Really Now?

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"Really now? It's complicated?" Leta raised an eyebrow. "I can see he's in love with you, but I can also see you're in love with him."

Tina did a double take.

"W-well, erm- uh.....maybe you're right?" She blushed."

"Well, I know how you can find out!" Leta clasped her hands together excitedly.

"How is that?" Tina asked.

The doorbell rang.

"That's how." Leta smiled.

"MOTHER. CHANGE THE BELL!!" Theseus yelled from the other room.

"NO!!" Joanne yelled back. She turned to Newt. "Newt, dear, can you get that?"

"Of course, mother!" The heartbroken, depressed man was long gone & was replaced by an enthusiastic, happy Newt.


Newt opened the door & was surprised to see who was standing there.


"Hello, Newtie!" Violet kissed Newt on the cheek.

"I-I thought you were in Paris!!" Newt stepped back.

"Oh, well, I moved back. Whenever I went out, it was always:
Bonjour, belle and Wow! Regarde comme elle est jolie!!"

Newt looked at her, perplexed.

"Oh! That means, Hello, beautiful and Wow! Look how pretty she is!!" Violet tossed her silky, raven tresses over her shoulder. "They're not wrong. I mean, I am gorgeous."

"I've seen better." Newt muttered under his breath. "I've seen Tina."

"Well? Are you going to invite me in orrr..." Violet raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, then" Newt beckoned her in.


"Mother, Theseus, Leta, you all know Violet." Newt sighed.

"Lovely to see you again, dear." Joanne shook the girl's hand. "Not." She whispered to Theseus.

After letting out a charming laugh, Theseus shook Violet's hand as well.

"Vi" Leta nodded to her & smiled.

"Leta" Violet barely acknowledged her.

"Tina," Newt took her hand & led her to Violet. "This is my friend, Violet Grace."

"Hello, Ms. Grace" Tina smiled kindly.

"Don't call me that." Violet rolled her eyes. "It makes me sound like my mother."

"Oh, your mother was unmarried?" Tina was hesitant.

"Obviously." Violet rolled her eyes again.

"Violet," Newt gave an exasperated sound. "This is my very good friend, Tina Goldstein."

"Ms. Goldstein." Violet smiled icily. "How does it feel, huh?"

"Fine." Tina shrugged.

"You obviously love your hag" Violet smirked.

"Hag?" Newt turned to her.

"Her mother, Newtie." Violet reached up & pinched Newt's cheek.

"My mother is NOT a hag!!" Tina stepped forward.

"Then, how come you are?" Violet questioned. "Your mother is obviously ill. I mean, she kept you."

Tina ran away.

Violet let out a tinkling laugh.

"What were you thinking?!" Newt felt his anger course through his veins. "Her parents are dead!!"

"I was only joking!!" Violet took his hand. "Forgive me, Newtie."

"I'll think about it later." Newt wrenched his hand away from Violet's cold one.

"What? Where are you going?" Violet took a step closer to him.

"After Tina." Newt shrugged before running in the direction the American went.


Tina was in the case. She ran into Frank's old enclosure & hid behind a large rock.

"Tina?" Newt approached her.

She was crying.

"Oh, Newt!! I'm so sorry for coming in here without your permission! I just wanted to go somewhere where she couldn't find me!!" Tina sobbed.

Newt sat beside her.

"U-unless you take her in here as well?" Tina looked at him.

"No, I don't. She's asked multiple times but for some reason, I always refused." Newt put an arm around her shoulder.

Tina nestled against him.

"I'm so very sorry, she never acts like that." Newt pushed away some hair off Tina's face.

He examined her. Her eyes were slightly pink & her hair was tousled. Yet, she was still beautiful.

"Fascinating." Newt stared deeply into Tina's eyes.

"What?" Tina whispered.

"Your eyes. When I left, they were full of sparks & shine. Now, they...they have this strange effect in them. Like-like fire in water. Dark water. You know, I've only seen that effect in..." Newt trailed off.

"Salamanders?" Tina whispered.

A smile crept onto Newt's face. "Yes."

Tina shifted closer to him.

Newt pulled her in.

There they were. Huddled up behind a rock in an empty Thunderbird enclosure. Nose to nose.

"Newt?" Tina smiled softly.

"Yes?" Newt ran his fingers through her hair.

"I love you too."

Their lips met once more.


You're welcome!!

- Fangurl_700

PS. The happy ending is still wayyyyy off. Just saying, Violet is VERY much in the picture. So is Jayden.

PPS. Mwahahaha

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