No Pity For A Bitch

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(A/N : this is your outfit for the drive-in closing night.)

Reggie picks me up and we head to the drive-in closing night. I don't really want to go but it can be fun plus I have to meet with some Southside Serpents for my dad.

As we park, I spot Veronica in Kevin's car and smile at their cute friendship but soon enough, Cheryl comes and decides to stay with them. Doesn't she have friends or something?

Anyway, since Reggie has to prepare the trunk for us to be perfectly fine, I decide to quickly meet my Southside Serpent contact, Tall Boy. The man is not nice but he knows what he does so it's cool. I look around to see if anyone is watching and I give him what my dad gave me for him then I leave as soon as I can.

Once I'm back at Reggie's car, I see all is set and I just bring the final touch, pop corn. I sit next to my best friend and we start watching the movie.

When the Serpents start to do too much noise, I see Veronica standing up saying.

"You know what happens to a snake when a Louboutin heel steps on it? Shut the hell up or you'll find out."

She sits back and I laugh.

"She is something" chuckle Reggie.

"She is a Lodge" I say confidently.

"Oh shut up" I laugh and side hug me.

I put my head on his torso and look at the screen. He is the best thing in Riverdale.

That night

I come home and see V and mum talking about something pretty serious.

"Hey beautiful women, how was your night?" I ask sweetly.

"Not as good as yours" wink my mum.

"What?" I chuckle.

"Who is the handsome man you were cuddling at the movie?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Holy shit mum that's Reg. He is my best friend nothing more."

"Suuuure." She says.

"It's true mum, plus she is more into girls" I look at my sister pretty chocked. "Anyway, did you know mum was with a Serpent again?"

I shot a glare at my mother who can't do anything without being seen?

"Hm, no i didn't but why?" I try to sound surprised.

"Okay girls this is for you father." She breathes. "He wants to buy the drive-in but he needs the Serpents to crash it to buy it at a lower price." She explains even if I already know that.

"Just great..." I roll my eyes. "I don't even want to know what's up with dad. I'm out bitches" I stand up and kiss their cheeks before going to bed. "Good night!"

The next morning

"Guess who is soon to be named captain of the team?" Say Reggie happily.

"No shit! It's amazing Reg! I'm sure you will manage it." I hug him.

"I just need to beat Andrews and I'm good."

"Did he stop music?" I ask.

"I don't know but Grundy left so maybe he doesn't want to do it anymore." He thinks.

"Makes sense." We walk to class talking about something else.

We are going down the stairs when I hear Cheryl talking to my sister.

"Come to a sleepover I'm having"

What. The. Hell. I catch Veronica's eyes and frown.

"Fine. Sure. When?" She hesitates.


"The night before the memorial." Cheryl turns around sending me a fake smile. "I don't want to spend the night before I bury my brother alone."

I shake my head and walk pass V glaring at her. How dare she after all Cheryl is doing lately?

Later this day

"Jade? Jade? You're here?" Yell Veronica in the Pembrooke apartments.

"In my bedroom V." I yell back.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She softly sits on my bed.

"Homework. What about you?"

"Well I wanted to ask you something..." she nervously says.

"Go ahead."

"Are you mad at me? Because of the sleepover at Cheryl's?"

"No V, I'm not mad. I just don't understand, she isn't even your friend and you know me I've got no pity for a bitch."

"I know but look.. she lost her twin brother.. I don't even know how I will survive if you die one day so... I guess I don't want to be harsh on her." She explains and I have to admit she has a point.

"You're a good person lil sist'. I wish I was more like you sometimes." I go next to her and hug her.

"You should come to the memorial." She whispers.

"No, sorry but I won't. She doesn't need drama when she buries her brother." I say honestly.

"Do you want to talk about what happened between you both?"

"Nothing happened V." I return to my desk.

"Oh really? One day you're all over each other, flirting and complimenting each other and the next day you don't do anything but hating on each other... so what happened?"

I remain silent.

"Come on J, is it something you did in NY or is it something that happened after our playbook mission?" She tries.

"Nothing happened, end of the story."

"Just tell me, did she hurt you?"

"No, she didn't and she will not. I don't care about her." I lie.

"Well okay I feel better then. I don't want you to think I'm on her side or something." She stands up and hugs me from behind.

"Don't worry, have fun sweetheart." I kiss her cheek and she does the same.

"I love you J."

"I love you V."

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