Chapter 39: Little Terror Withen

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Please! Where am I?! Who are you people?!" exclaimed RXQ. "What's wrong with him?Somebody spooked him?" asked Plushtrap. "No. It could be him just waking up here without an explanation," responded Mangle. "Should've at least killed him," I said. "When could arrange that," suggested Springbonnie. "Ah, ah, ah! I get first dibs," said Foxy sticking out his hook. "No one's hurting him. He still is one of us," said Fredbear walking beside me. "Not to me," I responded back to him. I could Fredbear glaring around us as I turned to see everyone was staring at us. "Give us a moment. Springbonnie, we need you as well," said Fredbear. "Looks like I'm the popular one," responded Springbonnie happily as she walked over to us. The three of us got in a circle to discuss whatever Fredbear wanted to share between us. "Springtrap. You must realize this is not the same RXQ that killed your friend. Revenge is shaping and reforming you into... you know who," said Fredbear. "So you have meet this guy before? Seems not like the type to hang out with," said Springbonnie turning back and looking at RXQ on the ground with fear. "You know what he did," I said softly to him. "I do. And I don't blame you. But killing a version of him that isn't the same one won't reward you with the satisfaction you desire. Only more pain," responded Fredbear softly. "And I know that's something you don't won't to feel crawling in your suit anymore." I looked back at RXQ. I didn't see a deceptive being. I saw fear. But fear he held, not granted to others. Something I wished for him to own when he killed Shadow Freddy. Maybe this was his fate. Something to please my anger for the moment. "Fine. But I promise you he isn't the only one who's going to suffer for everything he's done," I said turning around. "What? You guys are done? Why did you bring me here then?" asked Springbonnie. "You found out our meetings. Now you're included in the group discussion between me and Springtrap," responded Fredbear. "I didn't hear a collaboration that included me," she responded. "It pertains to my previous life, which I know you don't bother to believe," I said. "Oh. Alright then. I ain't crazy enough to be apart of that anyways," responded Springbonnie walking away. "She's an odd one," I said. "For another version of you," said Fredbear. "Don't push my temptation to even wonder why she's a girl," I said walking back to the others now, while Fredbear followed behind me. I could see Toy Freddy was awake now and was talking to the others, which gave me the chance to see how this animatronic was. Though I didn't have to even ask for permission since Toy Freddy already saw me and Fredbear walking towards them. "Ah! There's the fellas I've been told about!" exclaimed Toy Freddy. "First impressions are already futile to even consider second impressions," I said to Fredbear. "Then consider this more torture for your notice," responded Fredbear. "Ah! You both should be rewarded for your courage in the heat of battle. It might give me an idea of a book to write," said Toy Freddy. 'These animatronics almost feel... human,' I thought. "Animatronics are only mortal, just as every human. Easily breakable and fragile. Just like bone," I said with my eyes turning purple again. "Jeez! This guy getting possessed by the animatronics gods?" asked Plushtrap. "It's just a glitch. Nothing more," I responded. "Ah! It can't be nothing serious to you. Your friends have told me everything about your triumphs that have defined you," said Toy Freddy. I looked over at Mangle, almost questioning her without having to express it by words. "He wanted to know who you are and he's a real pain to try and tune out," she responded. "Right," I responded turning back. "I feel it is necessary to focus our attention on RXQ who is unattended," said Fredbear. "Foxy volunteered himself to observe him," said Mangle. "That's a mistake, you know that?" I asked. "I said it again and again. I can't control him," she responded. "No! Stop! Get that away from me!" yelled RXQ as we all turned around and ran over to where Foxy and RXQ were. Foxy was holding RXQ by his chest and his hook was against his throat. "Alright you lumberjack! I'll make sure you'll be silent permanently if you don't stop staring at me!" "Foxy stop! What are you doing?!" exclaimed Mangle grabbing his arms to try and get him to release RXQ. "Not a chance, until this guy learns who he's messing with!" responded Foxy. "Foxy. Put him down," said Fredbear walking up to him as Foxy stared at him. "Fine," he responded as he dropped RXQ. "Sure know how to ruin my fun." "You gonna calm this dude down before we have to hold his hand?" asked Plushtrap looking at me. "Let someone else deal with these type of people for once," I responded. "Perhaps I can be of assistance," said Toy Freddy walking over to him. "Get away!" exclaimed RXQ standing up and backing up against the wall near him. "Please, take the time to relax and explain how you feel about this situation?" asked Toy Freddy. "Shut up! Your stupid quest to make bibliography's bores me to sea," said Foxy. "Perhaps you don't understand a proper way to know the people around you," responded Toy Freddy sounding kinda harsh. "Even the world hates Foxy. Kinda peculiar," I said to myself. "That's not going to do a thing! You're making him more frightened!" exclaimed Mangle. "Can't you convince him to join us?" I asked Fredbear next to me. "Not my place to assign myself with," he responded. "#$%& even you don't give a crap at times," I said. "They must learn to acquaint themselves with strangers to reform them as allies. Or else every person they'll meet with be known to them as an enemy," responded Fredbear. "Guess I can understand the opposite of what to do from that," I responded. "Let me take care of this. He's just needs some persuasion from someone who has optimism," said Springbonnie walking past us and towards RXQ. "Those factors don't even define you," I said. She walked over to RXQ as he held up his hand as a means to protect himself. Like that was going to do a dang thing. "Don't hurt me please!" he begged closing his eyes and turning away, while still holding his hands to protect himself with. "Look. I'm one for having someone new members all the time. In fact we've had plenty along our journey," said Springbonnie. "Besides, I'm known for being liked by most of the creatures here. And we're friends." "How do I know that? Especially with that one having that look directed towards me all the time," responded RXQ. Everyone turned to look at me, as if I was the source of his uneasiness towards us. "I haven't hurt him so there's nothing to worry about," I said. "That's his natural face," said Springbonnie turning to look back at RXQ. "You can trust us. Besides, I doubt you could survive in this mine by yourself with the things that roam every part." "Things?" he questioned. "Oh yeah! Probably turn you glitched and force you to serve under their command. Nasty influence to feel and be under. Can't forget how dark this place is. Don't want to touch a cobweb or d-" said Springbonnie. "Fine! I'll join," he responded. "Just don't let her talk to me anymore!" "Guess she can get others to join our team," I said to myself. "Just have the bigger fear control the little terror."

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