Chapter 7: A Glitch In The System

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Whoever designed that place to be all 8-bit style is either crazy, or know's me too well," I said as me and Springbonnie were back in the real world. "At least it something you're comfortable with." Me and Springbonnie turned to the sound of the voice, though I kinda already expected it to be Fredbear. "Hey Fredbear! Long time no see!" said Springbonnie. "Maybe for you, but these events cause time to feel like it goes at a slow pace," he responded. "How did you get here?" asked Bonnie. "I walked, the same way you all got here," he responded. "I find that hard to believe," I said. "Well whether you do or not, it's going to affect your urge to question the ticket to your next destination," he responded. "That brings me to my own question, how are we going get a source of transport to our next destination?" asked Mangle. "Follow me and your thoughts of what you know will ease to exist," said Fredbear walking past us. "And that directly goes to you Springtrap." I stared off as Springbonnie watched him walk past us. "Welp, safe to say he hasn't changed a bit," she said. "Yeah. To you guys this is normal," I responded. We all followed behind him as he stopped at the sight of a tree, one that was abnormal just by looking at it. It was glitching, almost like in a video game. "This reminds of those annoying glitches I encountered on the Game Boy back then," I said. "Well then I hope your prepared for what you're going to witness," said Fredbear as he stepped through the tree, almost like an entry way into another world. "You next, I rather not question everything immediately," I said to Springbonnie. "You learn to ignore what you see," she responded as she walked in. "Just don't have a mental breakdown," said Mangle as she walked in after Springbonnie. "You go, I rather make sure nobody follows," said Bonnie. "That's risky, there's a chance one of those things could attack you when your alone with no support," I said. His expression turned into fear as he looked at me. "On second thought I'll volunteer myself to go in now," he said as he walked. "At least I still can get some entertainment that doesn't involve almost getting destroyed," I said to myself as I walked in. "I only fear this will suck all the #$%& enjoyment out of me."

You know I expected something weird, like appearing in some weird new dimension or a new world. But this is straight out of something involving the depths of technology, considering how much it's progressed during the time of my absence. 

"What the #$%& is this place?" I asked. "It is a gate way that was created by the effects of The Flipside, in which it transports us to other parts of our world. Kinda like a shortcut," explained Fredbear. "I should've known it was responsible for this," I said to myself. "But why do we look like this?" asked Bonnie looking at his hands. "That is something I don't have the answer to," responded Fredbear. "If this place has the ability to transport us to other parts of our world why aren't the others permitted to use this?" asked Mangle. "Because it is unsafe to use without being supervised. There are different levels to this place, and if you go deep enough you're only be asking for your inevitable demise that is worse than death," explained Fredbear. "Please! What's worse than death?" I snarled. "Being trapped here forever, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be trapped here with nothing but your regrets and wishes of ever being here," he responded. "That's debatable, but I rather not experience it to determine that," I responded. "Here's the exit out of here," said Fredbear as we followed behind him, while he stopped at a gateway. "You first Springtrap," he said to the side while presenting his hands to show that he wanted me to go through first. #$%&#$%," I said walking up him as I walked in the portal. "Always has to be me."

I was glad that there was nothing waiting for me on the other side as I walked outside. We're were at a forest now, at least what remained of it. The only thing left to remind us of it's once living existence was the tree stomps. "We're at Choppy's Woods," said Bonnie walking next to me. "Indeed, we are at our destination," said Fredbear as he walked past us. "A mile away you'll be able to head into the Dusting Fields to continue on with your adventure, there I'll meet with the rest of you," said Fredbear. "Can the rest of you let me talk with Springtrap for a moment?" "Sure thing, we'll watch the area," said Mangle. "Make sure he doesn't make you bored," said Springbonnie to me. "Yeah, with the stuff he tells me that won't happen," I responded. Everyone left us as my surroundings started to go dark. "You're going to make my vision go all black permanently with the surroundings I'm seeing," I said. "You're already dead so that'll won't be a problem," responded Fredbear appearing all 8-bit. "Besides, I'm pleased to know you found the clock." "Tell the person who designed it that it's so easy that a five year old could figure it out," I said. "Anyways, your task still isn't dismissed yet, however it remains the same. Find the next clock and you'll be one step closer to finding the solution to your problem," he explained. "What do you mean by that? It also bugs the #$%& out of me that I still don't know why I'm here," I said. "I don't have all the answers for your questions, maybe not even the most important things. And the limited time delays the answers you deserve. But one thing is clear. You must control the fragments left of Purple Guy in you," he said. "But how? If I could I would've dealt with it by now," I responded. "There is a way, and the solution lies in this place, and in you" he said. A second later the darkness disappeared as Fredbear was back to normal now. "I'll be seeing you soon, and next time you'll get some answers," he said. He walked off as Mangle walked to the side of me. "What did he talk to you about?" "Only that I need to find a clock again," I responded. "And innocent souls to consume and fuel my power." "What was that?" asked Mangle. "Nothing. Nothing! Just a glitch in my system," I responded brushing off the sudden control Purple Guy got a hold of me for a moment. "One that feels everlasting and only reminds me of what I once was. And what I will evolve into again."

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