Chapter 71: Rejoice In Our World

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Michael Afton's P.O.V


Night 5

I wasn't surprised to hear my phone buzzing right when I hit the button for the elevator to go down, as I grabbed it out of my pocket and flipped it open. "Hello," I answered rubbing my eyes. "Hello Michael. I am delighted to inform you that my discoveries have pieced together my predictions into reality. There is a source and disturbance linked together with these recent events," said my dad. "Michael? Michael. Michael!" "What? Yeah. I hear you," I responded in a low energetic tone. "Is everything alright? You sound abnormal than usual," said my dad. "I couldn't sleep last night. I just can't get any god damn sleep. Not with all these thoughts that keep lingering in the back of my head. I feel I can visually see them in my dreams. Like they're in our reality," I said. "What. Kind of dreams?" asked my dad. "Blood. Murder. All those animatronics drowning me in my own pool of blood. All while they laugh and see me perish," I explained. "And all I think about is what if they make me one of them." "Interesting. Going back to the primary focus at hand, it seems indeed an outside source has been entering the systems. And it traces back to one thing. One animatronic," said my dad. "Circus Baby." "I should've guessed sooner," I responded yawning. "Indeed. Which is why it is your job to check up on everything here one last time. I have decided it is best to seal this place and any other loose memories to store away after tonight," said my dad. "This part of the past will remain touched and will be disposed of. Properly." "So that's it? What about the animatronics and Hand Unit?" I asked. "Hand Unit is a necessary thing to sacrifice. And I'm sure Henry wouldn't mind either losing a creation he took part in. As for the animatronics, I've already sent Jim and Jerry to destroy all of them. They should be down there finishing things up," said my dad. "I don't know. If Baby was smart enough to enter the system, she could control all the systems and machinery of this place," I responded. "Then you'll take the precautions needed and deal with her personally. Won't you?" asked my dad. I didn't respond. I didn't feel I had the need to. "Won't you? Michael."  "Of course," I responded softly. "Good. I will see you then. I have bigger plans that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza will endure. Just the task for you," said my dad. "I'll see you. So-" The phone cut off immediately; as I stared at it while questioning the cause of the problem. "Dammit. Too deep underground," I said looking up and putting the phone back in my pocket. "Welcome back to your last day on the job. That is, the last day of your first week," said Hand Unit out of nowhere. "Some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness, and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation. You've earned your one-week bonus which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck. We've gift baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers and of course, the ever-popular cash basket." The keypad opened on the side as I walked over to it, even though I knew it wasn't going to work properly. As usual. "Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive," said Hand Unit. "Not going to matter when this place is going to be closed off for good. Especially when this damn keypad is flawed," I said pressing the later 'E'. Of course, the only thing I got in return was the screen showing "error" across. "It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type and I will auto-correct it for you," said Hand Unit. "Thank you for selecting... Exotic Butters." "Not the worst thing I've gotten from this stupid keypad," I said as the keypad retracted back into it's spot. "Just be aware there are still two technicians on-site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there and encourage them to go home," said Hand Unit. The loud buzz alarmed me that I was at my destination as the elevator stopped. That cheery and carnival music played right through my interpretation of this place, as if it seemed it was here only to ease the pain of this place it passed on to anyone that stepped afoot in here. And I was glad I only listened to it to understand the evil it buried, only to not cover. I pressed the red button to open the doors as they slid open, revealing the evil domain and lair of these animatronics. One last time to mark and finish these tampered memories. I walked in and got on my hands and knees to enter the vent, being the only brave one to enter in this secluded nightmare. 'There has to be a way to see if I can get Elizabeth out of this. If Circus Baby is telling the truth,' I thought as I made my way through the vent. 'Though she didn't know me. Unless she was 'pretending' as she puts it.' "Motion trigger: Entry-way vent," said the defense system. 'That's odd. Its never been active for this vent,' I thought to myself as I crawled out of the vent and into the main room. "Let's check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage," said Hand Unit immediately. 'Why is there a need to? She was... Scooped the last time I saw her,' I thought as I walked over to the control panel on the left and pressed the blue button for the light. Only to reveal what the aftermath of those who dared roamed this place as their own. Hanging above Ballora's stage was a body. I couldn't tell if it was either Jerry or Jim, but knowing who it was didn't matter to me enough and add on the feeling of passing out. "Great. Now let's check on Funtime Foxy," said Hand Unit as I laid my hand against the window for Ballora Gallery, while I held my chest to keep myself breathing and recover from that incident. After about a minute, I forced myself to walked over to the right panel as I slowly moved my hand towards it. Not only was I hesitant, but the everlasting movement of my shaking didn't ease my fear. Finally, I forced myself to press the button for the light in hopes of easing my fear. Only it grasped onto me to make it feel like it was crushing all ease and calmness in me. Hanging above on Funtime Foxy's stage was another dead body. Who it was didn't matter at this point. Jim and Jerry were both dead. Who was responsible wasn't clear. But I knew Baby had some knowledge of it. "Great! It looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium. Your task today will involve more maintenance work. Circus Baby had a rough day and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the Parts and Service Room by once again sneaking through Funtime Auditorium. As always please, proceed with caution," said Hand Unit as the vent for her room opened. I laid my hand against the glass window for Funtime Auditorium, trying to relax myself once more and relieve myself of this stress and uneasy feelings. "Dammit. Calm down. Just calm down," I said to myself. "Jerry. Jim. God dammit. Why did they have to suffer? Why do their wive's and children have to now live without them?" After about a couple minutes I finally got up and paced around, deciding if I was ready to depart. "Dammit. Ok. Ok, ok. Baby is in need of repairs. I should be able to get answers from her easily. All I have to do is get past Funtime Foxy and I'm good," I said to myself. "Wait! Nooo!" I patted both of my pockets, only to feel nothing but the flash beacon in my left pocket. "No, dammit! I forgot to bring the flashlight again! All I have is this stupid flash beacon from the night before!" I exclaimed slapping my hand on the window. "I could've made this easier but no! I had to be extremely tired because of last night!" I stopped for a second to look at the top of the entrance; that weird clown mask was missing now. "Something is off. Why would someone bother to claim an old animatronics mask?" I asked myself. "It must be something that involves Baby. Who else would be responsible." I crawled through the vent door to enter the dark room that felt like an empty void with nothing in it but me. Oddly me. I felt. Alone. No sounds from anything except my low breathing. "Funtime Auditorium Maintenance Vent opened," said the defense system as I entered in. I activated my flash beacon, revealing nothing but the maintenance door at the end. I walked slowly while listening for anything around me; there was nothing. Not even a shuffle or tiny sound of something touching the floor. Besides me of course. 'Is Funtime Foxy not in here?' I thought as I activated my flash beacon again. Nothing. Only me and the little bit of sanity not intoxicated by this place. 'Guess I'm going to risk it,' I thought as I darted across the room. In a couple of seconds I was at the door as I stopped to listen for anything. Still nothing. Not even the shadows dared to move. I opened the door as I walked, closing the door behind. "Motion trigger: Parts and Service," said the defense system as I entered in. Sitting on the conveyor belt was Circus Baby, sitting as if she was lifeless. But deep inside me I knew the little girl in her was only playing innocent and dead. "Great job reaching Parts and Service," said Hand Unit. "Circus Baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason. It's your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secure to the conveyor. Our technicians will take it from there-" There was the sound of static that cut off Hand Unit, presenting me with only silence now. "What the hell?" I asked myself aloud. "Can you hear me? I'm pretending. Remember how I said I could pretend?" said Baby out of nowhere. "The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move. Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens... I don't want it to happen again. There is something bad. Inside of me. I'm broken... I can't be fixed. I'm going to be taken to the Scooping Room soon but it's not going to fix what's wrong with me. What is bad is always left behind. Will you help me?" "How? How could I with everything that has happened. All because of you. You kidnapped me! You're the one responsible with the horrors of this place!" I said in response. "At least this place still reminds of myself. Me being human." I rolled up my right sleeve as tore off some of the skin, revealing the purple skin underneath it. "You know how I got this? How I became this? All because of my dad. Half of the insides of me were replaced by mechanical parts and this purple skin that makes me look like a freak," I said. "At least I still have feelings and a heart to keep me going. But also the thought that I know Elizabeth is trapped inside of you. Whatever you are." "I only want to help you. Is that something I can't offer?" responded Baby. "That's not the problem. What it involves is you. I feel like I don't know the real you," I responded. "You still listen to his words? To William's? Do you really blind yourself with me rather than him? After what he has done to you?" asked Baby. "I see now. You're alone. No one is there for you to rely on except yourself.  You're broken just like me. But you have something to at least temporally fix you. Someone. Elizabeth." "And yet, I still don't know if you're telling the truth," I responded. "What if this whole time you've been talking to her?" she asked. "How do I know if you really are her?" I asked. "Could you forget that one time when we were younger? At the park. You watching over me since Dad had to attend our mom for work purposes. You pushing the swings and making me feel like I was an airplane. High above the ground to travel the wonders of the world. All while we both laughed in excitement. And how could I fail to mention those group of teenagers that tried harassing you and me and attempted to rob us, while you stood up to them. Triumphing over their useless knifes and defending me the best you could before a police officer was luckily around," she said. "I can't forget the glory of shock Dad was in to hear about the occurrence. And our mom in tears over our safety and your will to protect me. Susan was indeed a caring mother to be bestowed upon." "I-I can't. I can't believe it," I said trying to get my words outs. "It's. It's you!" "I have always been here in a way. After all, our father designed Circus Baby after me," responded Elizabeth. "I thought I lost everything after you... were killed. The last bit of hope and happiness I had. All that to keep me from losing myself," I responded. "Michael. We can get out of here. Together. I know your desire to kill Dad is eternal unless we put it to rest. But first I need your assistance. Your trust. Can we share the bond we once had once more?" said Elizabeth. I looked at the ground, unsure of how to respond. "You promise me. That when we both escape this place, that the first thing we'll do is kill him? William," I asked. "I will. If it means destroying the name he gave to our title," she responded. "All I want you to do is save what is good so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered. But you must be careful; Ballora is here in the room with us. Ballora will not return to her stage. Ballora will not return to her body. You must be careful. You must remain calm and listen to my voice," said Elizabeth. "What are you talking about?" I asked looking around. "Focus on the safety and value of your life. She is listening. They are listening," she responded. "There is a button on my cheek. You must find it, and press it." I noticed there was a tiny button above her right cheek to the left of me as I walked over to it and pressed it. A tiny portion of the right side under her hair opened to reveal a keypad, something I didn't know animatronics had in them. Especially her. "There is a pass-code that you must enter before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully..." said Elizabeth as I got my right hand ready to enter in the code. 

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