Chapter 2: Welcome To Fnaf World

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Are you sure we aren't related? I mean. I got tons of cousins and brothers, to many to be exact. There's Toy Bonnie, Withered Bonnie, Spr-" "We're not related!" I exclaimed at once cutting of Bonnie. "Are you sure? We do look pretty similar if I do say so myself," he responded. "We aren't," I said again as we walked through this empty plains with nothing but a few trees that somewhat give life to these baron plains. "I'm sure of it." "Well we'll see what Fredbear has to say about that when he find him," said Bonnie. "Let me ask you something, is he the leader of you two?" I asked. "He sure is. He was the first one to wake up here," he responded. "Wake up here?" I asked. "Every animatronic wakes up here, yet they don't really have any memory of how they got here or what happened previously. The same goes for you. Though this time it is different for you," said Mangle chiming in on our conversation. "So, none of you know why you're here?" I asked. "Pretty much," responded Bonnie. "But haven't the both of you taken the time to consider and think about what your purpose is here? I mean what if the both of you are here for a reason?" I asked. "What kind of reason?" asked Mangle turning around to face me as we continued walking. "Something sinister to be here for, that's for sure," I responded. She kept her look locked onto me, almost questioning a thought that was overlooked to them. "Well, whatever that might be I'm sure it's nothing to serious, considering the things that roam this land I've heard about," she said looking back forward. "That's for sure, I've seen some real nasty stuff around these parts," said Bonnie. "Like?" I asked. "Oh, you don't want me go on a long talk about it! I'm sure it'll scare your suit off!" he exclaimed. "I just wish I didn't have to witness those things and be dragged with Mangle everywhere." "Hmm. Like I want that happening to me," I said crossing my arms. "Looks like we've arrived!" said Mangle stopping on a hill. Me and Bonnie walked next her to get a good view of what she was looking at. And even my slight feeling of being amazed still crawled it's way into my expression. From the view and looking down I could see a village, and many animatronics that owned that town. "C'mon! We don't want to keep Fredbear waiting," said Mangle walking down a path that led straight to village. "She's right, that guy is like a wizard or something," said Bonnie as we both walked down the path as well. "I wouldn't be surprised," I responded. "Especially from what I've been told so far."

I'll say for a village owned by animatronics, it wasn't half bad. The place seemed well managed and hospitable; it was something that reminded me of how my mother was. She always wanted our house extra clean to feel welcome to others, even it was just to make our home feel like it was treated with respect. But those teachings and lifestyle carry on with you when you get older, though even I seemed to break that code. As we walked past parts of the town I could recognize some animatronics like: Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica. I'll be honest I expected more animatronics here, considering this village could hold more residents than the people I've seen already. "This place seems kinda... empty," I pointed out my concern. "You're not the only one with that feeling. There isn't a lot of us from what we've gathered, but a majority of other animatronics have been sent. Though they've are either either corrupted or haven't returned from their own quest," responded Mangle. "What do you mean by corrupted?" I asked. "I think it's best that Fredbear explains that particular subject," she responded. As I turned around I could see Fredbear facing a house at the end, just standing there. We walked towards his direction, and as we approached him Mangle stopped as so did we while she cleared her throat to get his attention. "Fredbear, we found someone new." He turned around to face me as I was able to get a full perspective on him. He looked just like the others apart of this world, though that wasn't what concerned me. What did was discovering if he was aware of me remembering him, but it was clear that was false immediately. "Ah a new comer! It's been awhile since we had someone new here," he said. "His name is Springtrap, we found him up by 'Fazbear Hills' unconscious. Just like the others," said Mangle. "Though he seems to know me and Bonnie." "Hmm, that is a factor we haven't experienced ever. It may explain the recent events occurring that has affected him," said Fredbear. "Uh, that's sound bad," said Bonnie. "Indeed it is. JJ finally returned alive and well earlier, for the most part," he responded. "She did? What delayed here from returning for the past few days?" asked Mangle. "Unfortunately, we discovered a dark threat is consuming our friends and this world. Something may have tampered with 'The Flipside'," said Fredbear. "Flipside? What the #$%& is that?" I asked. "It's best I explain later, but I believe these new strange creatures roaming this world came from that place... Ones that are reminiscent to us," he said. "Creatures! But what do they want from us?" asked Bonnie. "Their intentions are unclear but it's obvious they want to inflict harm towards is. What way they intend to use is yet to be seen," Fredbear explained. "What about the other scouts? Have they returned?" asked Mangle. "Unfortunately not. JJ is the only one to have returned as of now, though I hold hope the rest will return in time. Or you will find them yourselves," he answered. "Which is why I ask you three to take part on a dangerous quest. We need to travel to the depths of this world to find the cause of this arising threat. Once then we'll stage an effort to eliminate the problem with the others," he explained. "Um? Why send us? Can't y'all just send Freddy and the others to accept that task? This is the tenth time this week we've been sent out on patrol," asked Bonnie nervous. "This is not your ordinary patrol mission, merely a quest. Besides, we need the others to exploit any threats in the other parts of our world. I know it is a dangerous mission, maybe even suicidal to some of you... Or most of you," he said. "But if this threat is not stopped then I fear the world will only succumb to a new order, one I doubt we'll have no choice to take part in." "I'm in," said Mangle. "I guess I am. Just because I don't want to be a slave to some robot overload... I'm not pertaining to us by the way," said Bonnie. Everyone then turned to me, expecting an answer to receive in return and see if I would involve myself as well. "Well?" asked Bonnie. "Why are you asking me? I don't know any of you, and I don't want to be apart of this! I want to return home!" I explained expressing my concern. "But you are home at Fnaf World," said Bonnie. "Why name it that?" I asked. "I don't know, ask Fredbear," he responded looking at Fredbear. "Can you both give us a moment?" asked Fredbear. "Sure thing," responded Mangle and Bonnie as they both walked away, while I watched them knowing my acquaintances were replaced my another. "So what do want? All I'm surround by is strangers," I said not looking at him. However I noticed everything around was going black, but not my vision. "Perhaps not," said Fredbear. I turned around, only to realize I was staring at a pixelated version of him now. "Maybe there are still friends lurking at every blind spot."

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