Getting Ready

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"Queenie, sit down!!!" Tina rolled her eyes.

The ball was in 3 hours & all Queenie had done was put on her dress & prance about in front of the mirror.

Leta had put on her dress & so had Tina but they also had started on each other's hair & makeup.

"Fine!!" The blonde huffed. She sat down at Leta's vanity & started on her makeup.

Leta was magically lengthening Tina's hair when they heard a knock on the door.

"Um...." Came Newt's voice. "I kind of have something for Tina."

The girls' eyes widened. They didn't want any of the boys to see their dresses until the ball.

Tina picked up her wand. She looked around for something to wear when she noticed a white robe in the closet.

She pointed her wand at the silk & it glided itself over to her. It slipped onto Tina while her dress was removing itself. After coming off, the beautiful black dress took up the robe's hanger in the open closet, wrinkle-free.

"Wow, Tina! Where did you learn that type of magic?" Leta looked amazed.

"Don't look at me." Queenie shrugged, also impressed by Tina's non-verbal spell. "You have to teach me that spell!!!"

"Maybe, maybe not," Tina smiled. Her mother had taught her that spell. Her mother had created that spell & the only person she taught it to was Tina. Even though Queenie would have used it more, it was Tina that their mother had decided to confide in.

"You two should hide in the closet, so he can't see you." Tina walked over to the door.

Opening the door, she saw a not-ready-at-all Newt suddenly turn red.

"Uhm....*Gulp*....Ti-ina...I have- I have s-s-something for you-u." Newt stammered, blushing intensely.

Tina looked down at her robe. She realised it was quite short & her long legs were showing.

Newt gave her a small velvet box.

Tina opened it & in it was a beautiful necklace. It was just a silver chain with a small, raindrop pendant.

"Newt!!" Tina gasped. "It's beautiful!!"

"Just like you." Some of the red colour from Newt's cheeks had disappeared & he was slowly gaining more confidence.

It was Tina's turn to blush. "Help me up it on?" She asked.

Newt nodded & Tina turned around, passing him the necklace.

Tina lifted up her now shoulder length hair while Newt fastened the chain around her neck.

Tina turned around. "Thank you so much!!" She smiled.

The colour that had left Newt's cheeks had returned. Just the sight, a mere glimpse even, of Tina would make Newt blush. Now, there she was, right in front of him, wearing a his necklace, a rather short silk robe & a smile. He had never blushed so much in his entire life. I love her so much that words can't even begin to describe it. Her eyes, they're like big round pools of pure passion. Her smile, it's so bright & beautiful that the sun & all the stars get jealous. She's perfect. Why does she love me? I may never know, but I'm glad she does. Newt thought, admiringly.

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