Good Or Bad News

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I went home directly and I am now chilling on my bed watching some movies. The phone in the living room is ringing so I go to respond. Smithers tells me someone is here for me and I already know who it is. Cheryl.

Do I want to talk to her? No. Do I have to? Yes definitely.

I agree to let her come and tell Smithers to inform her I'll be in my bedroom. I go back there and watch my movie again.

After some time Cheryl is in the room. I ignore her hard. She tries to engage the conversation but I don't respond.

"So you're like that?" She asks. "You're going to stay here watching your movie and ignoring me when we should really talk about what just happened."

"That's the plan." I say coldly.

"Come on babe. Talk to me, I need us to talk it away."

"There is nothing to say."

"Oh yeah sure. Your sister and I just destroyed each other but we got nothing to talk about."

"You deserved what she said." I don't even look at her.

"And why that?" She asks knowing I'll talk to her.

"Maybe because you just say disgusting things about my family even if you deeply know I hate when someone is doing it."

"She made me angry."

"So what?" I glare at her. "It gives you the right to humiliate her in front of the entire school?" I yell at her.

"No, it's not..."

"Of course it's what you did Cheryl!" I cut her off. "You accused my sister and my family of the worst things when you do know how much it hurts me."

"I'm sorry.. I didn't think about your feelings Jade. I just saw her and her ways to put me down every time."

"You should have think of it before."

I sit on my bed and she comes to sit with me.

"We're not good at relationships..."

"You're the one who ruins everything every time." I look at her with a sad look.

"I.. I'm.. it's just..." she breathes loudly. "I'm just really scared. I feel so much things when I'm with you... you can hurt me in ways no one can... when you accused my dad at lunch, I felt an insane pain in my chest." She explains.

"Not because you thought my father could have something to do with it but because you did think I could be on his side..." she continues.

"I didn't Cheryl... I just.. the idea went so rapidly in my mind that I didn't think. I knew you weren't in this plan, I just didn't choose my words well."

"Now I know. I'm sorry for what I said to Veronica." She looks sad and it breaks my heart. "I'm so bad at love I only thought about revenge..."

"Apologize to her not to me babe." I caress her cheek softly. "We are really the worst couple when it comes to communicate aren't we?" I chuckle and she does too.

"Yeah that we are. Can we forget about today and just make up already?" She asks in a baby voice.

I laugh and kiss her sweetly which she reciprocates.

"So what is this movie about?" She says.

We start cuddling and spend the night like this.

Later that week

I'm hanging out with Ronnie in the living room when mum arrives smiling.

"Tell me you have some good news for once" plead V.

"I was with your father's attorney, our statements made a huge difference. The judge is willing to give your father a break." Explain mum.

A feeling of joy and pride makes its way in my heart. Dad is coming home. Mum and Ronnie start to talk but I don't really pay attention until Ronnie says something.

"Including maybe Jason Blossom."

"Stop it Veronica. There's no proof that your father had anything to do with that."

"Mum is right, we already talked about it V." I say.

"He's in jail because of the Blossoms! That gives him a motive." She continues.

"Veronica..." say mum walking to her. "You need to be supporting your father not demonizing him. Again. for things that you have no proof of."

"You should move on and be happy now V." I close the talk.

At school this day

I'm talking with Cheryl at my locker when Veronica comes to me.

"And you are still with her even if his father has something to do with dad being in jail?" Sass my sister.

"She is not her father Ronnie. Now stop it and let her alone."

"Sometimes I wonder on which side you are, hers or mine?" She didn't let me answer and goes to the Blue and Gold office.

"I'm sorry." Say Cheryl hugging me from behind.

The following day

Incoming call : Cheryl 😍💋

"Hey babe, what's up?" I say.

"Can you pick me up? Something is not normal." She seems worried.

"Sure. I'm coming."

I put some warm clothes on me (A/N : in the description) and leave.

Once I park in front of Thornhill, Cheryl comes quickly and asks me to leave this place as fast as I can. I drive to Pop's and she sits in a booth while I command our drinks. I wait for Pop's to give them to me and I join my girlfriend.

"So what is it baby?" I softly say.

"I found that in my mum's room..."

She gives me a ring.

"What is this?" I ask.

"My nana's ring.. the one Jason proposed to Polly with..."

"Why was it in your mum's room then? Shouldn't Polly have it?" I ask.

"That's the point... Jason had it with him when he died..." she looks scared.

"Holy shit... do you think...?"

"They totally could have killed him babe... what can I do?"

"First thing first, tell your parents you threw it away okay? Then get the fuck out of this crazy house. I mean it. Tonight we're going to prom together and then you're coming with me at the Pembrooke."

"I can't do that Jade... they are my family I have to stay with them plus I'm not sure about them killing Jay-Jay.." she says.

"As you want, but just know this is a genuine offer. Feel free to accept it whenever you need it."

I kiss her hand and she comes next to me for a cuddle.

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