Chapter 25: Night Of The Phantoms

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Alright, it's going to work like this. Bonnie I'll need you to protect Chica with your life, losing her will force us into an immediate defeat," said Mangle as most of us were huddled into a group together. "Seems like luck manages to make us stick together, huh?" asked Chica to Bonnie. "Too close at times," he responded smiling. "Springbonnie will keep the other enemies distracted so we can unglitch the phantoms," said Mangle. "Not a problem for Springbonnie, she's already ahead of your commands," said Bonnie turning around. Around us Springbonnie was taking care of any enemies that were trying to attack while we discussed our plan of attack, guess she was more of a danger to us than the enemy because of her unpredictable actions. "You're not putting me with Springbonnie?" I asked. "No. Your liability has broken the bond between us, now I must tend to your actions to keep you in check," responded Mangle. "I don't need a mother," I said. I stopped suddenly to think about that comment; I was asking for no mother. "No one can replace the one mother I had." "Unless you prove you can be trusted, I'll have to care and watch your actions. You split the bond further than the cut already made," she responded. "Alright everyone! We all know the plan! Let's show them this ain't their night to watch the innocent fall!" "When night falls, the single spark of life that twinkles in the dead air turns into dust, and so does the smell of fear," I said while my eyes illuminated purple for a small moment. "God #$%&#$%," I said shaking my head. Everyone turned to look at me, seeing the monster within me burrow it's way through my darkened dead heart, racing to see chills run through the dozens of cowards standing around me. "You see what I mean, you can't even control that glitch of yours. How can you be able to control the things you cause around you?" said Mangle. "Shut up," I said slapping my head to snap myself back to my senses. "Just go on without me. I'll catch up," I said. Everyone turned back around as they ran into battle, while I tried relaxing myself to be ready. "Don't let him control you! Don't let that son of a #$%&# control you like he did last time!" I said to myself. "Don't let yourself become him again!" Finally I ran to where the others were, as I could see the effects of our enemies they had brought on to us. 

Springbonnie was still taking as many Beartraps, Prototypes, and Graveweeds she could bring down to the ground. 

Bonnie was in front of Chica, protecting her with his attacks and will while she healed the others. 

Mangle of course had to be the one who was thirsty for action.

"Springtrap, get over here!" she called over to me while dodging an attack from Phantom Freddy. "Phantom Freddy. I remember you. I just wish I had a kiss from the version of Mangle I knew to boost my confidence to stay away from mortality," I said to myself while running towards Mangle. As I closed on own her, a Prototype stepped out of nowhere in front of me as it hit me directly in the face. It did remind me of that one time when I was in seventh grade and a group of bullies punched me in the nose, then threw me in a trash can just for being a A+ student. Guess they wanted to challenge the smart people, and this incident make me feel like I'm reliving that experience. Except this time my faces stings badly now instead of having my nose bleed for five minutes straight. And me hitting the ground didn't ease the pain, it only added on to it. I tried by best to get up as I could hear the Prototypes loud mechanical feet stomp and crush the pebbles on the ground. "A shame Funtime Freddy know's how to use his mind in this type of situation. All I know is how to make do with weapons," I said as I slowly looked up. Suddenly the Prototype exploded as it fell into pieces in front of me, while I could see one pink foot and the other exposed. "You think death is a suitable punishment I reward? That only makes me a killer," said Mangle sticking her arm out for me took. I grabbed it while she pulled me up, as I could see Phantom Freddy approaching us, including Phantom Foxy. '#$%&#$. Phantom Foxy as well? This is going to make things real ugly now, I thought. "Chica! Use Cupcake!" called Mangle. A second later my health was restored fully; I was ready for action now. "At least I know cupcakes here won't kill me," I said. "Loop around them and try to get them confused!" she commanded. "What kind of strategy is that!?" I questioned. "One I ordered you to follow, unless you want to waste another life today," she said. Out of nowhere Phantom Freddy charged at us while throwing these rocks things Phantom Chica used on us back at the mine. 'God, I hate thinking how I'm the one responsible for creating these things,' I thought getting hit by those rock things. "Alright, how about I teach you both the power your creator holds!" I said using Springlocks on the both of them. This did little damage to the both of them, though to be honest it felt like it did nothing to them. Suddenly Foxy jumpscared me as my vision was starting to go blurry from his attack. "#$%&! I still hate him the most out of all the others!" I exclaimed covering my eyes. I heard someone run past me, most likely Mangle as I could hear fighting going on a couple feet away. A moment later someone fell on top of me as I tried to see who it was. My vision had now fully recovered at this point and I could see it was Mangle who had fallen on top of me. "You're not doing much," she said insulting me while getting off of me. "I wish I could do something if my leader would assist me and not hinder my progress," I responded getting up. "Watch their attacks, their moves, their thinking. Then you'll know the enemy better," she said. "Let's try that strategy again." She ran around Phantom Freddy as I got up and ran around Phantom Foxy. They were confused, and at the same time torn between how to react to our sudden change of attack. As me and Mangle approached each other I ran faster; I had an idea of what to do next. As soon as I passed Mangle I used my Rainy Day and Bite, while Mangle threw a bunch of Poppers at Phantom Freddy and Phantom Foxy when she passed me. The amount of attacks brought towards them interfered with their ability to react in time. Now we had a fair advantage. I used Springlocks on the both of them as Phantom Freddy fell to ground, but that annoying cunning Foxy got lucky. "I'll give you some credit for adapting to the situation," said Mangle. "Yeah, but now we have to deal with Phantom Foxy," I said looking towards the direction of where he was at. He slowly got off the ground as he started to grind his teeth while looking directly at me. "Looks like he's picked his target," said Mangle noticing Phantom Foxy looking at me. "You better not let me lose this fight, just for me to go up against him alone," I responded. Suddenly my vision went distorted for a moment before realizing I was still alive. "I hope you understand you can't control everything. Including Screw," said Mangle acting like that event didn't happen. "That's it then! He's mine!" I exclaimed as I rushed at Phantom Foxy. He rush at me as well as he used Toxic Bite on me. My health was starting to decline, but that wasn't going to weigh me down. I summoned a bunch of Springlocks on him as me and him still had our directed paths lined up. However, I was planning on taking a different route. As soon as he got close to me I jumped to the side to evade him; there was no way I was going to challenge him head on without a plan. Besides, I would go harder on him if I had the chance to destroy him, if he wasn't untouchable that is. As soon as he turned around and took a single step forward towards me he stopped suddenly. About a second later he grabbed his stomach as he fell onto the ground defeated. I had conquered my own creations, things I created to torment others and instead received that pain back as a thank you to them. "Not bad," said Mangle walking up to me while looking at Phantom Foxy who was on the ground. "But it still shows you can't control your tendency of being unhinged." 'God, she'll never respect me by only doing one good thing, she's so needy in terms of correction that it's repetitive!' I thought. 'People like her expect too much exceeding achievements and so little failure from someone that has a lot of potential.'

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