Chapter 57: Deceptive Tears Of Dominance

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"This world has more weirdness to it than what I've seen. Thank god we're close to leaving this place forever," I said to myself as I walked through the trees like reality didn't exist, only my rules did. Me and the others had already departed to our destinations; I was just glad I didn't have to walk a hundred miles to get back over here. I was already close just by walking for about ten minutes. At last the time to escape my hell was close enough as me receiving mercy. A surprise I'm stilled offered mercy from those I've inflicted harm without my own control or will. "Ok Fredbear. Nice to know where it is, though not it's exact location," I said to myself looking around. As I phased through a group of trees I saw the golden and formal shaped of a key-lock as I walked over it. "Still doesn't mean luck exists Fredbear," I said as I walked over to it. "Wait! What's the point of the key if I can just walk through it!" I dropped the key on the ground as I tried walking through it, only a large circuit of electricity clouded my entrance and engulfing me in it. "Ah shit!" I said in reaction while backing up. "Forget that. Gotta make me do it the ordinary way." I noticed a glitching rock across out in the open field as I walked over to it. When I was near it I walked through while feeling powerless now, in the sense of me not being god-like anymore. "Alright. Now can I please not have anymore delays?" I asked myself as I walked back over to the lock while grabbing the key and getting ready to insert it in. But me requesting for things don't always go through half of the time. Out of nowhere, a sound that broke the silence except the subtle thoughts in my heads ran into my ears as I looked up in full on alert. It was the sound of crying and sniffling; a sign of something I did not want to get involved in. But I knew this was going to interfere with my task regardless. "One damn request I can't ever get the green light for," I said while walking over to check out the noise. I turned the corner of one of the trees to see something white that had it's back turned to me, which was indeed making the crying I heard. Though just from looking at it I felt like I knew what this person was. At least from the limited view of it. "It better not be who I think it is," I said to myself softly. Even the faintest shuffle of something behind me made me instantly turn around, only to see another ghost of the past. I was almost hit with a pizza wheel as it was Phantom Mangle who I was facing off against. I glanced my eyes to the side to see the other person behind me. It was a Crying Child, one of the victims I murdered to be exact. "Dammit. Nice situation I'm alone in," I said to myself. "Doesn't help that I don't have anything to heal or resurrect myself with." The Crying Child used some weird song directed towards me as I ducked out of the way, as it managed to hit Phantom Mangle. "Nice way to almost team kill. Wish it was a team kill" I said as I used Rainy Day on Phantom Mangle. She started taking damage as Crying Child used another attack that seemed to be a song, as I dove to the side in order to minimize the amount of damage I would receive. "Alright. Looks like I have to strategize here," I said to myself. As I was standing in position, waiting for the both of them to make a move, I noticed how Phantom Mangle snarled at Crying Child for a moment, probably for it hitting her. "She's frustrated at him. Just the advantage I have," I said to myself. "Hey #$%&#$%&! How about you focus on me!?" I called out to them. This seem to attract both of their attention as they walked over to me. "C'mon you son of a bitches. Come at me," I said to myself as they both slowly walked over to me. Phantom Mangle charged at me while using Toxic Bite on me as I ducked out of sight of the attack. Just as I had escaped that attack I was hit by one of Crying Child's attacks as I tried my best to shake it off, considering I had taken a major blow from that. "Damn. Twenty nine health left," I said. "That's not going to stop me." I used Springlocks on Crying Child as Mangle used Pizza Wheels on me. I evaded all of the three pizzas as I used Bite on Phantom Mangle as an attempt to anger her. Phantom Mangle used Toxic Bite on me again as it missed me, while at the same time I could see Crying Child was getting ready to use one of his attacks on me. As soon as he summoned one of his attacks I ran while getting on front of Phantom Mangle, close enough for him to hit her. Right when the sound letting me know the attack had been summoned I ducked to the side before Phantom Mangle could even react as the attack hit her. As I looked up I could see her making a face at him as she snarled, almost ready to react. Something was impending between her. She ran at Crying Child while using her Pizza Wheels as a reaction to hitting him again a second time. The Crying Child tried using one of his song attacks as a mean to defend himself, but this was inner damage done now. The Pizza Wheels hit him as she used Toxic Bite as well to finish him, while he fell defeated on the ground. "Saves me the trouble," I said to myself as I used Rainy Day on her. She didn't have time to react as I used Bite on her, finishing without the honor of knowing her fate was sealed. "May as well get that button activated before I leave," I said before walking back over to where the lock and key were. I inserted the key in and the turning and click indicated it had been unlocked. The lock opened as I walked through the entrance and over to the button, as soon as I was standing in front of it I pressed it. My task was done here. "Easy and complicated enough," I said. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a pair of movement coming past at me as I turned around to see Phantom Mangle as I ducked out of her way. "What the hell!? You should be unglitched!" I said as I got up. "I don't know what you're talking about but you just entered into my territory that is mine to claim!" she exclaimed. "I'm a friend! I'm not your enemy!" I exclaimed. "There is no such thing as friends that I will ever have," she responded as she used Toxic Bite at me. This time there was no time to react as I knew my demise was here, a shame this was the way I would got out. But even fate still denies my power I still hold over it. A moment later I was back standing alive with full health now, as I noticed Crying Child was in front of us. "That #$%&#$% kid had Gift Boxes. Glad he used it for something beneficial," I said to myself. "Stop! End this violence! Please I don't like it!" exclaimed Crying Child while his voice was cracking constantly with every word. "I don't know how I got here but all I see is enemies in front of me, willing to enforce their protection for themselves," said Phantom Mangle. "It's you who's the enemy by siding to no one but yourself. Though you're still part of this cause. We can help you. Give you a side to fight for and live peacefully," I said. "What do I get out of it?" she asked. "Freedom. No one to follow but yourself. The conquers here only want to use you to forcefully be put on a side as their slave and army," I explained. "They want you to cause destruction to take those broken pieces left behind by them to recreate a new world. One where is there is total control and only one side to forcefully be apart of." "Aren't you trying to force me into this?" she asked. "No! If I wanted to I already would have. These are the same things that brought you here and why you don't remember what happened," I said. "They already attempted once to control you. They will continue that path again." "So if I join? Then what?" asked Phantom Mangle. "You're apart of our army. One you get to choose to align yourself with. I have friends spread across this world that are attempting to expose things that will help us access the world these foul beasts will perish in. The heart of their place of birth and creation. Though I'm not asking you to join, I'm asking you to come with me to a world where I know you can have no side to choose," I said as I then turned to the child. "What about you Crying Child? Are you going to join us?" "I-I guess I will. I don't know anyone else that will take care of me. I'm all alone," he responded. "Ok, ok! I'll join! God if you're trying to get him to make me cry I swear I'll rip your voice box open and make it your audio receptors to force you to hear your own decaying voice," said Phantom Mangle walking past us. "She's scares me," said Crying Child. "I know," I responded as I saw her use Pizza Wheels to knock down a bunch of trees in front of her. "Reminds me of what I would become if I didn't have others to save me from the horrors inside me."

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