Nothing Is Fine

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I lean in and a huge noise makes me step away from Toni. Just near us the door has opened and Moose exits the bar followed by Kevin and Archie. But FP is following them too. Holy shit that's bad for Jughead.

I know he never told Archie about his dad being a Serpent and even if I know it, I didn't say anything.

I look back at Toni who chuckles.

"Guess we have to do this another time Lodge, my break is over but thanks for passing by it's always a pleasure." She kisses my cheek and leaves.

I watch her walk to the bar and see Fred Andrews talking with FP. At least he is still a good friend...

I wait for them to finish their talk and go to FP but Archie decides to leave his dad's car before they end the convo so I join him.

"Archie! Wait! Please!" He stops and waits for me. "What happened?!"

"It's not them. But FP is a fucking Serpent and Jughead never told me!" He angrily spits.

"Why is it bad?" I ask.

"Jughead is protecting him, he should have say something back at Pop's when we were talking about how dangerous the Serpents are."

"Calm down Archie he maybe has a good reason." I try to reason him. "Where are you even going like that?"

"The baby shower."

I can't believe it. I just jump from a cool hook-up situation to a "face your ex and her bitchy mother" situation... I try to make him change his mind but nothing works. Before I know it, we arrive at the Pembrooke and Archie enters the room like nothing else matters. I stop walking and look at him assault Jughead during the gift ceremonial.

As I look at Polly playing with a horse Miss Blossom just gave her, my look crossed Cheryl's. She puts a fake smile on her face and asks Polly to come to Thornhill with them.

This is when things got heated. Alice and Penelope start to fight over Polly and it's not nice. Both are trying to beat the other and they are going deep into the secrets.

Results? Polly storms away saying Jason's death is because of the family's fight. Both Betty and Cheryl seem sorry but what makes my heart drop is the look on my mum's face. This baby shower is just another problem to face.

Later this week

Polly finally decided to go to Thornhill causing majors damages in her family.

The construction site started thanks to the Serpents and FP. I'm glad it's going better but I searched who was behind the attack and it was definitely my dad. Some guys told me they heard Montreal guys talking about it. The only person who has both people in Montreal and Riverdale is my father so he has to know about mum's affair. This is shitty.

And since bad news never comes alone... this week my father's attorney is coming to Riverdale because we need to do a statement for my dad's hearing. We all need to testify on his behalf.

The pressure is so thick lately... between the Blossom fighting for the land development, my dad finding out for my mum's affair and my strange relationship with Cheryl, I don't know what to do.

This morning at school, Cheryl tried to make me jealous by inviting Archie to her family's maple tree tapping ceremony. She told me about it when we were still together and she wanted me to go with her but things are changing.

As if it wasn't enough, Veronica came home today with an idea : confronting my mum about Ethel's dad situation. She thinks it's a great idea to invite her to diner once so we can make her feel better.

What my mum don't know obviously is that Ethel is a Muggs and that "the situation" in which her dad is, is all because of us.

I found out she was the daughter of one of the person who lost their jobs because of what dad did but Veronica doesn't know about it.

When V found out about Ethel's dad trying to kill himself, she was devastated and I had to tell her the truth. Despite everything she decided to go to the hospital to give flowers for Ethel's father.

So here I am all alone at the Pembrooke. Reggie is with a unknown girl trying to bang her, Mum is working in her office, V and Betty are the hospital so I don't know what to do.

Soon enough, the choice is made for me as I receive a text message.

Maybe Cheryl 😍💋 : we need to talk ASAP.

What happened again? Didn't she has this family's thing she invited Archie to? Anyway, she tells me to go to the Riverdale's park so we can meet.

Once I arrive, I spot her in a beautiful dress waiting on a bench. When she sees me, she stands up and walks to me. I see on her face she has been crying but why?

"What happened?" I ask gently.

"I... this party was hell, i hate them and I hate myself." She sobs. "They don't want me to run the company after dad, they consider Archie more than me and the dumb girl I am thought it was a good thing to try to kiss the poor guy."

What? Cheryl kissed Archie? The hell?

"But don't worry he didn't kiss me back. Why would he do something like that huh?" She sadly laughs. "Nobody loves me."

"Cheryl..." I try.

"No don't." She steps away from me. "You know what is worse? When I kissed him I only thought about you and how it didn't feel the same."

This is something I like to hear.

"Because yes, I'm not only the girl no one wants, but I'm also the only one who is foolish enough to fall in love with a Lodge!"

This time she walks to me.

"Cause yeah I know you've been flirting with this Serpent bitch, maybe you did more than that but still I can't stop falling in love with you so..." she pauses.

I look at her waiting for her to continue.

"This" She slaps me "is for winning our deal and hooking up with some Serpent bitches when we are not together, and this" She kisses me "is for being the only person who actually cares about me."

I smile even if she slapped me and I kiss her back. I'm happy she made the first step, she told me what I wanted to hear and it's enough for tonight.

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