Chapter 54: Fresh Pork And Meat

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Springtrap's P.O.V

"Something hard like a rock!" I exclaimed as I reappeared in Lilygear Lake, hitting the bottom of the lake. "Guess that's better than landing on a hard surface," I said under water as I swam back up. While I was making my way to the surface I could see a boat that was above, most likely being the others. I reached the surface as I was able to grab onto the boat while gaining back my strength from swimming. "Hey Springtrap! You're alive! Though this is no time to be swimming," said Springbonnie sticking her head out near me. "For me, it is," I said climbing on the boat. "What happened! Where did you go off to?" asked Mangle. "I got separated from you guys. Apparently I ended up down four glitches than were I was supposed to go. "His reasoning his logical. The calculations have proven his chances for discovering the fourth subtunnel you mentioned are accurate," said Endo 02. "I met an old friend. Shadow. I found Old Man Consequence's," I said. "You're describing the same person who helped you deal with the control of Purple Guy you mention you and the others found at 'Fredbear's Family Diner'?" asked Shadow Freddy. "Yes. The same person," I responded. "Who?" asked Bonnie. "Never mine that. Well, what happened with him between the two of you?" asked Mangle. "He gave me the ability to withstand Purple Guy's wraith again, only it'll last until we get into the flipside, after that I'm on my own with no help to counter his wraith," I said. "I'll have to finish the job to end him for good." "Well, it is good to know you're alright. Right now, we got our target over by the giant lily pad waiting for us," said Mangle looking towards a certain direction. I turned to see a giant pig animatronic waiting by the lily pad; just watching over us. Though the sound of his oinking always seemed to signify his presence. "What the hell is that thing?" I asked. "That's Porkpatch. Pretty menacing right? Probably make you his own food instead of us making him into food," said Springbonnie. "At least this time we know what we're dealing with," I said. "Take a moment and look over here," said Fredbear on one side of the boat as me and the others walked over to him. On the side he was at there was a large button on the water, just close enough to press and activate. "This is the first of the buttons we must activate in order to gain access to the entrance into the Flipside," explained Fredbear. "How about you be the first to activate this one Springtrap?" "Lucky me. With all the other things I've been offered," I said reaching my hand out as I pressed it. "Now. Each button will have an entrance that will be locked. Porkpatch is guarding a key that gives us access to all the buttons, we obtain that we can activate every button. Once down, we'll have a direct entrance into the Flipside for everyone," explained Fredbear. "That's if we can handle this thing," I said looking at Porkpatch who was fiddling with a small lily pad. "We've dealt with worse," said Shadow Freddy. "Maybe. But I never found pigs adorable," I said. "Alright! Everyone ready!" said Mangle turning to all of us. 

"Ready!" exclaimed Springbonnie enthusiastic. 

"I'm not," responded Bonnie

"Yes. I'm ready," responded Fredbear.

"Affirmative," responded Endo 02.

"I guess so," I responded.

"Yes. We are all ready," responded Shadow Freddy.

"Then the word is given. Victory is already in sight," said Mangle. "We're closer to prevailing than ever predicted," she said as she rowed the boat over to where Porkpatch was. "You have a plan?" I asked. "I do. Endo 02, what tactical advantage is present?" asked Mangle. "Calculating. The lily pad has limited space, preventing any means of everlasting movement," responded Endo 02. "Confined space. Definition for me not wanting to feel claustrophobic," I said. "However, his speed is inferior to us. The lily pad as the option to also sink to the bottom of the lake if provided with no source or way to float," he continued. "Then a plan has been formulated," responded Mangle as we approached the giant lily pad with Porkpatch on it. "Didn't you steal the plan from Endo 02?" asked Bonnie. "Illogical. My calculations are granted for others to use," responded Endo 02. "There's your answer," responded Mangle. "Everyone ready!" "It is good to know that Purple Guy problem is partially resolved, for now," said Shadow Freddy to me. "Same here. Though now we have to worry about getting these button activated to lower the defenses for the Flipside," I responded. "I just hope it'll be easier to lower the defenses than defeat the things defending it." "Attack!" exclaimed Mangle as we all hopped off the boat and ran towards Porkpatch. "Fry him like raw meat!" exclaimed Mangle using Hook on him. "Springtrap! Come with me and we'll find get that key! Everyone else try to distract it and sink the lily pad!" commanded Mangle. "Don't sink the lily bad until I say so!" "Got it! I don't want to be underwater when the thing reaches the bottom of the like," responded Bonnie. Me and Mangle ran around Porkpatch, right when his hand reached for the two of us his action was halted from the blast of Bonnie's Bash Jam. "Hey ugly! How about I make you into a meal?!" he exclaimed. He turned around furious, judging by the way he oinked as he walked towards them. "Let's hope this key is here," I said. "It is. For sure," said Mangle. Indeed she was right, there was a giant key at the edge of the lily pad as we both ran towards it. "How do we move something this big?" I asked. "That. I didn't plan. We'll improvise," she responded. "Grab one side and I'll grab the other so we can carry it back to the boat." I went and grabbed the back of the key as Mangle grabbed the other side. "Alright, on three. One. Two. Three!" she said counting. We both lifted it as we carried and across the battle as everyone noticed what were trying to do. "Hey! Looks like Springy is being the big man!" she exclaimed. "Why don't you focus on distracting that thing before we lose this damn key!?" I exclaimed while struggling to hold the key up. "Springbonnie! Once we get the key in the boat, make holes in the lily pad to sink this thing to the ocean!" commanded Mangle while we walked as quickly as our legs could resist the weight, as we both dropped the key in the boat. "Sink it! Now!" she yelled. Everyone started making holes in the lily pad by their attacks as Endo 02 summoned his mini endo-skeleton army, using them to form holes. Everyone else were able to make holes as they ran back to the boat, though Bonnie was unaccounted for. We was being hunted by Porkpatch, rather than the meat being the victim. "C'mon! Get over here Bonnie!" called Mangle. "I'm trying!" he exclaimed back. As he was close, I noticed the lily pad was already starting to sink. "It's going to sink!" I exclaimed. Right when he was about to grab for the ledge of the boat he fell down into the deep cold lake along with Porkpatch. "Dang! We need someone to go get him!" exclaimed Mangle. "I'll go," I responded. Me volunteering myself wasn't just to fix my friendship with him, it was also because I didn't want him to suffer an undeserved fate. Getting stuck under the lake was not an option for him. "We'll be up here for support," said Mangle. I nodded as I jumped into the lake; I knew if I was going to succeed I had to eliminate Porkpatch. As I jumped in I could already see Porkpatch attempting to grab Bonnie as he tried to escape. Bonnie was smart about this, he knew if he tried to stop and land a hit on him, that would cost him his survival. I used Bite on him as that gave Bonnie the necessary time to escape while I did my best to defeat him. "Damn thing. Better that my attacks weren't limited by the water," I said as I tried using Rainy Day, only the attack converted with the water. Out of nowhere multiple lasers came from above as Porkpatch was sinking further towards the dark, lonely depths of the lake. The only treasure this lake would have. "Let's get out of here while we still can. I don't want to be trapped at the bottom with him," said Bonnie. "Agreed. Better fate he has than us," I said as we tried swimming back up. As soon as we barely moved Porkpatch grabbed onto my foot as I pulled to loosen his grip on me. "Let go you bastard!" I exclaimed pulling while we both sank towards the bottom floor. Endo 02's army had halted their attack for the moment, though they weren't my last hope. Bonnie used Bash Jam on Porkpatch as he finally let me go. Just as the rain of lasers returned from above me and Bonnie used both of our attacks, destroying Porkpatch for good. All of his remaining parts sank to the bottom of the lake as me and Bonnie swam back up to the others. As soon as we both saw the boat we climbed on as we both sat drenched. "So this is what it feels like to be in your predicaments," said Bonnie. "Just a portion," I responded. "You do not want to be me. Any time. Any day."

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