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January 16th, 1963

Washington D.C.

Jackie's eyes darted open right as a wave of nausea passed over her suddenly.

Immediately she made a bee-line to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time.

"Jackie? Hey Kid, are you alright?" Jack asked trying to open the door.

'Great' She thought to herself, now she had woken up Jack.

'What is making me feel this bad?' Again, another thought as she composed herself soon un-locking the door & reveal her President husband.

"Hey kid, are you sure your okay?" He pushed, not wanting anything bad happening to his wife.

"I really think you should go see Dr. Travell" He added quickly

Jackie always hated doctors, ever since she was little, but she really didn't feel good.

"Yeah Jack you're probably right, I'll go and see her in the morning" Jackie said turning to go back into her room

"I love you Jackie"

Jackie turned around smiling at her husband

"I love you too Jack"

And with that they went there separate ways, and not long after the two were once again fast asleep.


"Jackie?" Jack said opening the door connecting there rooms thinking his wife was already awake

"Jackie, hey I know you don't feel well but you need to get up, just go see the doctor then you can come back up and sleep"

With that Jackie slowly started to get ready, since she didn't actually have to leave the White House property she didn't put an huge amount of effort into her outfit. Which consisted of white slakes and a teal turtleneck sweater. She entered Jack's room, kissed him goodbye and went on to her office


Jackie knocked on the door to the office

"Come in" came a voice from inside

"Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, how are you doing today?" Doctor Travell spoke, looking up at Jackie

"Actually not so good, may I come in?" She spoke gesturing to the chairs in front of her desk

"Yes of course, so tell me what's been bothering you?"

"I've been vomiting almost every morning, and I just don't feel right these days"

"Alright, well if you'll come back here, i'll draw some blood, test it, and we'll find out what's been bothering you"

"Thank you, Doctor" Jackie said following Doctor Travell through a door that was behind her desk

After Dr. Travell took some blood, he went off to test it. Leaving Jackie absolutely alone for the first time in weeks. Which gave her time to think, about Jack, about family, honestly about life in general. She found herself getting caught up in her thoughts when Dr. Travell re-entered

"Mrs. Kennedy I have absolutely wonderful news, your pregnant!"

Jackie had always dreamed of having children, and now she was not only having a child, but she was having a child with the president of the United States!

"Oh, thank you doctor!" She said starting to leave the office

"Tell the president I said congratulations"

"I will" she said hurrying out of the office and towards the oval, where her husband would be for the day

She just couldn't wait to tell Jack.

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