Chapter 44: Golden As Gold Plating

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Hey there bros! How you all doing?" asked Toy Bonnie walking to us. "Fine Toy Bonnie. It is a relief to see you still functioning properly," responded Fredbear. "Nothing is ever going to stop my beats and music. I'll rock everyone's life until the end," responded Toy Bonnie. "I rather have you not," I said. "Hey! Who's this guy and the shadow one? Are these cousins rich with tunes?" asked Toy Bonnie. "W-We're related?" asked RXQ. "In his mind, yes," I responded. "No. But you haven't sold yours, that's for sure," said Bonnie as he high fived Toy Bonnie. "How you doing man?" "Better than what I've ever been bro! Ha, ha! I missed you!" exclaimed Toy Bonnie. "Wow. First time I see a better sibling relationship than mine of anyone I witnessed today," I said. "Oh yeah. They're really close and have a strong bond. Best part of our family," said Springbonnie. "Lucky him," I responded. "It is heartwarming to see you alive. You always were more capable of handling yourself than the others," said Mangle. "Hey bro! I'm just trying to do my part for my team without you. Though things are smoother now than before," responded Toy Bonnie. "Well, guess my departure didn't have a long lasting effect. What's your status on the situation here?" said Mangle. "Well, got creatures roaming here. There's also a giant bear here that's guarding this place as well," explained Toy Bonnie. "That's unfortunate to hear already. Now my will to continue is deteriorating," I said. "I should probably introduce myself bro. The names Toy Bonnie," he said as he shook me and RXQ's hand. "Figured that already," I responded. "He's the best attacker on the team with the toys. No doubt. He'll turn the tide of any battle for us if it comes to that," said Bonnie. "Then he better meet the expectations I have set for him because of you," I responded. "Regardless. Is that all to report?" asked Mangle. "Oh no bro! There's an endo-skeleton here as well. Not sure if he's still here," said Toy Bonnie. "Another endo-skeleton? No decency exists here as well it seems ," I said. "Hmm. This will complicate things then if we don't surpass it," said Mangle putting her hand under her chin. "We'll have to push on. If we encounter it, well then that's one more teammate to help us triumph this place." "Alright! Leader first," said Toy Bonnie gesturing his arms to the side. Mangle shook her head with a smirk as she walked past him and to one of the tents. "Do you know where each and every tent leads us to?" asked Bonnie. "Not exactly bro. This place is a giant maze to memorize that makes it impossible. I tell you this place messes with your head bros," responded Toy Bonnie turning to look at him. "How could you from the way you're describing it anyways?" I asked. "Maybe you just gotta be insane?" asked Springbonnie. "Fortunately for you that suits you," I responded. Mangle walked in first in the tent, as the rest of us followed in. "What if we get lost in this place?" asked RXQ worried. "That's doesn't concern me. What does ia what we'll find in this place that we're not noted of," I responded as we both walked in the tent. I looked around to see we were sort of in a cave with other purple tents, not the place I expected. However, sitting down on the floor in a weird position that was gold and had its back turned could not be missed when I looked. And I could never forget that figure and it's peculiar actions from a long time ago. "Golden Freddy?!" I exclaimed. I started to speed walk towards him, until Fredbear grabbed my arm pulling me back towards the others. "You know this guy as well? How many of these people are you familer with?" asked Bonnie. "Doesn't matter right now. He doesn't seem to be moving. Everyone move up slowly," said Mangle walking slowly up to him. "It seems you tend to forget they aren't the same people you once knew them to be. Or you just seem to carry ignorance and use it to push away my words," said Fredbear next to me. "If there is not one son of a bitch I am sparing, it's him," I snarled back. "Whoa Springtrap! I didn't know you could invent these type of words. Can you tell me what other one's you invented?" said Springbonnie next to me. "You better explain later how off and on I can cuss," I said turning to face Fredbear. "He probably knows we're here with all of us chattering repeatedly," said Bonnie. As soon as Mangle came close to Golden Freddy, as he turned around without even moving a circuit while he used Haunting on her. I used Springlocks on him as he summoned Mimic Ball, sending another attack of Haunting at me. As it was close to me I dodged it, as it disappeared due to it's maximum effort being wasted. "Not letting that hit me a second time today," I responded summoning Rainy Day on him. While Golden Freddy was getting harassed by my attack, Mangle was able to block out the rest of his attack and used Hook on him. "Appears to be another support animatronic," said Bonnie. "Then it is an easy victory then for us to cherish over," said Mangle. "RXQ! I suggest using Haunting to have an easy window on using everything on him!" He nodded in response as he used it, having our target already know this was going to be his last day, knowing his gold parts were going to be more worthless than copper. And as soon as the attack hit him, all fury was unleashed on him that showed the kinda hell I wanted him to be placed in. 

The constant sound of Springlocks crunching and snapping his parts.

The pops and sounds of Poppers exploding.

The giant sound of a bite that only a springlock model could have.

The only happiness of a song that was his last.

A jam made to bash your dreams and existence.

A song made made to send you to a cosmic world.

And my hatred towards a traitor, given by the world as well.

He finally fell to the ground in defeat, tasting his own kind we saw in him. Scratching the golden paint on him to dent his immortality. "Your identity seems to still cover your morality, only to leave behind a false shell of a follower. Yet the path of a killer still can be rewarded in your hands by your sequential actions," I said as my eyes were purple now. "Hey bro, you good?" asked Toy Bonnie. "No. I'm not fine," I responded. "I'm still broken. And my wounds will never heal. Not even my spirit will. Not even me."

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