Proposing to Tina

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*Skip ahead 2 weeks*

"Leta!!" Tina & Queenie rushed over to their friend.

"Hello, you two!" Leta hugged them warmly.

"Uh, nice to see you again." Jacob shook Theseus' hand.

"Likewise," the brit nodded.

"Can you believe you're getting married tomorrow!?" Queenie stated, excitedly.

"Honestly, yes. I've been planning forever." Leta smiled.

"Well, it's obvious that someone brought a lot of luggage. We better get going." Theseus picked up a few of Queenie's bright pink bags.

Leta picked up a few as well.

Newt, Tina & Jacob collected their own bags before selecting a couple of Queenie's.

The blonde herself ended up with 2 rolling bags & her handbag.

The group made their way to an alley.

Queenie put a hand on Jacob's shoulder before they all disappeared with a Pop!


"Oh, hello darlings!" Joanne Scamander trotted out of her front door in a bright green wig.

Theseus whipped out his wand & sent the luggage upstairs.

"Queenie, Jacob - lovely to see you! Congratulations on the engagement."  

Queenie smiled cheekily at Leta who immediately grabbed her left hand.

"Tina, it's wonderful to see you back in London!!" Joanne gave her a hug.

Tina looked father up the path to see Queenie & Leta comparing each other's rings. She bit her lip, feeling like she didn't exactly belong with them with their gorgeous looks & gorgeous engagement rings.

"Newton, lovely to see you here again." Joanne kissed the cheek of her youngest son before leading the group into the house.

"She's still as loud & quirky as ever, I see." Tina turned to Newt.

"Probably even more so, we'll see," he replied.

"Why didn't anyone question the wig?"

"I guess we're all used to it."

The couple linked arms before making their way into the house.


"Do you have a dress for the wedding?" Leta asked Tina who was in the sitting room with Newt reading a book.

"Er...about that. See, I thought I could just wear the black dress I wore to the Christmas Ball."

"Well, you could. But the colour scheme is red & purple. We have to go shopping!!"

Tina looked over to Newt who shrugged.

"Fine," Tina sighed.


"Here, try this one on." Leta passed the dress to Tina.

"I said that that it had to be dark purple. Red is too flashy."

"Just try it on, please?" Leta raised her eyebrows.

"Alright," Tina disappeared behind the curtain.

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