Chapter 41: Low Brow, No Laugh Back

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Oh ya! Did I forget to mention Browbow roamed these parts as well?" asked Springbonnie. "Of course not!" I exclaimed using Springlocks on him. Suddenly I has hit by balloons as my health was going down. "What the #$%& was that?!" I exclaimed looking around. "Apparently that new tron over there," responded Plushtrap looking towards a certain direction. I turned to see who had attacked me, and it was someone that had come back to haunt me. And in a annoying manner with it's laughter. "Son of a #$%&," I said. "Phantom Balloon Boy." Hello," he said. "You sure know how to attract these things," said Mangle using Hook on him. "It's probably because this world thinks I'm like everyone else here. And I'm not this annoying child," I responded. "We got more enemies approaching!" called out Bonnie. We all turned to see these weird cake like things hopping over to us as one of them hopped on top of Plushtrap. "Ah! Get this rusted thing off of me!" he exclaimed. Nightmare Foxy ran over to the thing and picked it up while throwing it at the other thing near by, managing to knock both of them down. "Meringue. Tasty pastry's but deadly to squash you into a flatten path," said Springbonnie. "Thank the animatronic gods it easy to clean off," said Plushtrap getting up and wiping off some of the frosting on him. "You got a plan Mangle!? Because they're swarming us like a bee hive!" I exclaimed as Phantom Balloon Boy used Rainy Day on me to inflict damage. "Foxy, Bonnie, Toy Freddy and Springtrap! The three of you take on these things while the rest of us try and defeat Phantom Balloon Boy and Browboy. "Shouldn't we get more support?" asked Bonnie. "Our targets are more agile and unpredictable. I hate to say it, but we need the support more than you," she responded. "Besides, you got Springtrap and Foxy for extra support." "C'mon! You two are slower than Toy Freddy's bibliography!" exclaimed Foxy already charging at one of the Meringue's. "One of these day's, he's going to regret being so reckless," said Bonnie. "And I'm guessing you've had to deal with it for a while, huh?" I asked. "Every darn day. Now it's just collided into one long day," Bonnie responded. "Please do continue. This information can be used to develop a new short story about your journey," said Toy Freddy with a book. "How about you write about how we're going to get glitched if we don't stop standing here?" I suggested. "You got a plan?" asked Bonnie. "Maybe one that can be fully developed. Toy Freddy, what attacks can you summon?" I said. "I have Mic Toss, Party Favors, and Speed Song. Very helpful tools to keep us alive," responded Toy Freddy. "So you mostly have healing properties. You just made me fully develop a plan," I said. "It better not be reckless," said Bonnie. "It is. Just reckless for me mostly," I responded. The sound of something getting destroyed made us turn around to see one of the Meringue's destroyed already, but Foxy was close enough to destroying his own life. "Alright! I'll focus all it's attention on me. When it severely drops my health down I'll let you know Toy Freddy to heal me up. Then you two along with Foxy unleash all you got on it, which will allow me to focus some attacks on it as well!" I explained. "You might get destroyed in the process if you're not healed up in time," said Bonnie. "I've died before. The difference this time I'm dying with a purpose that benefits us," I responded. "As long as it's not me, I'm fine with it," said Bonnie. "Alright! Let's go! I commanded running towards the Meringue with Foxy; both of us eager for action. "I swear this better work," I said to myself summoning Bite on the thing. It noticed me as it turned around, and it wasn't the only thing I got attention from. "Hey! This was my fight! Nobody takes my fight!" exclaimed Foxy stopping. "Consider this as someone stealing your spotlight!" I called back. The Meringue hopped over to me as it jumped high into the air with me being the ground to land on. The thing landed on me as I took major damage from it, but this time I was ready to accept the pain. My health was about twenty four. I wasn't dead yet though. I fell onto the ground because of this thing as it hopped back into the air to finish me. "TOY FREDDY NOW!" I yelled. Right as the thing jumped in the air I could see my health got back up as it jumped on me, bringing my health now to thirty two. "Attack!" I exclaimed. The thing jumped off me as it was hit by Happy Jam, Hot Cheese, and Mic Toss. I quickly turned around as I used Rainy Day, finishing the serving off. We all walked over to it as Foxy took his finger and dipped it into the remains of the Meringue while he ate the frosting left over from it. "Hmm. Tastes like victory I gave us," said Foxy. "Always taking the credit," said Bonnie. "More like it's nasty eating that thing," I said. "Perhaps it's best to head back to the others now. I would like to write more about our experiences," said Toy Freddy writing in a journal. "Right... Let's go," I said as we all ran towards the other progressing battle. I could see some of the others trying to fight Phantom Balloon Boy, while the remaining others were handling Browbow. "Me and Bonnie will deal with Phantom Balloon Boy. You two will assist the others handling Browboy," I commanded. "With pleasure. I don't mind shaving that brow off this thing," said Foxy as he and Toy Freddy ran towards him. Me and Bonnie ran towards Fredbear, Springbonnie, and RXQ who were still handling Phantom Balloon Boy. "Nice of you to join our funeral. Except that'll be halted with you here," said Fredbear turning to look at us. "With me I don't need no #$%& funeral," I responded. "We could always prepare you one at the graveyard," suggested Springbonnie. "Can we actually focus on the objective that will destroy us?!" exclaimed Bonnie. Toxic Balloons hit Bonnie as RXQ summoned Gift Boxes just as he was destroyed. "You could've done that earlier and saved us the trouble," I snarled at him. "Y-You didn't ask!" he exclaimed in defense. "Takes a decent mind to know you can never have enough of something to keep you functioning!" I exclaimed back using Springlocks on Phantom Balloon Boy. He summoned some other type of balloons that all hit me, as I felt a bit off. "Whoa! I feel kinda weird. Kinda drunk actually," I said. "He used Gloom Balloons to weaken us for a moment. This battle must not reign anymore," said Fredbear. "We're going to get destroyed then?" asked RXQ. "Quiet! It's you who's going to be a pile of #$%& if we don't defeat him," I responded. "Incoming!" yelled Bonnie as I turned around. Browboy was now heading for us as I leaped out of the way to an incoming giant ball target towards me. It hit the ground as I could see the others trying to stall it for the moment. "How are we supposed to defeat this thing if there's another problem that has to intervene?" asked Bonnie. "I have an idea. If we can blind Browboy, we can knocked him down and get rid of one problem easily. That's if we manage to even execute this plan," I said. "How is that going to work? It's inaccessible for anyone to get up there," said Plushtrap as he and Nightmare Foxy ran over to us. "Not without size. But this fool has the size," said Bonnie looking at Plushtrap. "Ok, I ain't rusted enough to be a football for you trons!" he exclaimed back. Suddenly, Springbonnie walked over to him as she picked him up and aimed him up at Browboy's head. "Hey! Let me go you rusted tron!" Plushtrap exclaimed. "Going up," said Springbonnie as she threw him at his head. He grabbed Browboy's head as he tried grabbing him to get him off his face. "Your trons are the worst!" exclaimed Plushtrap as he held on tightly. "Aim for the legs while he distracted!" commanded Mangle. Everyone used whatever attack they had as Browbow was starting to lose his balance. "We need extra force!" exclaimed Bonnie. Without notice Nightmare Foxy ran towards his leg as he ran into them with full force, causing him to fall over. "Next time give a heads up!" exclaimed Plushtrap as he jumped off and landed on top of Nightmare Foxy. "Let it reign no mercy for him!" exclaimed Mangle as everyone used their attacks on him, finally ending his fun for good. I was suddenly hit by Toxic Balloons as I turned around and used Rainy Day on Phantom Balloon Boy as he laughed like he always did. "You annoying #$%&#$%&! I'll make sure this laugh is your last thing that will claw down my ears!" I exclaimed using Springlocks. "RXQ! Send him an nonrefundable haunting!" "What if it doesn't work? Then we'll be destroyed f-" he tried to say. "Just shut up and summon it already!" I exclaimed. He did as I demanded as the attack went towards Phantom Balloon Boy, just the target I was hoping to fix today. He covered his eyes as the others proceed to unleash their every bit of determination of victory left in them. "Why are the effects different on him than they are on me?!" I exclaimed. "All I got was a flashback of when Shad-" I stopped myself right before I could continue my remorse of lingering pain. I didn't need to bring anymore with me like dead weight. "What is it?" asked Mangle. "Nothing," I responded brushing off her question. "You sure? You trailed off pretty quickly for it to be nothing," said Mangle. "Can y'all hurry up and help us before we actually just bust a screw loose here!?" exclaimed Bonnie. "No need for that when we have it all settled," said Toy Freddy using Mic Toss at Phantom Balloon Boy. "Let the fox of the seas and conqueror of evil be the one to free his evil mind," said Foxy walking in front of all of us. Suddenly the sound of Cosmic Song repeatedly struck Phantom Balloon Boy, claiming victory for someone else to take. Foxy turned to his right to see Springbonnie standing there with a wide smile staring at him. Not an evil one, but one that showed that she outsmarted Foxy in a fashionable way. "Guess I'm faster than the pirate who can show off his recklessness in an instant," said Springbonnie. "THAT'S NOT FAIR! SHE CAN'T JUST STEAL MY SPOTLIGHT LIKE THAT!" yelled Foxy. "NOBODY JUST TAKES MY PERFECTION!" 'She just did. At least people bother to humiliate your attitude that divides your bond and trust in us,' I thought. 'Though Springbonnie continues to amaze me with her unusual talents and attitude.'

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