The Revealing of Secrets

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"Newt!" Queenie Goldstein beamed. "Welcome!"

"Hello, Queenie." Tina, Isaac & Newt entered Jacob's bakery.

"Where's Jacob?" Newt asked.

"He's in the back, trying to break up with Hailey. Again."

"Again?" Isaac looked confused.

"Yes, Isaac," Queenie snapped. "Again."

"She just won't take it! She knows Jacob & I are together, but she said we could 'share' him! As if he were a possession!" The blonde looked annoyed.

"Hailey, it's over, okay?" Jacob walked briskly out of the kitchen.

"Jacob! I still want to date you!" Hailey raced after him.

She spotted Newt. 

"Newton Scamander." Hailey smiled. "Back so soon? I thought you were in England!"

"How do you-" 

"I read The Daily Prophet, you know?" Hailey took out a cut up newspaper article.

"What? I thought you-you were a No-Maj, like me!" Jacob gasped.

"Oh, of course not! I pretended so our relationship could work."

The girlish tone had disappeared from Hailey's voice.

Tina furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought.

Her curly blonde hair was slightly off-centre too.

Going with her gut, Tina reached over & pulled on Hailey's blonde locks.

The blonde wig fell away to reveal a girl with chestnut brown hair.

Sighing, Hailey took out her wand & took off her makeup too.

Newt let out a soft gasp.

Hailey had completely transformed.

Her skin was slightly tanned, but glowing from beauty.

Her chestnut hair fell in soft wisps around her face.

"Who are you?!" Tina demanded.

"My name is Alexa Wright. I made a bet with my cousin Jayden to see if I could either date a No-Maj for a year or get a date with Newt Scamander. It was for 100 Galleons. I needed money. I'm so sorry, Newt. Jayden told me that I had to be seductive too. I think he was just jealous." Alexa sighed.

"Jayden Wright is your cousin?" Tina & Newt asked.

"Yes. I'm nothing like him, I promise. I just had a debt to pay. I know you used to date him, Tina. I know you only dated him because you had another man on constantly your mind. You needed a distraction from him" Alexa's eyes flickered to Newt.

"Yes, well, he's long gone. The man I long gone." Tina stole a glance at Newt.

"Who is he, anyway? He's been mentioned so many times," Isaac butted in. "Everyone seems to know except me! And maybe Newt. He's never mentioned him either."

"Look, Isaac, it's in the past. He's gone now." Tina shook her head. "He...doesn't mean anything anymore."

Newt turned & left.

A single tear fell down Tina's cheek.


At the Goldstein residence.

"Here." Tina passed a cup of Earl Grey Tea to Isaac.

"I'm surprised you found tea in your cupboard full of coffee beans!!" Isaac laughed.

"It's all thanks to Newt, really." Tina sat down, trying to smile.

Isaac stopped laughing. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, well, when he was staying with us, last year, he always went out & got tea because Queenie & I have literally none," Tina explained.

"Newt was staying here?" 

"He was," Tina looked at him. "He has an apartment now."

Isaac nodded, fully understanding.

The brunette went back to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. This time, with honey.

"Isaac, can you get something for me in my room?" Tina called to her boyfriend.

"Sure." Isaac stood up. "Whatcha need?"

"Just my black & white polka dotted sweater. It's cold."

Isaac nodded.


Isaac was looking for Tina's sweater in her room.

He finally found it in her suitcase.

A letter fell out of it.

Knowing he shouldn't, Isaac unfolded the paper & started to read.

Dear Tina,

I'm so sorry I had to leave.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

I'm so glad you found love & happiness.

I'm disappointed that you couldn't find it in me.

Let me tell you a story, Tina.

I have loved, twice.

The first girl was Leta Lestrange. I loved her from when I was 12 years old up till the day I turned 25. She had just started dating my brother. Now, they're engaged & happy.

The second girl, I loved her so much. I still do. She's my sunshine, she's my heart, she's my soul. She's you. I love you, Tina. I only wanted two things from you. Your love, & for you to be happy. You are happy now. That's enough for me. I love you & don't think I'll ever stop. I'm sorry.

Yours always & forever.

Newton Artemis Fido Scamander.

It was Newt. 

Newt & Tina were in love.

Everything fitted together. It all made sense.

Isaac dropped the sweater & walked out the door.



1) Oooooooooooh!!! What's gonna happen?!?!?!

2) Alexa's nice, I promise. I like her.

3) It's short. I know that. But do I care? Absolutely not.

That is all.

See ya soon!

- Fangurl_700

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