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"Bye, now! Take care!" Joanne, William & the newlywedded Theseus & Leta waved off their American friends. And Newt.

"Byeeeeeee!!" Queenie leaned over the railing.

"This was fun," Tina looked over to her boyfriend of almost a year.

"Indeed," Newt pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"I wonder what's gonna happen next? My life was incredibly repetitive until I met you."

"I'm glad you think so. I'm not sure what's going to happen."

"I know what's gonna happen next!" Queenie chirped. "My wedding!"

Tina laughed.

But on the inside, she was worried.

Queenie was getting married in a beautiful chapel near the place Leta's wedding was.

She & Jacob would move & live in England.

And Newt will go back to London or travel the world again & she wouldn't be able to come.

Tina's laughter died out as Queenie & Jacob went inside.

"What's wrong?" Newt took Tina's hand.

"It-It's just...when Queenie & Jacob get married, they'll move to England. Then, you'll have to go back home to London & I'll be all alone..."

"Tina, I'll stay with you for as long as you love me."

A tear rolled down Tina's cheek.

"I guess you're stuck with me. Even if we break up, a part of me will always love you."

Next thing she knew, Newt's lips were upon hers.

"And I'll love you. Always & forever."


"Goldstein. You're back. How was the trip?"

"It was very nice, Madame Piquery. The wedding was beautiful & London is always lovely."

"I would suspect you think so. It would be rather unfortunate if you didn't like England."

"Why is that, Ma'am?"

"Because, obviously, you'll be spending much more time there. Seeing your loved ones are living there soon."

"Er..." Tina bit her lip. Was Madame Piquery talking about Newt?

"Queenie must be quite excited. And, yes, I do know about her relationship with Mr Kawolski."

Tina breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Ma'am. Quite excited."

"Well, I'm glad your back. So will Hawthorn. He's been quite lonely."

Tina smiled.

"Well, I'll go see him now."

Seraphina nodded her away.


"Tina, you're back!" Isacc looked up from his file.

"Hey, Isacc. How are you?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"I just...do you think we can go to Kowalski's after work? As friends of course. You can bring Newt too."

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