Fake Love

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"L-lustic?" Tina's eyes widened "isn't that the weird, yet really serious, love sickness?"

"Yes, he lusts you, crazily might I add, but he still wants me. Deep down in his cold, empty, idiotic heart & mind" Queenie sighed dejectedly.

"Wait, isn't it kind of like an enchantment? It can be broken right?" Tina's face was hopeful.

"It can, when you love another" Queenie raised an eyebrow.

"But- I-I don't know what real love feels like" All traces of hope melted of the brunette's features.

After a minute Queenie beamed.

"How good are you at acting?" She smiled.

"Fairly good, I guess" Tina shrugged "but how does that solve my problem?"

"Find Newt & meet me in the living room" A mischievous smile crept on Queenie's face "I have a plan"


"Alright. I think that we should explain the issue to Newt"

The two American witches & one British wizard were all in the living room, with Newt & Tina on the couch, blushing more than anything & Queenie pacing in front of them, talking a mile a minute.

"Wh-what is it?" Newt finally looked at something other than Tina & his shoes.

"Jayden's gone lustic for Tina" Queenie stopped pacing.

Newt's face paled ever so slightly.

"L-lustic? Holy shi-" Newt was cut off by Tina's death stare. "Niffler, holy niffler." Newt finished quietly.

"It can only be broken if Tina loves another & displays that said love" Queenie read from a book. "Ha, take that Jayden. We all use books." She murmured.

"But Queenie, I don't love another!" Tina interrupted.

The blonde looked between the two adorable, obviously in love, introverts.

"Sure Teen" she replied.

Newt looked sideways at Tina who just turned to look at him.

They made eye contact & they both turned away, blushing even more.

"Okay! Here's the plan!" Queenie giggled.

"Why is this funny?" Tina turned to her sister.

"No reason! Anyway this is my plan" Queenie tapped at the canvas with her wand

"Step 1: Tina breaks up with Jayden using the 'it's not you, it's me' line. Obviously, he will still go after her because he's crazy. Why else?"

"Gee thanks sis" Tina rolled her eyes.

"Step 2: Tina & Newt start dating."

"Wait wait wait. WHAT?" Tina & Newt said together.

"Fake dating" Queenie rolled her eyes, "unless you want to date for REAL!!" Her eyes lit up.

"Well, your faces say no, but your minds say I want to but I'm too scared & awkward to say yes" Queenie studied their features.

Newt & Tina's blushing faces turned to annoyed.

"ANYway, step 3: Jayden will see Newt & Tina so in love & happy. His lustness will disappear" Queenie finished with a big flourish, throwing all of her giant note cards into the air & transfiguring them into giant rose petals.

"W-well okay" Tina started.

"A-a-anything to help a friend" the corners of Newts lips tugged up a bit.

Yet no one could call it a smile.

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