Chapter 51: Metallic Like Feeling Indestructible

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"One White Rabbit? This should be easy," said Springbonnie confident. As soon as she said that, a Tangle and Redbear walked out of the tent, including an endo-skeleton. "Springbonnie, this is why I hate how you're able to jinx our moments," said Bonnie.."What is an endo-skeleton doing with them? I didn't even know one existed without it's suit bros," said Toy Bonnie. "Doesn't mean it's metallic plating is going to protect it for long," said Mangle. "Though those three other things are going to reinforce his durability to live without having to protect myself." "It's best we focus all our teammates on the creatures," said Fredbear. "Agreed. We'll take our tanks with us to handle the three creatures, while the rest of us handle this endo-skeleton," explained Mangle. "Springtrap, Shadow Freddy, and Springbonnie, the three of you will deal with the Tangle, Redbear, and White Rabbit. We'll keep that endo-skeleton away from the three of you as best as we can." "Well. Actually it's name is Endo 02, and he's pretty intelligent," said Springbonnie. "Ok, I'll rephrase that. We'll handle Endo 02," said Mangle. "Alright! Everyone is attack positions!" "Wait, Endo 02? There's another one somewhere?" asked Bonnie. "Alright everyone! Charge!" commanded Mangle. "So much for answering a question that'll probably come back to haunt us later on!" exclaimed Bonnie as him and the others charged into battle. Everyone except me. I was still a stone, but vulnerable as glass. "What's wrong Springtrap?" asked Shadow Freddy noticing me not coming with the others as he walked over to where I was. "I can't go. This power. It'll just be used to kill the others. Who knows the risk of my powers activating at random," I responded. "As much as I know the danger of it to you, we'll have to ignore it for now. But that doesn't mean you can easily relax knowing you have this power that can activate at any point in time," said Shadow Freddy. "If you know it'll reappear again, then this time you'll know you can at least target something that's not one of us." "Ok. Ok! Just make sure I don't destroy myself in the process," I responded. "C'mon. We got some creatures to reevaluate their approach on us," said Shadow Freddy as he ran towards the battle. I ran behind him as I could see Springbonnie fighting all three of those animatronics by herself; she seemed to be handling herself well. "You know you left her to defend for herself?" I said. "Then let's give her a proper apology and ensure she doesn't fall to these poisonous vermin," he said as he used Unscrew on Redbear. "Glad to see I'm not going to fall today," responded Springbonnie. "Maybe not this instance to be sure," I responded using Bite on Tangle. Springbonnie used Cosmic Song on White Rabbit as he stumbled back from the attack. In retaliation to see his friend taste the forthcoming gift of defeat Redbear charged at me to take out his anger on me. Or he just wanted me to fall again, like how I did when William's minions crumpled my determination during that period of time. But this time, I was going to cheat death by the light the angels of heaven gifted those not ready for death. But to me, I was not to be accepted to belong in the house of fate, not until my demise was in vein. Shadow Freddy used Esc Key on hi just as he was in arms reach of me. His death was not going to be in vein in my own words. "Thanks!" I said as I used Springlocks on Tangle as she exploded into screws and bolts, a mess she was born to be. "One more to go," I said turning to look at White Rabbit. He stared at us as he jumped on top of me and tried to pin me down. "Why the hell do they always go for me!?" I exclaimed trying to push him back. "Probably because you've killed like half of the things we've encountered. You're famous now!" said Springbonnie. Shadow Freddy used Waterhose on White Rabbit as the blast had enough impact to push him on me. "Not that type of fame I want to be entitled with," I responded recovering from that. "He can send that fame back to the person he killed for their fame." I used Springlocks on him as he was destroyed immediately. "You know Springtrap, you should probably stop doing whatever you're doing to prevent yourself from aggravating these things," suggested Springbonnie. "Not my fault when they aggravate themselves, just by looking at me," I responded. "Let's focus now on assisting the others. They're the unfortunate one's who have it harder on them," said Shadow Freddy. We ran towards the others, and as soon as we enclosed on their position Toy Bonnie came crashing on the floor, as we stopped just as he hit the floor to check on him. "Falling over and lying on the floor ain't going to make the enemy think you're dead," said Springbonnie kneeling down in front of Toy Bonnie still on the floor. " Bros. That endo-skeleton is going to put me to sleep if we don't scratch that thing. It's armor is impervious to our attacks," responded Toy Bonnie getting up as Springbonnie helped him stand. "We'll see what the effects of 'impervious' really are," I said as the four of us ran to Fredbear and Mangle who were both trying to get a hit on Endo 02. "What's the situation?" I asked. "I just told you!" exclaimed Toy Bonnie. "Well, I want the full details! Not that you got your #$% kicked over because you can't damage it!" I exclaimed turning to look at him. "Enough you two! We barely damaged it," said Mangle. "However, the subtle flaw is present in winning. On the back of it's armor the back is exposed enough to inflict damage. Most of the animatronics and us here have that flaw though it is covering due to our suit. However that endo-skeleton doesn't have a suit to protect itself with," explained Fredbear. "If we can hit its weak point, it will fry its systems along with it being glitched that has harvested in it." "Sounds easy," responded Springbonnie. "It's not. In order to hit it's weak point someone has to come close enough to it's back," said Fredbear. "Which is why I'll volunteer to apprehend the task." "Are you sure? Seems risky and we'll have to focus everything on it to keep it distracted," I said. "It may not work. That things smarter than anything," said Springbonnie. "Smarter then Einstein? Highly unlikely," I responded. "He probably is. Who is Einstein?" responded Springbonnie. "Just ensure I have a direct hit towards the thing, I am putting my trust in all of you," said Fredbear as ran towards the thing. "So are we," I responded. "Alright! Everyone! Focus all your attacks on him!" commanded Mangle. "Keep this thing distracted. I already know it's going to be a pain in the ass," I said to myself. "Attack!" commanded Mangle as everyone used every attack at the second of the command given on him. Just as the attacks came in trajectory, Endo 02 put up a shield as it blocked everyone of our attack. "I-It just blocked everything!" exclaimed RXQ. "Of course the endo-skeleton has the more advanced attacks," I said to myself. "We still have to keep it distracted," said Mangle as she used Poppers on him. Suddenly, Endo 02 summoned tiny versions of endo-skeletons, as they shot lasers at us simultaneously. "Pushing back is an option we might have to consider!" exclaimed Shadow Freddy. "Fall back!" exclaimed Mangle as we pushed back. Golden Freddy fell into pieces before coming back from the Gift Boxes we had before engaging in this fight. Though keeping us alive wasn't going to get us the victory we dreamed to claim. Endo 02 noticed Fredbear trying to go for his back as he commanded one of his mini endo-skeletons to attack him. Fredbear ducked out of the way of the laser as he hid behind a corner that was near by. "It's no use! We can't distract this thing He know's our every move!" exclaimed Bonnie. I looked at the ground, thinking of anything to assist us in this time of need. Until one thought saved the whole group. "I have a plan that might be our only exit of grabbing this victory," I said. "Better make it happen" exclaimed Bonnie using Bash Jam on Endo 02. "Fredbear! Let yourself get destroyed by Endo 02 to make sure you don't come back!" I called out to him. "What! Are you insane? What kind of plan is that!?" exclaimed Bonnie. "You need to trust me on this! That's what I'm trying earn back from you!" I exclaimed. "You need to trust me! You need to trust Fredbear! And you need to trust yourself!" Bonnie looked down shaking his head, pretty much doubting me. But at the same time, we knew no other option was available. "Fine! Explain the full plan!" he responded looking up at me now. "Endo 02 will think Fredbear's destroyed and will know we are planning something, forcing himself to push and finish us off quickly! When the time is right I'll have Golden Freddy or RXQ bring him back to easily shut him down!" I explained using Springlocks on Endo 02. "It's risky, but the benefits will be rewarding!" responded Mangle. At the corner of my eye I noticed Fredbear get destroyed before coming back as Endo 02 had his full attention on him now. "We'll need him to think we're not going to use the Gift Boxes for anyone, which means he'll push the healer so we'll have to protect Golden Freddy and RXQ at all costs. "When will the time be right bro?" asked Toy Bonnie. "When we're at the verge of being massacred completely," I responded. Suddenly, we all turned to see Fredbear fall to the ground in pieces. Resting for the moment before his time would be served to us and the mission. "Wait! What if all the healers are gone?" asked RXQ. "Then we all get destroyed forever," I responded as I could see Endo 02 turning around and facing us now. "Forever!" exclaimed RXQ. Endo 02's mini endo-skeletons all shot their lasers as they destroyed RXQ and Toy Bonnie, before they both came back a moment later. "It seems he's really confident in destroying it into a oblivion," said Shadow Freddy. "Overly blood thirsty for destruction is the term I would use," I responded using Rainy Day on him. Even though it had no effect on him, it was best to tamper with his progress. His army desecrated me and Shadow Freddy in a brief moment of the shadows; the moment of hell that had no way of transportation for us to reach it. As soon as I came back I saw Bonnie next to me get destroyed before coming back. "They're pushing hardcore!" exclaimed Bonnie. "Let them! They can't push us to fall into our own pool of blood!" I exclaimed using every attack on me. The sound of Toy Bonnie collapsing into parts just made me stop for a second; just to see the sacrifices they were accepting to be drained away from their life felt meaningless. Horrifying. "We lost Golden Freddy!" The sound of his name made me snap back into reality as I saw the remains of his parts in a pile, all to be carried away by the wind. Instead of being swept away to relax in paradise, they would be drafted into the sea like a broken ship, a luxurious type of item to be wasted so pathetically. Like every functioning mechanic that was the source of the people around me. My friends. "Everyone protect RXQ with your life! Even if it's your last!" I exclaimed. Springbonnie was destroyed along with Mangle as they both came back a moment later. Their fate was drawing ever closer, including Endo 02 who was continuing his destination his programming was made to command him to follow. Destruction. Springbonnie was hit again as she well into pieces. Our numbers were diminishing, and so was my teammates faith. "Springtrap. If this is our last moment together..." said Mangle. "This moment is only the first to exist," I said stopping her. Bonnie was hit as he fell to the ground, and his trust in me would now reside in me to decide if I could even trust myself to achieve us this victory. "Proceeding and continuing termination protocol," said Endo 02. "Fuck," I muttered as I could see a wall behind us, ready to deny and block any means to scramble and live once more. Suddenly, I could feel the feeling again. The feeling of the giant waking from it's nap and preparing to regain it's strength to pounce on whoever challenged him. The belly of the beast was ready to enter into the mind. "It feel it. The Purple Guy in me is going to do it again!" I said. "Then use this to your advantage. Purple Guy always made you his weapon, now make him yo-" Shadow Freddy was cut off as the burst of lasers hit him, destroying him for good. "Mangle. I need you to trust me on this," I said. "Springtrap. What are you doing?" asked Mangle concerned as he were backed up against the corner. "We're going to die for good! Why did I have to be the only healer alive!" exclaimed RXQ. "Death is a lie. And there is no such thing as indestructible, only power is liable to save you," I said with my eyes glowing more purple than ever. "My power. Is my mind, you son of a bitch," I tried to get out as my eyes were normal for a second while struggling to speak. The laser hit directly towards Endo 02 as the beam destroyed his minions and his shield. Though not him. However, I didn't need to be the one to destroy him myself. "RXQ NOW!" I yelled. RXQ without hesitation summoned the Gift Boxes as that brought everyone back. Including the one to end Endo 02's misleading purpose and use. Fredbear ran towards Endo 02's back as soon as he was brought back to life, using Mega Bite on it right when he was back on his feet.. And just like that, the plug was pulled from the outlet. Electricity consumed and fed on Endo 02 as he fell down to the ground. His purpose would now be reused for good. Our type of good. "We did it. Springtrap and Fredbear you did it! And we ain't dead forever," said Springbonnie. "His programming may have been able to compute and calculate our repeating patterns of attacks. Maybe even his attacks and heavy armor kept him protected from us. But he can't calculate death or if death can be reversed," I said. "Especially power of the mind." 

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