Chapter 56: One Path, Too Many Detours

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"We thank you good fellas for saving us! We are in your debt!" sang the Paperpals. "Don't mention it. You helped us in our time of need. It is us we should be thanking," responded Mangle. "I think the point has already been established," I said. "Regardless. We hope to honor your efforts and ask you three to be apart of our time," said Mangle. "Will you join us?" "We will! Together we will prevail!" sang Paperpals. "Pretty sure the answer was forward when they assisted us," said Bonnie. "Can't be too sure. And you all know my trust issues because of my family. At least I didn't inherit all my dad's traits," I responded. "What about big head over here," said Springbonnie pointing at Phantom Marionette who was behind us with Fredbear and Shadow Freddy. "The logical option is to recruit such a being with the power in him," said Endo 02. "Then let's see what kind of personality he has to piss me off," I said. We all walked over to the others as Shadow Freddy noticed me, while Fredbear was still chatting with Phantom Marionette. "How is he?" asked Mangle. "He's a tough one to reason with. Kinda like Springtrap. No offense," said Shadow Freddy. "None taken. I figured we would have someone like that to deal with," I responded. "I am not helping any of you!" exclaimed Phantom Marionette as he turned around from all of us. "He's uncooperative. He's out of my control, even for me," said Fredbear. "Then we're dealing with hell. My favorite," I responded. "Let me do the work. If I could convince you, then no doubt I'll convince him," said Springbonnie. "Go ahead. No progress will me made. Besides, you didn't convince me the first time we met," I said. "Nah!" said Springbonnie walking over to Phantom Marionette. "Hey! I'm Springbonnie! I'm a friend. Or acquaintance? I don't know. Anyway, we're here to help," said Springbonnie trying to talk to him while his back was still turned to the back of us. "Leave me alone," responded Phantom Marionette. "You remind of Springtrap. But that's a good thing because that means we can conquer any demons in you by sucking them out of you. Wait, that's vampires. Never mind!" said Springbonnie. "Leave me alone!" exclaimed Phantom Marionette. "Great, she's aggravating him," I pointed out. "Let's hope his reaction isn't more hostile like yours was by words rather than actions," said Shadow Freddy. "Calculating. The probability of him releasing his anger physically is 59.34829374703," said Endo 02. "So it will happen," said Bonnie. "There is still a chance of uncertainty to be revealed," said Fredbear. "We'll see what happens," said Fredbear. "I mean you did have your head increase in size when you used an attack. Do you get smart, because I mean it could be bad if it gets popped off and-" "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" yelled Phantom Marionette as his head got big. We all stood in place, all baffled to even move or talk for our sake of what his reaction would result in. "If you say so," said Springbonnie standing still as she walked back over to us. "Guess I mistaken him for the type I thought he was. He's the one to really not piss off," I said. "It is no excuse to block us from adding him to our team. Springtrap, I suggest you try to talk to him. You have the most relatable feelings as him," said Mangle. "Most. Not accurate enough to be exact," I said correcting her. "Well, we still need to convince him some how and you're the best person right now that can give us a practical outcome and solution," responded Mangle. "Fine. Let's just hope he doesn't scream more like a lunatic. Not that I ain't one myself in some ways," I said as I walked over to him who still had his back to everyone. "Hey," I said as I got near him. "Why can't you leave me alone?" he asked. "Look. Our team needs you. I can understand the anger in you. Believe me, I know how it builds up and takes control," I said. "What are you angry about?" "Nothing," he responded. "Anger just doesn't always exist without a cause. Just tell me what's the cause," I said. There was a brief moment of silence from the both of us, though it was the transition to the response to be heard. "That Fredbear told me how I was 'glitched' and how I told him that I got glitched by a weird robot and a plant in the pot at a graveyard," he explained. "Of course it happened there," I said softly to myself. "I was used with no consent! I was their doll to play with until I got too old and boring for them to even keep! Now I'm left to rot with a wasted life and chance to have a purpose in life!" he exclaimed while turning around finally. I looked down in shame, knowing we shared it between us. "I know the feeling. A long time ago I was used by my father to kill children and turn me into a demon to feed off the blood of those children. I got to the point where I felt I was alone, broken enough to not even patch up and no purpose for me," I said. "But I had others that saw enough pieces to be fixed in me, people who gave me a chance and recreated me. Shadow Freddy, he helped me realize I had the opportunity to disassemble the living nightmare I had created. And Mangle. Well another one to be exact, showed me purpose by me discovering what purpose I had left. To end my father, and start a new life. A new me as Springtrap." "What are you trying to get at," he said. "We're here to help you. I want to spread the solution to the pain I had to others that felt the same way as me a long time ago. That's if you're willing to accept your purpose," I said. "All we ask of you is to join our cause to defeat the person who pleases to control the innocent and consume this world of all hope. Will you accept?" He looked down at the ground as he looked back up a second later, ready to respond with his decision. "Ok. I'll join," he responded nodding. "Then there's a future for you," I responded. "Another one to add to the team and to leave us later on," said Springbonnie cheerfully. "Now with that settled, it is time to discuss our next course of action," said Fredbear. "You mean find a bunch of buttons that will lower the defenses to the entrance for the that are obvious enough to find in plain sight?" I asked. "To correct your statement, they are locked to prevent easy access," responded Fredbear. "The remaining buttons are in all the locations we visited previously. Fazbear Hills, Dusting Fields, Choppy Woods, Blackyard Tomb, Deep-Metal Mine, and Pinwheel Circus. All of us will be divided into small teams or individually to reach each of these locations and activate the button present at a location we're assigned with," said Fredbear. "Yeah, but we can't have the key at every location at the same time," said Bonnie. "Your are indeed correct. Which is why I'm assigning Springtrap with the key to bring with to Fazbear Hills. You will then meet me back here to look for the button for Choppy Woods. Moving over to Shadow Freddy and Phantom Marionette, in which they will arrive at Blackyard Tomb. Following Bonnie and Endo 02, as they will journey to Deep-Metal Mine. Proceeding along over to Springbonnie and Paper Pal, who both will visit the Dusting Fields. Finally, we will all meet back at the Pinwheel Circus with Mangle to defeat the guardian defending the main entrance for the labyrinth which is the Flipside," explained Fredbear. "Splitting up our team is risky. However, it will could help us on clearing out any hostiles that are defending the buttons, saving us the time," said Mangle. "What I want to know is how are we going to retrace our journey back? It'll take too long to walk this far to every location," I said. "Our transportation is over here. Follow me," said Fredbear as we trailed behind him. He stopped to a rock that was glitching heavily, more than the entrances to those subtunnels. "This will allow us to. Let's say glitch out of reality and travel across this world to wherever we like," explained Fredbear. "Give it a proper test." Everyone looked at each other, expecting one of us to volunteer. "Sounds rad to me!" exclaimed Springbonnie walking over. She walked in the rock as she passed through it as soon as she made physical contact with it. "Walk to that tree," said Fredbear directing her on where to go. "If you say so," she responded as she walked over to the group of trees near the lake. Right when she touched the trees she phased through it, disappearing from sight. "Springbonnie?!" called Bonnie concerned. A moment later she walked through the trees, as if they weren't real while heading towards us. "I'm fine. This so cool! It's like breaking reality," she said. "Because you are breaking reality," responded Bonnie. "More like a game entirely," I responded. "Our journey is reaching it's end point, and the battle to escape this world is inevitable," said Fredbear. "It's best all of you step in the glitched object now." All of us stepped in slowly while surpassing the physics that had the potential to be broken and manipulated in this world. "I must warn you, while being is this broken state you will encounter creatures that are glitched, the same way the others have been each time we've found them in that same broken state," said Fredbear. "And I have the feeling we're going to find more animatronics glitched here. Just who I don't have the full answer to," I said. "Most likely. However, it could mean the army we need would be claimed as an armada," said Shadow Freddy. "Whatever happens when we're all gone, I know we'll all prevail. I trained some of you for this. Though I should add that Springtrap as well taught some of you his troubles he overcame to make you learn the hardships of this world," said Mangle. "To me, it is the cycle span and factors of life that crossed into hell itself," I said. "The time to depart is overdue. I suggest you all get going" said Fredbear. "Good luck. All of you." "Luck doesn't exist. It's just life when it decides to play fairly with you or treat you like shit," I responded. "Everything happens for your sake. And to test your morality." 

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