Chapter 1

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"Where is she."

Scootaloo wasn't a very patient pony but it had been an hour and Rainbow Dash still hadn't showed up yet. Scootaloo groaned. Maybe she could practice a few tricks while she waited. Jumping on to her scooter, she whizzed around in the empty park. Not knowing her mishevious friends were spying on her in a bush.


"Why are we here again" Sweetie Belle asked.

" Somethings obviously wrong with Scootaloo, she seems..." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watch as Scootaloo crashed into a tree and blacked out. "... different. And we have to find out why"

"Maybe it's from every time she's crashed into that tree" Sweetie Belle said then paused. "should we go help her"

"Naah" Apple Bloom said "She'll wake up in a sec."

The two fillies continued to watch as Scootaloo slowly got up and looked around as if she was in a completely different world.


Scootaloo got up to the normal pounding in her head. She was starting to get use to it. As she looked around, it took her a few seconds to realise that she was still in the park and Rainbow Dash still hadn't showed up. It was dark so she decided to go home and get some rest. But looking at the bits of metal and plastic that once was her scooter she knew that she would have to walk.

Scootaloo hated walking it was so slow and boring and made her want to be able to fly even more. If only Rainbow Dash had anough time on her hooves. She was always busy doing tricks, blasting bad guys into space and cool stuff like that. "I wish my life was cool like that" she sighed.

She slowly trotted to her house, which was on the other end of Ponyville, wondering to herself "Maybe if I could fly my life would be ..." She suddenly felt dizzy. She stopped as the world seemed to be spinning around her. She felt her eyes get heavier and heavier and her head pounded like mad. Suddenly she fell to the floor.

"Scootaloo!!"Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom cried as they ran towards the filly.

"Oh my Celestia how much does she eat" Sweetie Belle panted as they try to lift Scootaloo up.

"Help us somepony, anypony, please help us." they scream. But they were in the middle of nowhere.

Yeah. This monstrosity was the first chapter. If you have any advice tell me in the comments. But I seriously doubt anyone is reading this.

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