Silver & White

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Tina's eyes fluttered open.

Excitement flooded her body.

I'm getting married today!

The door flew open.

"Teen!!" Queenie was bouncing on the walls.

"Queenie, what are you doing?"

"You have to get up!! We have to get you ready!!"

"Queenie, it's only 7 o'clock!" Tina looked over at the clock. "I don't have to be ready for 5 hours!"

"What? We only have 5 hours? Get up!" Queenie yanked Tina out of the bed.

"Here, eat this while I make the bed," Queenie shoved a plate of french toast at her sister before slipping her wand out of her sleeve.

Tina went over to the kitchen, where Jacob stood.

"Hiya, Tina. You excited?"

"Very. But also a bit nervous."

"Don't you worry. Marriage is wonderful. The only downside is that my dear wife can read my mind, so I can't plan any surprises for her."

Tina laughed.

"Jacob, you gotta go!" Queenie shooed him away. "Go to Newt. He's at the manor."

"Okay, okay!" Jacob grabbed his coat. "I'll see you soon, Tina!"

"Bye," she waved, her mouth full of french toast.


Sunlight flooded Newt's room at the Scamander Manor.

"Newt!" There was banging on the door. "Wake up!!"

"Who's there?" Newt raised his head from his pillow.

"It's me," Theseus walked in. "Get up already."

"What time is it?"

"It's already 8 o'clock. You're running late. Leta left to go help Tina & Jacob's already here."

Suddenly, Newt remembered.

Today's my wedding day.

He quickly got out of bed & made it with a flick of his wand.

"Let's go!!" Theseus beckoned wildly.

"I'm coming!" Newt followed him out the door.


"Oh, look breathtaking!"

Tina checked her reflection again to make sure it was really her.

She was wearing her dress & it was just as perfect as when she found it, 3 months ago. Her veil was simple & had silver jewels on it. She was also wearing a pair of short, silver heels.

Her makeup, courtesy of Leta, was soft & sweet.

Her hair, courtesy of Queenie, was just in simple, short waves. No lengthening or anything. Tina wanted to be herself.

Both Queenie & Leta were in their bridesmaid gowns. They were light grey with a layered skirt & a cinched bodice with silver beads on it.

Suddenly, dread washed over Tina.

"Oh no, I'm making a mistake..."

Leta & Queenie gave each other a meaningful look.

'Wedding jitters,' Queenie mouthed.

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