Chapter 50: Hubba It's Bubba!

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Now that the tension has been settled, it's best we continue this journey," said Fredbear. "Right..." I said shaking off that weird thought in my head a moment ago. "Wait! Where's Shadow Freddy?" "He stayed behind over where Bonnie was when I went to him," responded Fredbear. The both of us turned to Bonnie, not needing for him to process what we wanted. "He said he would return shortly," said Bonnie. "It's hard to estimate on an assumption," said a voice near us. We all turned to see Shadow Freddy walking over to us. "I think I found something you've been looking for ever since you've been here. Come with me." I looked over at Mangle and Bonnie before walking past Shadow Freddy as he followed behind me. We turned a corner as I could a clock on the wall, the final thing that would lead me one step closer to defeating the Purple Guy in me. "Huh? Never noticed that, huh Bonnie?" asked Springbonnie. "How do you even know about that task Fredbear assigned me with?" I asked Shadow Freddy. "I think it's best to get caught up on the time away later. For now, you have something to get finished. Or at least get started," he responded. "Can't wait for another #$%&#$ puzzle," I said as I walked in the wall. "Thank god it'll be the last one."

"Feels like this place just ran out of ideas during this point in time," I said looking around. In front of me was a bunny and a box inches away from it. "May as well get this over with," I said walking over to it while noticing I had seven seconds left as I grabbed the bunny as pushed it over slowly. "Damn! This thing sure is heavy!" I huffed pushing it in the box. Finally I got it in as I looked at the time, showing I had three seconds left. "That's probably the most I've workedout besides sitting arounf for the past thirty years," I said. "But it was all for something. Now the Purple Guy in me will be vulnerable. I'll finally be able to defeat him."

"So, that's the last of the clocks?" asked Mangle as I walked out of wall. "Well Fredbear? Is it?" I asked turning to look at him. "Yes. He will be vulnerable now. But that doesn't mean he's defeated," he responded. "Well. Now we can push on and find the exit to this place. The tent nearby hasn't been explored so it might be the path out of here," said Mangle. "Better be. I'm tired of these places crawling with death," said Bonnie. "Get the group over here. Tell them we're continuing on and to meet us at the tent nearby," said Mangle. Bonnie nodded as he walked over to the others, while we walked over to the tent. "Glad you're here to make it feel like old times," I said to Shadow Freddy. "Just wish Funtime Freddy and his friends were here to make us feel valuable again." "If we survived, then no doubt they'll live in their own way," said Shadow Freddy patting my back. "They're going to be the first people I'll find when we escape from here," I responded. "Hey! I would like to meet your friends," said Springbonnie coming from behind us and resting both of her arms around me and Shadow Freddy's shoulder. "I see you have a tendency of making... unusual friends," said Shadow Freddy. "That the trait I have here," I responded. "A-Are we leaving again?" asked RXQ. "Yes? Is that a problem?" asked Mangle. "I-It's just I don't like this place," he responded. "How the #$%& did you befriend the same person who killed you?" I asked Shadow Freddy. "It's different when you befriend the same person, and yet they're a different version of them," responded Shadow Freddy. "Shadow Freddy. I-It's good to see you still alive," said RXQ. "I could say the same over and over to him," I added in. "Alright! Let's move. I don't want our enemies to take an extra step to exceed victory," said Mangle as she walked in the tent as we all followed behind. "Relax RXQ. There's no need to fear death. Here it is nonexistent. But don't think of it as a gift, think of it was a way test you how many times you'll relive the same mistakes and use it to cheat demise," said Shadow Freddy. "Tell that to the people here who have that stupid Gift Box thing," I said as the three of us walked through the tent. "Whoever thought this place had to rip off everything that was apart of me and not put my damn name somewhere," I said. "Shhhhhh! said Mangle shushing me. "What?" I asked softly. She pointed ahead as I turned to see something at the end of the hallway, it was a white version of a bunny model. "Looks like it's a White Rabbit. Basically the cousin I never asked for," said Springbonnie back. "Hey bro. We never did ask for him," said Toy Bonnie softly back. "I'll give him my formal greetings. Anyone wanna do the same?" said Springbonnie softly. "No! He doesn't notice us. Let him continue to do what he's doing," said Mangle as she turned back around ahead. After about a moment of watching White Rabbit, he walked away as he went into one of the tents in front of him. "See? Rushing into battle isn't just one way to approach a situation," said Mangle as she walked now in front of us now finally speaking at a balanced tone. "Yeah. Though that's one less tent we have to explore, which for all we know could be the way out of here," I said. "We got one to the right. You can thank me later if we get out of here because of that decision," responded Mangle. "Fine by me," I responded. We all walked towards the other purple tent to the right of us, hoping to find our continues journey. "Now that I think about it bros. You think we'll find something when we get to the exit? Like a guardian?" asked Toy Bonnie. "Ya Springbonnie. Every time we reach the glitched object there's some giant creature that tries to destroy us," said Bonnie as we walked through the tent. "Oh ya! I forgot there is one here. And he's right there" said Springbonnie. We all turned to see a giant bear towering over us; looking famished on ripping some bolts in half. "That's Bubba. He's one that likes to pounce on everyone," said Springbonnie. "Um. Isn't that every one of these things we fight off against?" asked Bonnie. "Yeah, but he likes to rip animatronics in half," she responded. "No apology I'm writing today," I said to Mangle. "Everyone scatter!" exclaimed Mangle as everyone ran in different directions. "God dammit! These things we encounter seem to be more aggressive than each previous one!" I exclaimed. "A plan would help, if you have one bro!" exclaimed Toy Bonnie running beside me. "Someone needs to bait it! Once we have it distracted we'll be able to catch it off guard!" exclaimed Mangle across the room. "That's if you want it to make another half of you!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "How about you take the risk and be the bait?!" exclaimed Bonnie. "#$%& no!" I exclaimed back. "What happened to having your loyalty to the team bro?" asked Toy Bonnie as we hid behind a wall. "Yeah. I didn't pledge myself to be that things toy," I responded. "Don't you want to earn his trust back though bro?" he asked. I let my head fall down; he was right, this was a promise I intended to keep. "Fine. But only because I made a promise," I said back turning my head to look at him. "Just make sure Golden Freddy or RXQ has a Gift Box ready for me." "Will do bro," he responded as I peaked my head over the corner. "Mangle! I'll be the bait! Make sure you have us a Gift Box in case that thing rips our bodies from our legs!" I exclaimed. "Alright! Whenever you're ready!" she called back. "Who the hell would ever be ready for this," I said. I darted from the corner as I ran near Bubba. "I wonder how pissed this thing will be if I outrun him? Well, I'm about to find out when I antagonize him," I said to myself. "Hey chubby! You remind me of Yogi Bear!" Bubba quickly turned around as he charged at me in an instant. He did sure ran as fast as a normal bear. "What the #$%&! This guy is too fast!" I exclaimed running as he chased me down of one the hallways. "Springtrap! You're supposed to lead him to us!" called out Bonnie. "How can I when he's chasing me to hell!" I called back as he grabbed me. "Oh son of a bitch!" I exclaimed as he grabbed my legs and pulled super hard. In an instant, they were disconnected while pulling my head off as well. My vision flashed and in a instant I was on the ground and to see the others fighting Bubba while Mangle and Shadow Freddy were beside me. "You good?" asked Shadow Freddy. "Ugh! Yeah. This is why I didn't want to do this," I said getting up while groaning. "We got Bubba under fire, but we'll need everyone contributing to do enough damage towards him," said Mangle. "Fine. Let's just end this quick. That thing has a bad tendency of brutally destroying his victims. The three of us ran towards the others as I used Springlocks on Bubba, Mangle used Hook on him, and Shadow Freddy used Waterhose; inflicting all the damage we could. "Hey Shadow Freddy! How about using Esc Key as a lucky chance of success?" asked Bonnie. "It's not guaranteed," I responded using Rainy Day on Bubba. "Well another better way to get us out of this fight that'll be quicker than our demise if we don't end him," responded Bonnie using Happy Jam on Bubba. "Fine. Go for it," I said to Shadow Freddy. He turned back ahead to Bubba as he summoned Esc Key on him. Only that chance wanted to stay in it's nest rather than go into effect. Bubba was still standing, ready to pounce on one of us. "Things based on chance are ineffective to use! That's why I don't bother to have anyone use it anymore!" I exclaimed. Bubba suddenly slammed his hand on Shadow Freddy, destroying him instantly. A moment later Shadow Freddy reappeared good as new. "Just like dying. Don't forget," he said acting like that event never happened. "Then we're going to have to do it the normal way. Throw every attack at him to cripple his way of retaliating," said Mangle. "Golden Freddy! Give him a stun with Haunting! RXQ give us a Mimic Ball to double the effect of our attacks!" commanded Mangle. "W-What of it doesn't work?" asked RXQ. "Then it was an honor serving with all of you," she said. "Wait! We might die?!" exclaimed RXQ. "Oh well! Knew it would happened eventually," said Springbonnie. "Shut up RXQ! Just get those attacks already and maybe I won't try to shut you up personally!" I exclaimed. He and Golden Freddy both summoned their attacks as RXQ's Haunting hit Bubba. "Give him back his own brutality!" exclaimed Mangle as we all used our attacks on him. Just the reoccurring and repeating sounds of our attacks made me feel like we were in a war. Maybe similar to World War I or World War II. This whole conflict was a war. And I was the cause of it. Bubba pushed BonnieGolden Freddy, and Toy Bonnie as he went for the rest of us. "He's pushing us. Our support and effects on him is diminishing," said Fredbear as we all walked backwards. "Use everything on him! We're not falling like this!" I exclaimed using every attack on him. Even still he seemed to be impervious to our attacks; he was just a vest that could block any bullet. You would have to aim for the head and hit twice to defeat him. "Die already! Just die!" I yelled as all of us used every attack to prove ourselves to be valiant protectors of our world and the evil attempting to sprinkle it's dust of evil to transform into an abomination. Suddenly, I could feel something in me growing. The untamed creature that had tamed itself had given itself control. The one thing it should never have. Because that's all it wants. "Control is power. And that is something I can have to be complete," I said as my eyes were purple again. As soon as Bubba was in arms reach of us, a huge beam came out of me and disintegrated him into dust. And all I could do was be mortified from the remains of his ashes. I stared at my hands of the transformation of an overlord. And my hands that belonged to a god. I looked at my hands as they shook uncontrollably, showing the decency left in me. Everyone looked at me in shock, though it was fear in their eyes driven by me. "What am I becoming?" I asked myself looking at my hands. My continuing thoughts into fantasy were interrupted and halted as I turned to see a White Rabbit watching us. And to my surprise it was the same one from earlier. "God! These things won't stop coming!" I said softly to myself. "I can't let myself show others or my enemies I am a god who cares little about them except how they perish. I have to attempt this in a civilized manner. Just to remind myself I'm still me."

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