Riverdale's Apocalypse

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"I need to warn Betty! She needs to know her dad is going to be more dangerous than ever." She says and calls Betty.

At the same time, my phone buzzes.

Baby Sist' 😇💫 : Crazy things are going on. Fangs has been shot by Midge's mother but the Serpents think it's Reggie. I warn Archie he is handling it but..... I found something in dad's study. I need you to come home now.

I wait for Cheryl to end her call with Betty but soon enough I see her talking with a very worried Jughead.

"Jug! Why are you doing here?! Ronnie told me about Fangs." I run to him.

"He's in the hospital but I've bad news. The Ghoulies are back and Penny Peabody too... and she kidnapped Toni." He says.

"Holy shit!" I sigh. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm going to rescue her, I know you have things to do handle with your family so go." Cheryl tells me.

"Be safe my love." I kiss her and drive to the Pembrooke.

Once I arrive I see Andre's body on the ground dead. Oh god. Ronnie. Mom.

I run to our house and I hear a door being destroyed. Dad's study. I take Penelope gun I have kept with me. I carefully walk to the room and hear Ronnie screaming.

I don't think twice and shot four times in the back of the man. Once he is down, I see mom and Ronnie scared looks on me.

"Why do I always have to do daddy's dirty work?!" I sigh looking at Small Fry body. "Told you not to mess with me big man."

We sit around the living room table and wait for dad to come home. When he does, he runs in here afraid he might have lose us, and indeed he did. I see it on mom's face, I see it in Ronnie's face but most importantly, I feel it in my heart.

"There is another dead body in the study." Mom says.

"This is your mess daddy, you clean it up." Ronnie continues.

"We're done with your shit." I finish looking at him straight in the eyes so used of this situation.

Dad calls the Sheriff Minetta and arranges everything then he comes back and apologizes but Ronnie cuts him off and tells him about the October Surprise she found.

"I realized something. There will always be another October surprise with you. And another. And another." She says. "But while Mom may volunteer to be your collateral damage... I won't."

"What did I always teach you? Never lose sight of the bigger picture." He tries.

"Someone taught me something more important. I have to use my brain. And using it showed me something, I'm not the one who's lost sight, Daddy."

Dad looks over to me and I smirk. That's my sister and she learned quickly. He leaves and my phone buzzes.

Incoming Call : Cheryl 😍💋

"You should come to the hospital right now. Jughead is not going well."

"What happened? Are you okay?" I say.

"I'm fine don't worry. We rescued Toni but then he came back to Peabody alone and all the Ghoulies destroyed him."

"Holy shit... we're coming." I say quickly and hang up.

"Ronnie, hurry up Betty will need you." I stand up and we leave the Pembrooke.

At the hospital

We arrive quickly but in the car Ronnie tells me Hal has been arrested because he is the Black Hood... Wow Betty was right... We enter the hospital hall and I search for Cheryl. When she sees me, she runs to me and starts crying in my arms.

"Babe?! Why are you crying? Is Jug...?" I ask worriedly.

"I'm fine but you didn't tell me you were in danger!" She hits my chest.

"What?" I whisper. "How do you even know about it?"

"Ronnie told me when you were driving! Why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

"What did you want me to say?! 'Hi babe I just killed someone but don't worry it was this fat Small Fry guy so it's okay. My dad is taking care of it like the good mobster he is'." I frown.

"No... of course no but you could have die..." She sobs.

"Mom and Ronnie could have die, he didn't even see me. Don't worry." She sighs at my stubbornness. "Anyway how is Jug?" I ask.

"He is holding on." She smiles a bit.

"Thank you guys, it means a lot for me that you're here but you should all get back home, I'll let you know if he wakes up." FP tells us.

I go to him and hug him firmly.

"Call me if you need anything FP. Don't stay alone tonight." I say to him.

"Don't worry Jade. I'm good, I'll watch my son and Betty is staying anyway." He responds.

"Perfect." I smile to him. "Good luck."

I turn to Cheryl and she extends her hand. I take her hand and we head to Thistlehouse where Sierra McCoy is waiting for us.

We discuss the emancipation terms and Cheryl signs the papers. Then she decides to go to the farm to give her mom the letter announcing the final decision. When she comes back, I tell her about Jug being awake. I thought it will be good news but she just looks scared.

"What is it?" I worriedly Ask.

"Your dad is here discussing business with my mom and uncle!"

"What? Now? After all that happened to mom tonight?" I wonder thinking of my poor mom afraid and alone at the Pembrooke.

"Why is he doing business with them anyway?!" She asks me suspiciously.


"Do you know something I don't?" She eyes me.

"Your mom wants to open a brothel in the Southside, using criminals as clients...." I say.

"She wants to be Madame Claude and you didn't tell me? Who is lying to who now Jade?!" She yells at me.

"Babe, it's not like that..." I sigh.

"Then what is it? I listen to you." She raises her eyebrow.

"I wanted to protect you. I know you will have try to stop her but then my dad will have come after you. It is just the same thing than when you wrote the article. I don't want you to be related to my dad in anyway..." I say honestly.


"Don't you see what he did to Archie and Reggie, to my mom, to Ronnie, even to me? He can hurt his own family for business so what do you think he will do with you?" I take her hand softly. "I just don't want him to hurt you okay?"

She nods and hugs me.

"I understand and I'm fine with it but next time just tell me 'babe I want to tell you something, my dad and your mom are doing business together nevertheless you have to stay away from it'." She says in a light voice.

"And you will be good with it?" I chuckle.

"No but at least you will have done your information job as the perfect girlfriend you are." She says making fun of me.

"You're something else Cheryl Blossom." I chuckle and kiss her.

We decide to go to bed and I have trouble to find some sleep. Tomorrow I will start something I won't be able to stop and it could have some major after effects.

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