked quite pleased. "Just like?"

"I've fallen in love with her, Violet" Newt sighed sadly. "She said she loved me back. Now, you've ruined it."

"Oopsie." Violet said, deadpan. "I'm oh-so sorry."

"Tina is the most amazing person I've ever met." Newt smiled slightly. "The most beautiful, the most stubborn, the most headstrong, the most independent-"

"No!! What about me?!" Violet threw another tantrum. "I'm supposed the most amazing person you've ever met!!"

"Sorry?" Newt looked down at the picture of Tina.

Violet noticed him looking at the picture & a small smile appeared on her pretty face.

"What. About. ME!!" Violet stamped her feet.

There was a sound. A click of a heel & a crack.

The heel of Violet's magically sparkling silver shoes went straight the picture frame.

"Oopsie!" Violet giggled.

Newt picked up the frame. There was a hole right in the middle of the frame & the glass was all cracked.

"Right. Get out." Newt clenched his fist.

"Okay!! Okay!!" Violet raised her arms in mock surrender.

When Violet finally left, Newt checked his sleeve for his wand.

"Bugger. It's in my room." Newt sighed dejectedly.


Meanwhile, in New York

"Hi, Jacob!!" Queenie smile lit up the room.

"Miss Goldstein. How are you today?" Jacob smiled back.

"I'm alright." Queenie sighed, happily. "Just a donut, please."

"There ya go." Jacob passed Queenie a white bag.

"Thank you!!" Queenie beamed.

Leaving the bakery, the blonde left satisfied.

"Hey there gorgeous." Four men circled Queenie as soon as she left the bakery.

"How are ya?" One poked her with a wand.

"Wanna come along with us?" Another flirted.

"No." Queenie smiled.

"Aww, c'mon doll." The third took her hand.

"Don't touch me!!" Queenie yanked her arm away.

Noticing a commotion outside, Jacob looked out of the window to see Queenie Goldstein pull out a wand & hex four men. One by one. All of their efforts to stop her were easily deflected.

"Queenie?" Jacob rushed out.

"Jacob?" Queenie was taken by surprise. "Did you see-"

"I remember" Jacob smiled.



Please comment & vote!!

- Fangurl_700

PS. Sorry if it's kinda messy. It's late & I'm tired.

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