Chapter 69: A Calling Of The Lost

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Michael Afton's P.O.V


Night 3

"Dad, you better answer," I said stepping in the elevator while I pressed the button to go down. "Hello?" said Dad in response on the other line. "Dad! Where the hell have you been for the last day!?" I exclaimed. "Attending business, as usual. I am well aware of your desperate callings to reach contact with me. Henry informed me about one of your experiences last night," he said. "That's why I've been eager to inform you of what else happened. That Circus Baby animatronic spoke to me and helped me. I mean it speak in full sentences, like it was alive. Not like the other animatronics who have little words and certain phrases programmed in them," I said. "Hmm. This does complicate things then. It is a possibility she is alive somehow," he responded. "That's not all. I got attacked by some tiny creatures, Ballora was roaming around, and Funtime Freddy was acting hostile," I explained. "Are you related to these occurrences?" "You know I wouldn't want you wasted so easily. I need you. I will looks into these events when you finish your tasks for tonight," he responded. "This Circus Baby however intrigues me the most." "I know. She helped me of get past Ballora and she knew what Hand Unit was going to tell me before he came back online," I said. "By the way. Hand Unit mentioned a dead body was found in the vents. I suppose you were going to tell me that sooner." "Indeed I was. Apparently, during the weekend a homeless person somehow got in the place and was found dead. He also made holes in one of the covers to hide himself with," said Dad on the other line. "No evidence of how he was killed." "Yeah. Baby knew of the cover and it saved my life. She mentioned the same outcome for him because of it. Excluding him being found dead regardless," I responded. "This will be taken into thought and will go unnoticed. Someone, or something is trying to interfere with our plans," responded Dad. "I will inform you later on when I discover the source of these problems. And one more thing. Don't trust Circus Baby. We both are unaware if she is trying to deceive you. Or further more, using you for her own benefits." He hung up as I put my phone away, as I waited for Hand Unit to acknowledge himself to me. "Welcome back to another pivotal night of your thriving new career, where you get to really ask yourself, 'What am I doing with my life?' 'What would my friends say?' ...And most importantly, 'Will I ever see my family again?'" said Hand Unit. "What the hell is wrong with Hand Unit?" I asked myself. "We understand the stresses of a new job, and we're here for you. To help you reach a more stable and relaxing frame of mind, we offer several musical selections to help make this elevator ride as relaxing and therapeutic as possible. We offer contemporary jazz, classical, rainforest, ambiance, as well as a wide selection of other choices," he continued. The keypad opened up on the side of the elevator as I turned and walked over to it. "Using the keypad below, please type the first few letters of the musical selection you would prefer." "Alright. Maybe this time it can work and I could listen to some rock," I said hitting the button for the later R. Right away, my meter of hope was drained to the screen flashing "error" on it. "It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you," he responded. "Thank you for selecting... Casual Bongos." The sound of bongos started to play on the speaker; at least it was something soothing to hear for once. "Now that your elevator experience has been customized to your needs, and you're thoroughly relaxed, it's worth mentioning that due to your lackluster performance yesterday, your pay has been decreased by a substantial amount. Please enjoy the rest of your descent," said Hand Unit. "This thing should just be terminated permanently," I said as the casual bongos still played over the speakers. The elevator stopped finally at it's destination, as I pressed the button for the doors. The elevators doors slid opened as I walked out, as well as getting on the ground to crawl through the small and confined vent. "Due to unforeseen malfunctions from today's shows, your nightly duties will require you to perform maintenance that you may or may not be skilled enough to perform. It became necessary for technicians to attempt to disconnect Funtime Freddy's power module. However, they were unsuccessful. Allowing them to try again would be an inefficient path forward, as we would need to allow six to eight weeks of recovery and physical therapy," said Hand Unit as I crawled through the vent. "Guess Jim and Jerry are incapable in some areas of their duties," I said getting back up from under the vent and into the main room. "You will need to reach the Parts and Service Room on the other side of Funtime Auditorium to preform the procedure yourself," said Hand Unit. "Let's check on Ballora first, and make sure she's on her stage." I pressed the button for the light as it I had a clear view now of her stage. Only to see Ballora in parts hanging by wires, almost like a dismembered body. "What the fuck," I said in response. "Great. It looks like everything is as it should be at Ballora Gallery," said Hand Unit in response. "He's still functioning poorly," I said to myself. "Let's check on Funtime Foxy. It's important to make sure she's on her stage before entering," said Hand Unit. I walked over to the panel for her stage as I pressed the button for her light, revealing nothing but an empty stage again. "Great, it looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium," said Hand Unit. "For you, of course," I said to myself. "There is no need to check on Baby tonight. Please refrain from entering unauthorized areas. Proceed directly to Funtime Auditorium," continued Hand Unit.  Even though his statement was clear, it seemed fate wanted me to meet Baby again. The vent for her room opened, nothing else but that. "There's no reason to keep me from getting to her. Hand Unit knows I talked to her, no one else does," I said. "Though he could be testing me to see if I'll go and see her. I have to know why she is helping me. Why she acts as if she's a human." I got on the ground as I crawled through the vent, walking into the territory of the unknown. As I crawled through there was no indication of me passing the sensors, as there was no female voice to acknowledge my presence. "Nothing from that defense system. Feels planned. Though I got nothing to lose anyway," I said as I got out of the vent and into the room. I looked around, hoping for any signs of Baby to be apparent. The room was still dark and dim; guess the room's power was shut down since it had no use for tonight. "Did you know that I was on stage once?" said Baby's voice out of nowhere. "It wasn't for very long. Only one day... What a wonderful day, though. I was in a small room with balloons and a few tables. No one sat at the tables, though. But children would run in and out. Some were afraid of me. Others enjoyed my songs. Music was always coming from somewhere else. Down a hall." 'She describing Circus Baby's Pizza World. And she remembers it clearly,' I thought listening to her. "I would always count the children. I'm not sure why. I was always acutely aware of how many there were in the room with me. Two, then three, then two, then three, then four, then two. Then none. They usually played together in groups of two or three. I was covered in glitter. I smelled like birthday cake. There were two, then three, then five, then four. I can do something special. Did you know that? I can make ice cream. Although I only did it once..." continued Baby. "There were four, then three, then two. Then one. Something happened when there was one. A little girl, standing by herself. I was no longer... myself. And I stopped singing. My stomach opened, and there was ice cream. I couldn't move, at least, not until she stepped closer. There was screaming for a moment, but only for a moment. Then other children rushed in again, but they couldn't hear her over the sounds of their own excitement. I still hear her sometimes. Why did that happen?" All her words were enough to create a vivid picture of what happened to Elizabeth, because of me. "I... I sometimes still hear her voice at night. The last bitterness of joy before it depletes and goes away. Something I've began to lose slowly," I said looking down. There was moment of silence, one I thought because of Baby. "You knew her." I looked up to her voice; I could see two green eyes on the other side of the window. "Yes. I was her brother. I was at the pizzeria you were stationed at before... well. You know the outcome well enough," I responded. "Curious. What was her name?" asked Baby. "Elizabeth," I responded. "What a sweet name for such a girl like her. For someone as innocent as her," responded Baby. "But why come here? You seek something. Why else would someone work at a place that stores forgotten memories?" "It isn't so forgotten as you presume. I don't really have a choice in this. My father made me this way. He forces me to work beside him for unspeakable things. I killed a child at our first location for his own entertainment," I responded. "My dad is the reason why Elizabeth was slain in your name." "He was the owner of my location. Wasn't he?" asked Baby. "Yes. He and his associate, Henry, both run Fazbear Entertainment, as well as Freddy Fazbear's Pizza," I responded. "He's the reason I'm drawn here to stay and continue, partly you as well. You're something else. You talk properly, act almost human. You're different." "I ask myself the same question. How I live the way I do. I feel as though it is the remaining spirit of Elizabeth that gives me life. Almost as if we're... connected," she responded. "Perhaps I could help you. And this time not be succumb to the true state of us robots. Control." Suddenly, she peered her eyes up then back down, almost as if she knew something was wrong. "We're not safe anymore. Your guide is on to us. Continue with your tasks and we will meet again, and your questions will be answered," she responded. "Don't trust anyone. Not unless you know their true personality. Their true self." Her eyes disappeared as there was nothing now but me and the silence that was there to only be present, not chat. "What she said. Did Elizabeth survive in a way? Did she become one with Circus Baby?" I asked myself. I turned to look at the vent as I walked over to it. I got on my hands and knees as I crawled through the vent. 'If I could earn Baby's trust and work with her, there may be a chance to repel Dad's strength that triumphs over me and escape his grasps for good. If I could trust her though,' I thought. "Motion Trigger: Circus Gallery Vent," said the female computer defense system. 'The defense system is active again. Who knows how much he heard from me and Baby. If he tells Dad or if he finds out... Dammit! I gotta do something about that if it comes down to that,' I thought. I got out of the vent as I noticed the vent door for 'Funtime Auditorium' was open now. I noticed laying near the vent was a flash beacon as I picked it up. "All I have to do now is hope I'm safe. That's something I live on to keep me going through everything," I said as I got on the ground and crawled through the vent. "Funtime Auditorium Maintenance Vent opened," said the defense system. The room was complete pitch black, so dark I could even see myself or any signs of my presence. "Unlike Ballora, Funtime Foxy is motion activated. For this reason, it's important to keep the room dark, as to not accidentally activate her. You have been provided with a flash beacon. Use it if you need to get your bearings, and to ensure you don't bump into anything. However, use it as sparingly as possible," said Hand Unit. "Thanks, but I got my own personal source of light," I responded reaching for my right pocket. Suddenly, I felt both sides of my pockets, only to feel the flat empty clothing of it with nothing in them. "Dammit! I knew I left my flashlight in the car before I left to go down here!" I exclaimed. "Fine. Have it your way, Hand Unit." I hit the the button for the flash beacon as there was about a second of the light to reveal my surroundings. The door for the maintenance room was all across the room, and I had no idea how long it would take to cross this uncharted territory. Especially with Funtime Foxy claiming this room as her own. "Alright. I just gotta take it slow," I said as I walked slowly. I went at a slow pace, only because I had limited knowledge of my bearings, and considering my source of vision was only momentarily when activated. I felt I was walking blindly to my doom, just as Hand Unit intended. He wanted me to perish, or someone else did. I stopped walking to the sound of something moving to my right, most likely Funtime Foxy. I waited with fear, hoping this creature of the night would continue it's search for what it craved. Life to consume. I heard the sounds of something move in front of me and to the left, away from my path to freedom. I continued to walk slowly as I used the flash beacon to show the progress I had made. From the one and only second of light given, I could see the door was still further away from me. Just as my hope to survive this. 'Just keep going. Listen for any movement,' I thought as I continued walking slowly. All I did was listen for anything, even one rustle or something touching the floor covered in marks of the ones we call the future. The animatronics future. Their future. As I was walking I decided to activate the flash beacon to see the progress I had made, as it illuminated the path now clear as a sunny day. I was more than half way there, close was the appropriate term to use with conviction. Though in that time of the light being shown, the enemy hiding also had been exploited from the temporary use of its mask known as the darkness. From the second the light gave I could see the face of Funtime Foxy that was hidden, including it's look of hunger that had not been treated properly. I quickly turned back as I started to walk a little faster that was now caused by the fear that was driving me. I was tempted to activate my flash beacon, just to see how close I was. Though that would be me asking to be Funtime Foxy's chew toy. I was halted by the sound of something in front of me as I stood still, and at the same time trying to minimize the sound of me breathing. I could feel the presence of Funtime Foxy walk in front of me, so close I would probably be touched my the metal she was made out of. I could feel her close enough to towering over me, close enough to easily do whatever she pleased right there without me knowing. Without me knowing how my own fate was sealed. Finally I felt the presence leave me be, without even knowing I was easily accessible to obtain, as I could hear Funtime Foxy walk away now. I waited for about a minute, just to make sure she had really left. I finally forced myself to walk forward as I activated my flash beacon. I was about four feet away from the door as I increased the pace I was going at. I stuck my right hand out, just to feel the door to ensure I didn't bump into it. I walked slowly now as my right hand touched the cold metal door that only was an entrance to more doom. I moved my hand across the door as I managed to find the handle, opening it and quickly getting it inside. "Motion trigger: Parts and Service," spoke the defense system as I walked in and closed the door behind me. The one and light above was very dim, yet it still provided enough light to see Funtime Freddy sitting alone deactivated. A relief very much welcomed. "Great job reaching 'Parts and Service.' It seems that Funtime Freddy is out of power, which should make your job easier," said Hand Unit. "The release switch for the chest cavity is located on the underside of the endo-skeleton jaw. To reach it, we will first need to open the faceplates. You will need to press the faceplate release triggers in a specific order, and it's important to be as precise, and as careful, as possible. Locate the small button on Freddy's face, just under his right cheek, and press it. I moved my hand as I was about to press the small button under his cheek, until I stopped myself. "Wait! What if he means Freddy's right side? Not my right," I asked myself. I moved my hand to the left of me as I went to press the button under his cheek, as I pressed it without hesitation. "Great. Now locate the button under his left cheek, and press it," said Hand Unit in response. I moved my hand to my right side as I pressed the button, while it pushed in once it made contact with my finger. "Great. Now carefully locate and press the button next to Freddy's right eye," said Hand Unit in response. I looked around his right eye to my left as I noticed a button next to his eye, as I pressed it. "Great! Now carefully locate and press the button just above Freddy's nose," commanded Hand Unit. I noticed it above his nose I pressed it, and only in return all I got was a way to further more stir my fear into something to profoundly drink. His faceplates opened along with making a large noise, as I jumped back in fear. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed now breathing heavily and while holding my hand against my chest to feel my pacing heart and moving blood. "Good job. The faceplates should now be open. Locate and press the small button on the underside of Funtime Freddy's endo-skeleton jaw," commanded Hand Unit. I finally calmed down after a minute as I looked underneath Freddy's jaw to find the button. After a moment I found it under his jaw to the left, as his chest opened which caught me off guard again. Only this time, I jumped a little. "My god," I said as I wiped my hand on my face in frustration. "Excellent. The chest cavity should now be open. Remove the power module from the chest cavity," said Hand Unit. The power module was on his chest as I grabbed it and held it to examine it. "Great work. You will now be required to remove the secondary power module from the Bonnie hand puppet. Press the large black button beneath Bonnie's bow tie to release the power module," instructed Hand Unit. However, I wasn't really listening to him, as I was focused on the design of the power module. It was in the shape of a cylinder and it had a tiny red light on the front of it. To me, this didn't look like something that would belong in an animatronic. "This could be something. I don't remember this being manufactured with any of the animatronics," I said as I put it in my pocket as I turned to Bon Bon. "Let's hope Dad won't find out I bo-" I stopped to see the empty spot on Funtime Freddy's right hand and the missing Bon Bon, as I looked all around Funtime Freddy. "What the hell! It's moves on it's own?!" I exclaimed. Right after I had said that, I heard a giggle to the right of me as I turned to see Bon Bon for a split second peering his head behind the conveyor belt. As soon as I peered at him, he saw me while he ducked down as I ran towards the spot, only to find nothing behind it. "Son of a bitch!" I said exclaimed softly while looking around aimlessly. I walked back over to Freddy as I could see at the corner of my eye Bon Bon slowly peering his head and body over Freddy's right arm to the left of me. 'He thinks I don't notice him. If he get's his body up enough to where I can press the black button Hand Unit, I can quickly press it before he escapes... Or worse,' I thought. I pretended I was looking around still around to my right as Bon Bon continued to peak higher up. 'C'mon. Just a little more,' I thought. As soon as his black button came into the limited sight I had of him I quickly turned around and press the button. He stopped moving as the power module ejected out of his button and onto the ground. "Great job. You've acquired both power modules. This completes your tasks for the night. Please exit the building through Funtime Auditorium, and we'll see you back here again tomorrow," said Hand Unit. "Thank god," I said to myself as I picked up Bon Bon's power module and set on the conveyor belt. "Dad needs to explain this. Something else is going on here." I walked over to the door as I opened it, getting ready to walk back through the darkness. I closed the door behind me, as I grabbed the flash beacon out of my left pocket. 'I just gotta get out of this room and I'm free to leave,' I thought as I walked slowly. I activated my flash beacon as I looked around; there was no sign of Foxy, not even any sounds of movement besides mine. I wasn't sure if she was still active, though I still kept caution with me. I walked slowly as I listened for any signs of Foxy. Anything at least. A stopped suddenly to the sound of something to my right, something listening as well the darkness offered to her. No sight, only movement. Wandering prey to feed off of. Finally, I heard the sounds return, only they retreated away from my direction as I continued to walk forward after a moment. 'Ok. You're close. There's nothing to fear,' I thought trying to calm myself. But even I should've known not to underestimate fear. As soon as I press the button to activate the flash beacon and the room lit up because of it, I was greeted with the face of Funtime Foxy as she jumped in my face and exposed her face plates. Being the last thing I remembered before darkness fully consumed me now, including the mechanical face she had exposed and bared to show. They wished only to rejuvenate themselves from the life they and I shared together that was forced upon us. The mechanical instinct of their true nature. Their true self. Lifeless robots programmed and commanded to follow one order. 

To take our place. 

To be like us. 

To be like my father. 

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