Chapter 6: A Chip On My Shoulder

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Mangle, I think that's the Auto Chipper Fredbear mentioned that had malfunctioned," said Bonnie. "Sadly it is," she responded. The thing had the face of a giant bear with two big hands on the sides with sharp claws. Another thing was a mouse with a gear as it's body, and another creature that was a bug, but had a shell. "I don't understand this place anymore," I said. "Alright, the Auto Chipper has tougher armor so it's going to be a struggle to deal with! Me and Bonnie will deal with the Auto Chipper, you two annihilate the smaller one!" commanded Mangle. "Apparently she didn't hear my request," I said to myself. The Auto Chipper lunged at us, causing everyone to scatter to avoid getting destroyed. "Alright, let's see what else you got," said Springbonnie. "Nothing but me wanting to run away," I responded. "But that's being a coward," she responded. She did have a point; that's wasn't how I handled things. "Well then my powers better help me rather than save me," I responded. I did my bite as it damaged the Gearrat while Springbonnie used her attack, Springlock to finish it off. "Huh? I thought it would be more complex to defeat," I said. "Well, the more times you defeat and use an attack, the more stronger you get," said Springbonnie. "This feels like a video game," I said. "Well guess what it's reality and I love it!" she said as she did an attack on a Mechcrab. Honestly I was just coming up with names for these things at this point, mainly because calling them "things" gets repetitive. "What move is that?" I asked. "Cosmic Song. I great way to break the enemy's circuits," she responded. "Glad they can't do that," I responded. I looked over to where Mangle and Bonnie where; they were having a tougher time dealing with the Auto Chipper. "Let's assist them, I rather not know my friends are slaves!" said Springbonnie rushing over to them. "I rather have it easy," I said as I followed behind her. As he finally stopped the Auto Chipper noticed me and Springbonnie as it rushed over to us. "#$%& these things! They're so aware off their surroundings!" I exclaimed. "Hey, at least it make's it more fun!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "You're some crazy #$%& person," I said looking at her. I quickly turned around to the noise of the Auto Chipper drawing closer to us, as I summoned a move in an effort to slow the thing down. Clouds appeared over it's head as it starting damaging the thing; with the little knowledge I had of these powers they still contributed to the goal of defeating this thing. Mangle and Bonnie both did their moves behind the thing as it turned it's attention towards them. "How about you use your moves to save them?" asked Springbonnie. "Again?! I swear if I'm the cause of their doom then I'll leave you with these things!" I exclaimed. I concentrated hard as I heard a noise a moment after; there was a Springlock head on the things arm. The the things fell into parts, like a crumbling building. All the parts fell onto the grass all together, showing another victory for us. "Would you look at that. You got one of the same moves as me. Guess that makes me your sister huh?" she asked nudging me. "Don't do that again," I responded. "Well I'll say that was a formidable performance. You have shown to be of good use to the team," said Mangle walking over to us with Bonnie. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Well you did give us a bad impression ever since we found you," answered Bonnie. "Not only that but you hold some vitriol in your words. Words that hold value to you which are the reason you express them," said Mangle. "Hmm. Thanks for the honesty," I said looking away. "Look, it wasn't meant to be an insult but you're someone that we haven't witnessed at all. You're something else," said Mangle. "I am, but if I told any of you I doubt your view of me wouldn't hinder my relationship with all of you," I responded. "There's a lot about my you'll regret knowing. And I rather not share my pain with others. All I want is to escape this prison," I said. "Then we'll see to make the goal a certainty," said Mangle. "That's if you're still in pieces," said Springbonnie. "Springbonnie you're not helping," said Mangle. As they were talking I glanced over to the side, though I noticed something abnormal from the view I was looking at. "Hey, are my eyes broken or do I see a clock on that tree?" I asked. Everyone turned to the direction of where I was staring at; they all looked at me as if I was insane. Though by the time I leave this place I'll already be crazy because of the things I've experienced. "That has to be what Fredbear was talking about!" I said walking over to the tree. "Clock? Ha, I guess I was gone for so long that grandpa Fredbear lost his sanity," said Springbonnie. "No, he told me we had to find a clock hidden somewhere, and that I would know where it could be," I explained. "I hate to be the one to point it out but there's nothing on the tree," she Mangle. "Maybe we should hit him on the head with my guitar!" suggested Bonnie whispering to Mangle. "I will #$%&#$% rip your ears off if you suggest that again! Especially when I can hear your voice!" I exclaimed. "Alright settle down. Springbonnie, go with him and check out that tree. We'll stay and cover you," said Mangle. "Got it!" she responded as she walked over to me. "Don't worry, I don't think your crazy. Besides, you have to be all glitched to go crazy like the people I've known," she responded. "Thanks, really appreciate it," I responded rolling my eyes. However I did wonder what everyone meant by "glitched" when they brought up the term. It was something I definitely was going to ask about later. "Now what the #$%& am I supposed to do?" I asked touching the tree. However, as if like someone flipped the switch for a light me and Springbonnie were suddenly in 8-bit style. "As if the place couldn't get more weirder," I said. "Huh? Hey, look at us, we're all weird! And is that Balloon Boy over there?" asked Springbonnie. "I don't care about that, what I care about is why there's a timer on top of us?" I asked looking up. "You know what. I think it's clear on what I need to do." I quickly pushed the Balloon Boy in the box that was above me as I waited for the timer to end. "Well, that was easy," said Springbonnie. "You know, I was expecting some hard challenge that would be super complicated. But instead we receive this," I said. "I'm actually disappointed."

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