Chapter 42: A Friend Always In Mind

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"I swear on my one good eye, that I could've easily taken care of Phantom Balloon Boy!" exclaimed Foxy. "Hi," said Phantom Balloon Boy as he got up now. "Hey! Does that mean I get to take his place?" asked Springbonnie. "Most certainly not. It is necessary to still have him for later on," said Fredbear. "For now, their job is done here." "Hey! What rusting thing are you trying to spit out here?" asked Plushtrap. "I think it's best you, Nightmare Foxy, Foxy, Phantom Balloon Boy, Toy Freddy, and RXQ head back to the town for now. This is our journey, not any of yours. But our fight is approaching sooner than time itself," said Fredbear. "B-But we can't leave yet! I need to find my brother!" exclaimed RXQ. "Of course he does," I said aloud. "Who's your brother?" asked Bonnie. "Shadow Freddy," he responded. "What! He's here!" I exclaimed suddenly. It probably didn't help my out burst brought upon the stares that grasped my gaze with their own fingers to keep them locked. But I honestly was glad that name still existed to some, just not the type of people who would use his name the way RXQ did. However it was probably best to take into consideration how mild people were by being discombobulated by me. I could also tell just by Fredbear raising his eyebrow, he was trying to tell me how to get myself out of this one. "How do you know him?" asked Bonnie. "Let's just say we may have met once," I responded. "Is he a friend? Because if he ain't he's glitched most likely," said Springbonnie. "He's still one of us. It's best we focus on finding Toy Bonnie first, then try to find Shadow Freddy if we run into him at some point. Where was his last location?" said Fredbear. "Near the funhouse, I think," responded RXQ. "That cuts down the list of things of where we gotta go," said Springbonnie. "Still, it's best to get the others back to the town," said Mangle. "Why do you gotta do this to me sister? I don't need to haul back a package of animatronics to town. I don't even need to go back anyways," said Foxy. "Me and Nightmare Foxy don't need to go either," said Plushtrap walking on front of Foxy with Nightmare Foxy. "We're not heading back with you them." "What! What happened to joining us!?" exclaimed Foxy. "This was temporary tron. Besides, we're not cut out to be with you people. At least not yet," responded Plushtrap. "So, you're going to leave like that? Not even bother to take on an offer to stop a new age?" I asked. "You think I'm that dysfunctional? Not even close to my circuits! We'll be there. Just as short-lived heroes," said Plushtrap. "You know you're still animatronics? I... I'm one. I guess. But everyone is as well," I said. "Very correct. Then I'll be there to honor our society.. Even if it falls," he responded. "You trons have a good one. Maybe some of you aren't so bad then what I thought." "Like who?" demanded Foxy, who seemed to figure he was one of people listed in that category. For someone like him who wouldn't be? "You that's for sure your rusting screw. Take care as well Springtrap," said Plushtrap. "You should be lucky you got these people. A good rusted family. All I got is my brother Nightmare Foxy, and you hear my circuits out. Me and him will be brothers forever until the end. Not a single thing to destroy that promise." "So, then why are you choosing to stray away from the others?" I asked. "Because Nightmare Foxy and I are still looking for our family. Maybe you trons are my family and my rusted processor hasn't realized that yet," he responded. "Brothers don't last forever for some. But family does. Remember that. That's something you should appreciate." He and Nightmare Foxy walked away from us as I turned to look at them. 'If only the family I had still was here. These people aren't my family. The one I dreamed of after I lost my first family,' I thought. "So much for them," said Bonnie. Foxy walked over to Mangle as he stopped, sighing for a moment while looking down before looking up again to talk. "You know I missed this right? Being with you like family?" he said. "I know. Even though you go overboard," she responded. "Look. I'm the brother here and I want to look out for you. And Lolbit rather make a profit instead of tending to us," he said. "You know I can take of myself? I always been capable of doing that," she responded. "I know. I just don't want to lose the only sister I would have in the world," he responded looking down. "We'll make it through. You always have. You may be stubborn I'll admit, but you got the will to fit in you," she said. "Then I guess I'll see you when we reach the end that'll be determined by your team," said Foxy looking back up. "No. We all will determine our future. All of us," responded Mangle. "Take care," said Foxy as he hugged Mangle for a moment. "Never knew Foxy had feelings," said Bonnie next to me. "Yeah. Does feel good when they come around," I said while thinking about the times I was together with Mangle. "Something wrong?" Bonnie asked turning to look at me. "Yes. This journey is coming close to an end to us. But I feel it is just the beginning of a creation that is something else," I responded not turning to look at him. Mangle and Foxy stopped hugging as Foxy walked away now, while Toy Freddy walked over to us now. "Well. It has been a memorable experience for me to write about, but I must be off to tell the tale with the others at home. Besides Mangle, there's always room for you to return back to the group," said Toy Freddy. "I know where I belong Toy Freddy. Here being a leader and inspiration to my team," responded Mangle. "Well, then you did what you dreamed of being one day. I'm proud of you," said Toy Freddy patting her on her shoulder. She smiled backed in response, and I can feel a subtle faint smile form from my mouth. "Goodbye friends! May you all be commemorated in my bibliography!" he called out to us as he walked away with Foxy and Phantom Balloon Boy. "Just shut up already!" called out Foxy's voice as they were all far enough to be just moving colors. "Now it is time for pressing matters," said Fredbear walking over to me. "It's always been," I responded. "Just now, we have to focus on two problems that are both equally suicidal."

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