Chapter 46: Still Remembered, Still Here

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Wait! No. I think we've been here already," said Springbonnie. "How can we tell? This looks like the same area as the others we been to for the past fifteen minutes," said Bonnie. "Huh? This is a problem. Unfortunately, you both are right. Going around in circles isn't going to help us if we don't find out where to go," responded Mangle. "Hey bros! How about we mark where we've been and maybe we'll find out where to go?" suggested Toy Bonnie. "That's not a bad idea," responded Bonnie. "It still is a draw back when we don't have any source of way to mark our surroundings," said Mangle. Fredbear then walked past everyone as he walked over and grabbed a rock while placing it in the middle of the room. "What's that going to do?" asked Bonnie. "Going to give us a solution," he responded. "It's all we got," responded Mangle as she walked in front of us, while the rest of us followed behind. "I have to tell them," I said to Fredbear beside me without even bothering to look up. "Are you sure? Perhaps the timing is not right to be settled in at this moment," he responded. "I can't hold this guilt in. Purple Guy is taking over, my sanity is deteriorating, and that trust I have built with them is close to falling like the god #$%& London Bridges!" I exclaimed back softly. "It's now with me risking my friendship. Or it's later where I destroy it's existence." "Then I hope the results vary between a stable outcome and little consequences," he responded. "Then I'm guessing you're going to explain your knowledge of these events as well?" I asked him. "I'm also long overdue on my explanation. Your's is less of a risk to diminish your friendship with them," he responded. I turned around as I sighed, getting ready for the outcome. Whether it was good or bad. Or unorthodox. "I need to say announce something to all of you," I said clear and loud enough for everyone to hear as we all walked through another tent. "What is it?" asked Mangle as we walked out of the tent and through the narrow mine-like place. "I-" Suddenly, my words were cut of by the sounds of a noise, as we all froze in confusion and by being alert now. "What was that bros?" asked Toy Bonnie quietly. Mangle hand signaled us to move up with her as she walked slowly up to the corner that was feet away, while we slowly and cautiously followed behind. She peaked her head around the corner while we all waited anxiously for her to report her findings. "What's there?" asked Bonnie. "Huh? Looks to appear we have a golden version of a giant endo-skeleton," she responded. "Looks like the rare Golden Endo is here then," said Springbonnie. "And we're the unfortunate ones to find him," I responded. "And there's a purple version of Freddy I think," continued Mangle still looking. "What!" I exclaimed softly as I walked over to where she was. "What are you going? You're going to get us spotted!" hissed Mangle at me as I moved beside her to see. Indeed it was Shadow Freddy; it felt almost unreal to see him. Though my ignorance had cost us the element of surprise. Gold Endo saw me as Shadow Freddy turned to look at me and Mangle now. "What did I tell you!" she exclaimed looking at me. Shadow Freddy used Esc Key, as my vision went back before coming back as I could see Bonnie and Toy Bonnie dealing with Shadow Freddy. "See, this is what it costs you," said Mangle sticking her hand out as he I took it while she pulled me up. "Noted," I responded. "What do we do now?! We're going to die!" exclaimed RXQ as the rest of the group stared at him. "Not by the hands of a minion controlled by the puppet master," I responded looking at Shadow Freddy while Toy Bonnie and Bonnie dealt with him.  "Alright! Springtrap, and Golden Freddy, you two assist Bonnie and Toy Bonnie. While the rest of us will handle Gold Endo," commanded Mangle. "Good enough for me," I responded. Right when I was about to charge in and head towards Shadow Freddy a hand grabbed my shoulder as I turned around to see Fredbear there. "Remember. Don't let your feelings control your actions. This isn't the same Shadow Freddy you once knew," said Fredbear. "I don't care! I've lost my friends and this is the only time I'll get to see one I've lost truly!" I exclaimed at him. "This time. I'll be the one to give him the gift to never die." I ran towards the others with Golden Freddy there using Mimic Ball to help the them, as he noticed me. "Golden Freddy! Summon us some Gift Boxes in case we get destroyed! Make sure to also use Haunting to disorientate Shadow Freddy as well!" I commanded. He nodded in response as he summoned us all Gift Boxes, while using Haunting after as well. As soon as he summoned that attack, it made it ways towards Shadow Freddy. Though when you have something put on rails it doesn't always hit it's target. Or that damn target has to move as well. Shadow Freddy moved out of the path the Haunting was directed for, seeming impervious to it's use. "Bros! This guy's smart!" exclaimed Toy Bonnie. 'He always was,' I thought. "But this complicates things now," said Bonnie using Happy Jam on Shadow Freddy. "Just gives us an excuse to go extra full force now," I responded. "It's for your sake buddy." "Watch out!" exclaimed Mangle's voice as I turned around to see Gold Endo heading for Bonnie and Toy Bonnie as he grabbed them both. "You see why I'm starting to develop a phobia for gold?" I said to Golden Freddy who was next to me. "Hey bros! Why can't your group contain thess things!?" exclaimed Toy Bonnie trying to get out of Gold Endo's hand. "He's a fast one for us!" exclaimed Springbonnie using Cosmic Song on Gold Endo. "Get him a leash then!" exclaimed Bonnie hitting Gold Endo's hand. Mangle used Hook on him as that finally got him to drop the both of them. "This thing is not delaying me," I said as I used Rainy Day on Gold Endo, while using Springlocks on Shadow Freddy as well. Shadow Freddy seemed to have his guard down as I managed to hit him without him having time to react. "Attack him while he's distracted!" I yelled at Bonnie, Toy Bonnie, and Golden Freddy. Golden Freddy summoned back a Mimic Ball, while Bonnie and Toy Bonnie summoned their attacks. Bonnie used Bite, while Toy Bonnie spawned in these weird traps that had eyes as they munched on Shadow Freddy. "What the hell are those?" I asked. "Munchies. Perfect for devouring you enemy," answered Toy Bonnie. "Figured the name would be easy to come up with," I responded. "Incoming Springtrap!" called out Mangle as I turned, right as the voice flowed through my ears. Gold Endo had chose me as his next target, one perfect to trample over. I jumped out of the way; close enough to where I felt his foot almost make contact with me. As soon as I turned around I could see the shadow of Gold Endo's hand reaching for me. Though I wasn't going to allow it to consume me, not until that shadow was sent back to where it belonged. Gold Endo was suddenly hit by explosion as he turned to see it was Mangle who had inflicted that damage. "Send this guy back to re-polish his gold color," said Mangle. She, Fredbear, and Springbonnie used all their attacks on him, while even I joined the force to strengthen it's outcome of success. Finally the thing was succumb into an explosion as it fell into pieces, nothing more but wasted material and resources. "Thanks," I responded getting up. "Just making sure my teammates aren't going the wrong way," said Mangle. "Good thing this guy ain't out running about, or else he would probably come back to destroy us," said Springbonnie. "Why wasn't I put in the other group," said RXQ talking to himself. "Why do you let us bunnies do all the work bros!?" called out Toy Bonnie. Him, Bonnie, and Golden Freddy were still dealing with Shadow Freddy; surprisingly they were managing to not get destroyed yet. "Better help them before one of them gets destroyed," said Mangle. As soon as she finished that statement Bonnie fell into pieces from Shadow Freddy using Unscrew on him. "Tell that to the whole group," I responded. All of us ran towards the others as Shadow Freddy turned to us and used Waterhouse on Fredbear, destroying him in an instant before coming back a second later. "How was death?" I asked him. "Not very amusing when you know you'll be back the next second," he responded using Mega Bite on Shadow Freddy. "No shit, when you go through the same pain we have to go through," I responded."This guy won't go down," said Bonnie. "Then I'm willing to do all I can to defeat him. Just so I can save a friend," I said. "I still remember him. And I'm still here for him." "Alright! Everyone circle around and him try to enclose on him so we can take him down more easily," commanded Mangle. "B-But isn't that more risky?" asked RXQ. "If it's going to get us the results we want, it's best to accept the option that is necessary," said Fredbear. "Everyone! In position!" commanded Mangle. "Golden Freddy and RXQ. You both try to use Haunting at the same time so we can manage to hit him. If we do then it could turn the tide of the battle on our favor." "I-If it works. Sure," responded RXQ. "Then let's hurry it up!" I responded. "The sooner fate draws near. And your friend has chosen to be liable for his demise," I said with my eyes purple again. "Shut up! SHUT UP!" I yelled at myself. "What's wrong with him bro?" asked Toy Bonnie. "He says it'a glitch. But I think it's something else," responded Bonnie. "I know that, but it looks like he's going to make himself rock his brain to death bro," responded Toy Bonnie. "Forget it! We have a friend to save," I stated as I ran past them while ignoring their words. I was not going to let my inner demon demolish any hope I had to save Shadow Freddy. Even if it wasn't the real one. All I wanted was a proper goodbye. "Alright! Everyone give him all you got!" commanded Mangle as we all circled around him. 'Hang tight there bud. Don't make this any harder than what you've already given us,' I thought. "Everyone! Give Shadow Freddy your regards!" exclaimed Mangle. All of us let our might that seem to be the strength a thousand man strike upon on him. Offering an exit of being in this state of control that they had no will over. Only their existence to be used. That was all the person pulling strings thought of them. Nothing more. "Get those Haunting's going!" commanded Mangle. Both Golden Freddy and RXQ did as she requested that was necessary to assist in this time of need. The first one was dodged by him, but the second one was victories and was the reason we why had the upper advantage on him and an easy victory. Though the first one was more costly than intended. The first Haunting managed to hit Bonnie, as he was temporarily out of the battle for the moment. "Son of bitch, he's sure knows how to use our own attacks on us," I said. "Don't stop! We got him in a tight position!" exclaimed Mangle. With everything we had, we used every bit of determination in us as the results were rewarding to witness. Finally the free will was regained in him as we defeated him. The control latched on him like brand new tape. "Uh! This might be the worst fight we've been apart of yet, " said Bonnie as he held his head and rubbed it at the same time. "Yet the most rewarding," I responded. Now that the curse had been lifted, I could see my friend again. For one last goodbye. We all walked towards him; awaiting the slumber to lift its final doing and return my friend. At least the memory of him. The movement of his eyes opening just made me smile a little; I could never forget him. His perpetual shifting of his eyes showed the confusion we saw given being reborn a second time. And we were there to monitor it, kinda how my parents were happy to see me born back then. Too bad that happiness was killed off. Suddenly his eyes movement stopped onto mine, forming into a gaze now. I thought maybe it was just because he noticed me first. But those eyes, the way they were. Those were the eyes of my friend. A friend who could tell the other was a friend. And the words that came out of his mouth changed my thoughts. "S-Springtrap..." "Shadow Freddy... " I said back. "God damn. You're still here. You always been."

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