Little Trip and Dangerous Game

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After my kiss with Cheryl, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I Don't usually do that and I know I need a distraction, Something that will make me feel better. I grab my phone and call one of my dad's friends.

"Hey. Do you have Something for me?" I smirk hearing his respond.

A Week later.

I just had the best week in a loooong time. I went back to NY for some business and I saw my friends, being a Lodge is great sometimes. As I'm the older sister, my parents let me handle some business which is cool cause I know some people.

When I return home, I go straight to my mum office and give her what she asked me to bring back from NY. Apparently my parents want to buy something here in Riverdale but they need money to convince Major McCoy.

Anyway, I will not tell Veronica about it because she has other things to think about. I laugh as she tells me about Betty going all crazy during their revenge night on Chuck and she explains me how she turned Chuck down. I can't stop laughing seeing my sister happy.

Since I missed her during this week, I invite her to Pop's which she gladly accepts. When we arrive, mum is already here serving people. We spot Jughead, Betty and Kevin so we join them. They are talking about some drive-in that will closed by the end of the month and it reminds me of my parents' plan. Maybe it's what our parents want to buy. Why not after all, taking the southside might be a clever idea.

I'm getting out of my thoughts when I hear a weird table noise behind me. I turn around and see Cheryl talking with my mum. Great, I totally forgot about her.

"Be sure to put all that cash in the register. You are a Lodge after all." Cheryl comments bitchly.

I stand up just as Veronica and we go behind our mum.

"And Lodge are known for having sticky fingers." She continues.

"Cheryl." Tries V but mum takes care of it.

"Cheryl, I went to school with your mother. She didn't know the differences between having money and having class either." Good job mum.

I smile widely which put a hurtful look on Cheryl face but I follow my mum, letting V with her friends.

At the exact same time, Archie, his father and Ms Grundy enter the restaurant. The hell? I look over to Jughead and we share a knowing look. But what I didn't except was for Betty to share it with us. She stands up and comes to Archie. Oh oh drama. Archie and Betty go outside and I look at my sister joining them, well this is fucked up.

They seem to argue big time but Ms Cooper arrives and picks Betty up.

A hour later, my mum finally ends her shift and I know she has some type of rendez-vous with a Serpent guy, something to do with a job my dad made them did. I watch her closely to make sure she is safe but I see Cheryl taking a picture of her and this man. Shit.

At school

I'm sitting in the student lounge talking with V and Kevin about the drive-in closing night, which I'll go with Reggie as bestfriends, when Cheryl arrives.

She starts talking about my mum and her desperate moves to keep having money. Then she tries to remind my sister her place in the social's hierarchy. This is making outraged but V stands up calmly and responds to her with class.

"Just know that I saw her talking to a Southside Serpent last night in the alley behind Pop's."

"Enough." I say standing up firmly.

"What? They seemed to have an extemely heated intimated discussion. See for yourself." She shows the picture (A/N: the picture in the description) she took last night and leaves.

Veronica turns to Kevin to ask him about the Serpents but I already know about them so I decide to follow Cheryl. It's time for a little talk. I follow her to the cheerleaders' locker room and close the door.

"Are you self-satisfied?" I harshly say.

"What? Didn't you know about this?" She teases.

"Enough." I hit the locker next to her face. "Who do you think you are? First the snarky remark at Pop's, now the picture, what is wrong with you?"

"Little Jadey is mad? Is it because I let you alone on the parking lot?" She playfully touches my neck with her nails.

"Don't touch me." I slap her hand. "You know what? I was nothing but supportive with you Blossom but if you want a war, you'll have it." I got closer to her ear. "But you are playing a dangerous game with me and you will never win" I whisper coldly making her shiver.

I exit the room to find Reggie. I need someone to help work out right now.

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