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"What was it that you wanted to speak about, Teenie?" Queenie turned around to face her sister.

"N-N-Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm glad you & Newt are happy. Because I most definitely am!" Tina looked up & Queenie was almost blinded by the intense shine within her sister's eyes.

"No!!" Queenie yelled, shielding herself from the glittering eyes.

The blonde ran into Newt's room & came out pulling the tall wizard by the ear.

"Bugger" Newt breathed as Queenie began to twist his ear.

"Just follow my lead & make this realistic" Queenie hissed to Newt.

"G-Got it" Newt winced as Queenie twisted his ear halfway.

When they got to the living room, the younger witch finally let go of Newt's ear & started crying.

"I j-just do-on't thi-ink this will w-work out Newt" Queenie sobbed, dropping onto the floor at a bewildered Tina's feet.

Newt immediately realized what Queenie was doing & played along in front of Tina.

"I'm sorry Queenie, we never should've even tried to be romantically interested with each other." Newt pulled a sad face.

"Oh, are you guys okay? I can help!! I can fix it!! You guys aren't even a couple yet!!" Tina stepped in.

"No help" Queenie snapped, before resuming her sobbing.

"Uhm.. okay then" Tina stepped back timidly.

"Good" Queenie immediately stopped crying & brushed down her skirt.

"Glad we came to an agreement" Newt stuck out his hand & Queenie shook it.

Three Months Later

"Hi, Queenie! Newt!!" Tina beamed with sparkling eyes.

"We have some news to share!!" Dominic smiled with equally shiny eyes.

"We..." Tina started.

"Are..." Dominic continued.

"MOVING IN TOGETHER!!" They finished simultaneously.

Newt felt himself freeze.

"Th-that's just amazing, Teen!" Queenie was aghast.

"We're moving next week, we already bought the apartment!!" Dominic leaned over & kissed Tina.

She responded eagerly & soon, they were kissing passionately in Tina's office.

"Break it up, you guys!" Queenie hissed.

Pulling apart from Dominic, Tina noticed Newt's somewhat sad face

"C-can I talk to Newt for a second?" Tina asked Queenie & Dominic.

"Sure, what is it?" Dominic smiled expectantly.

"Alone?" Tina implied.

"Oh!! That's our cue, Dominic! We gotta go!" Queenie grabbed the blonde wizards arm & started to show him out.

"No!" He stopped. " If she wants to talk to another man then I should know too!!"

"Move it, punk" Queenie snarled as she twisted Dominic's arm behind his back in an unnatural manner.

"Oh, & if you try anything, just remember... I know where you live." Queenie whispered harshly into his ear. "Be good & I'll release your family."


"Newt?" Tina approached the Englishman.

"Yes, Tina?" Newt looked up.

"Have you ever loved?" She asked him, taking his hand.

"Twice" Newt gave a sad smile.

"It feels wonderful, doesn't it?" Tina grinned a little.

"Yes" Newt responded. "Even more so when they love you back."

"Did they?" Tina hesitated. "Did they love you back?"

"No" Newt shook his head. "Neither of them did."

"Can you tell me about them?" Tina looked expectant.

"One day" Newt smiled but his eyes were sad.


Tina came home to Queenie crying.

The blonde was clutching a letter & sobbing her heart out.

"Queenie!! Tell me what it is!!" Tina rushed to her sister's side. "Show me your letter. Please."

"Read your one first" Queenie looked at her sister with tears streaming down her face.

"Mine?" Tina walked to her room.

There was a letter on her pillow.

On the envelope were two words.

To: Tina

Tina picked it up with trembling hands.

Slowly unfolding the piece of paper, Newt's voice filled Tina's head.

Dear Tina,

I'm so sorry I had to leave.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

I'm so glad you found love & happiness.

I'm disappointed that you couldn't find it in me.

Let me tell you a story, Tina.

I have loved, twice.

The first girl was Leta Lestrange. I loved her from when I was 12 years old up till the day I turned 25. She had just started dating my brother. Now, they're engaged & happy.

The second girl, I loved her so much. I still do. She's my sunshine, she's my heart, she's my soul. She's you. I love you, Tina. I only wanted two things from you. Your love, & for you to be happy. You are happy now. That's enough for me. I love you & don't think I'll ever stop. I'm sorry.

Yours always & forever.

Newton Artemis Fido Scamander.

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