Love You, Daddy.

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Paul has arrived in Riverdale to train us for our statements during dad's hearing. Of course when he says he comes for us, he means he comes for V. I already know what to do, always humanise my daddy and never reference to his work. Easy.

When I wake up, I search for something I can wear and when I find it (A/N : your outfit), I'm going to take my breakfast. But on my way, I hear voices in the living room.

"Dad made his bed and I'm late to school." Finish Veronica.

My mum looks at her powerless.

"I've got this mum. Don't worry." I say to my mum ready to run after my sister. "Paul. Nice to see you."

"The pleasure is mine Miss Lodge." He says. "We need to talk about something later. I'll text you the details."

"Yes do that Paul, I have a teenage girl to reason."

I kiss my mum's cheek and leave.

I walk behind my sister trying to pick up her rhythm. Once I manage, I try to talk to her.

"V, come on. You know he needs this."

"Are you really going to testify on his behalf Jade? After all he has done to these poor people?" She is angry.

"Look I'm sorry for them, I truly am. But dad will always be our dad. He will always be the one who made us play in Central Park, he will always be the man who told us stories before we sleep, he'll always be the one who will fight the entire world just to see a smile on our face..."

She tears up.

"Please V. We're not talking about defending him and his work, we just have to tell them how much of a good dad he is. Can you do that? For me?"

I softly put my hands on her cheeks, drying a tear falling down, and makes her look at me.

"I need to think about it Jade. But thanks for being there every time." She whispers and hugs me.

"I'm the big sister, it's my duty to be there for you V." I kiss her forehead. "Now dry those tears and come with me. You've got a school to run." I wink and she laughs.

I go to my locker and Veronica goes to the student lounge. Reggie is looking at me weirdly.

"What's up with you tall and handsome guy?" I playfully say to my best friend.

"Chuck is back." He says.

"What the hell? How is it even possible?"

"His dad I think... but if he wants his spot in the team back, i might lose the captainship.." He sadly states.

"No no no because you're going to fight and to prove you're the best!" I motivate him.

"Yeah maybe you're right..."

"Maybe? I am right Reggie! I always am." I confidently say and he laughs. "That's a sound I like to hear!"

I hug him and we go to our class.

Just before lunch, a bullet rocket named Veronica Lodge is heading towards me in the hall.

"Did you know your little girlfriend's father is the reason why dad is in jail?" She whispers yell.

"What?" First time I don't know something she says.

"You didn't obviously... well Archie heard the Blossom talk and they orchestrated all of this. We need to prove it and to explain it to Pierre or whatever his name is." She says excitedly.

"Wait wait wait. Let me talk to Cheryl first please."

"Do that during the time I try to find evidence." She leaves quickly.

Holy shit that's not good. Not only for me because my girlfriend's dad might have put my father in jail but also if it's true, dad has a motive to want a revenge. Revenge that could imply Jason's death...

I decide to go find Cheryl, I spot her in the cafeteria and ask her to come with me. I lead her to the locker room and close the door.

"Well hello to you too beautiful" She seductively says.

"Sorry babe it's not the moment for that" I stop her.

"Well" She is upset... "What is it then?" She crosses her arms.

"Did your dad plan my dad arrestation?" I ask.

"Seriously now?" She chuckles in disbelief. "Did you cut my lunch time to ask me if my dad put yours in jail?" I nod. "I thought we were good again Jade but with that I'm not sure anymore." She tries to leave.

"No Cheryl answer me." I take her wrist gently. "I need to know babe."

"And I don't know, is he able to do so? Yes for sure but you perfectly know I'm not allowed in my family's business so don't ever come at me for something like this ever again!" She storms out.

Shit. I could have been more patient and subtle... but well at least she is not aware of her father's plan.

Later this afternoon I decide to look at the cheerleading practice and V wants to compete against Cheryl in a dance off.

"Why all the Lodge are annoying me today?" Sass Cheryl.

Ouch. Well I deserve that maybe but anyway let's move on. I need to go to my meeting with Paul now.

I arrive at the Pembrooke and Paul is already there. He hands me a letter written by my father.

Dear Jade,

I know it's hard for you to take care of everything but I'll be there soon enough to help you. Your choices are incredibly clever and thoughtful, I believe I have my next quest ready. Can't wait for you to hear about that.

Paul told me how great you are at keeping secrets so I think you should know that. I'll be harsh with your sister, she needs to understand how important family is and must come before anything else... she will try to make you feel like I'm the vilain when we both know your mother isn't better.

I hope I'll see you soon my golden right hand and precious princess.

Love you,


I close the letter conflicted between the love I have for my dad and the perspective of him hurting my sister's feeling.

Then Paul explains me how things will work if Veronica decides to testify on dad's behalf and I wish she will so our dad will be back.

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