The Dress

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"Teen, look at this one!!" Queenie exclaimed.

Leta looked at the dress & 'oohed'.

They were in a bridal shop looking for Tina's wedding dress.

The idea of it made Tina so happy that for once, she enjoyed dress shopping.

"It's beautiful, Queenie."

"You should try it on!"

"Sure, but we'll browse around first."

"Who are you & what have you done with my sister?"

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever we would go shopping you would go with the first thing I showed to you so we could leave earlier."

"Well, we're shopping for my wedding dress. This is different."

"You should get married more often," Queenie giggled.

"I don't think Newt would appreciate that very much," Leta smiled.

They continued to look around. This was their third shop, the others having dresses that were 'too frumpy', 'too revealing' & 'too extravagant.'

"If we can't find a dress here, we'll just have to go again tomorrow. The sun is setting soon," Leta pointed out.

"We'll probably have to," Queenie raised an eyebrow. "Tina is very very particular about her things & her wedding plans will probably send her into overdrive."

"I just want everything to be perfect," Tina sighed. 

"We know, Teen, but don't overexert yourself."

"Newt has done so much for me. He lived in New York for almost 3 years, welcomed me into his appartment & helped get me a job at the Ministry. He's just so amazing. The day I get to be with him forever has to be perfect."

"It will be perfect, but you have 3 months left," Leta pulled out a piece of parchment from her bag. "You already have a date, venue, theme, officiant, photographer, florist, band & a whole lot more. All you really need is a wedding dress, a cake & menu. Which, I'm sure we can get within 3 months."

Tina smiled.

"You're right."

They continued milling around, picking up dresses, that fit the theme, as they went.

"Should I try this on?" Tina showed a dress.

"Definitely," Queenie ran her hands down the skirt.

A few minutes later Tina stepped back out.

"What do you think?"

"Tina, it's gorgeous!" Queenie gasped.

"Breathtaking," Leta agreed.

The dress was strapless with a flowing white skirt. The bodice was covered in tiny silver beads which shimmered as Tina moved about.

"It looked better on the mannequin," Tina's shoulder slumped as she caught her reflection.

"No, it's just the skirt is too light & Summer-y. You are having a Winter wedding after all."

"And the beads are too much," Leta added.

Tina retreated back behind the curtain.


Another few minutes passed before Tina came back out.

"Pretty..." Tina looked in the mirror.

"It's wonderful!!" Queenie clasped her hands together.

"I love the details," Leta nodded.

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