i can't do it all

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July 31, 1963

The White House

The next six months where stress free, well at least for Jackie. Considering she was too weak to do anything, and if she did do anything she would have to take the tank with her and she did anything possible to avoid that damn thing. It helped her, and she was grateful for that, but she hated it. The most eventful day she had, had in the six months was her birthday. She celebrated with Jack, Bobby, and Lee, she invited her mother too but she was obviously still upset with her, she didn't even call after the accident. Although she was heavily pregnant, she trier d her best to just enjoy turning 33. Just spending the night with Jack after the other two left, and him giving her his present, a ring with the ruby birthstone, considering she was being induced on the 31st. Making there little girl a July baby like Jackie.

Now we come to the present...

On the morning Jackie was induced, her breathing was pretty labored, Jack just thought it was the stress, but in the back of his head he knew something was not right. Once she actually starting pushing, they had a full blown mask on her. But then he was ushered out of the room, even though Jackie was screaming for him to stay. After the baby was born, she was rushed out of the room with a whole congregation behind her. And before Jackie could question why, Jack rushed back into the room, breaking through the arms of some of the nurses.

"Jackie are you alright?"

"Jack she was beautiful, I love you Ja-c-ck"

Suddenly Jackie's eyes closed and her head fell back. All the machines around her started going crazy.

"JACKIE?, what's happening?" He yelled looking around at the nurses scrambling everywhere.

Doctor Maxwell, please report to maternity IMMEDIATELY!

He heard come over the loud speakers, as the nurses pushed him out of the room.

"Jackie, I love you!" He yelled right before the door was slammed in his face


He sat for what seemed like forever, he wanted his wife and nobody would tell him anything, the baby, which didn't even have a name yet, was moved down to the NICU and was being closely watched because of a the possibility that she may have a heart murmur. Just as everything started to catch up to him,


He stood up to see his brother running down the hall,

"It took me forever to find you!, how's Jackie and the baby?"

All Jack could do was look at Bobby


Suddenly he just started spitting everything out

"I think Jackie's dieing, and the baby has a heart murmur or something, and I don't know what to do anymore"

"It's that serious?"

"It's always been that serious Bobby! Her tank was always turned up all the way, she was always in pain! And yet these dumbass doctors insisted she have a natural birth, I knew she wouldn't be able to handle it! I should have spoke up! Maybe she wouldn't be dieing right now!"

Kennedy men don't cry, but right there in the hallway of the hospital, both men cried as they held each other

Once they broke up there hug Jack turned around too see the doctor, and he could see nurses leaving her room out of the corner of his eyes, he knew what was about to come out of that man's mouth, but he honestly didn't want to hear it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kennedy, we did all we could, her lungs just couldn't take the stress"

"What about my little girl?"

"Oh, she's a very beautiful little girl, and a fighter, she seems to have a small heart murmur but we're hoping that she will grow out of it, we'll keep her for a couple of days for observation then she's all yours"

"Can I see my wife, please?"

"Oh, yes, of course, please follow me"

As they approached the door, the doctor backed away, and Jack entered

He sat down next to her, stroked her hair, and began to talk to her,

"I was thinking of naming her kate, but it just doesn't seem right so, I'm going to name her after you, because she's a fighter, and she gets that from her mom. Because even though I knew you were in so much pain throughout the pregnancy, you never ever said a word, and always comforted me for the stupid things. I should have spoke up Kid, I should have said something!" He said beginning to get angry with himself

"Then you could have had your dreams come true of raising a little girl, having a family, and I ruined it. Jackie I'll love you forever, I'll raise our little girl right, and teach her about her amazing mommy, I'll do it right this time. Jesus Jackie, how did it come to this? Now I have a newborn, a funeral to plan, and I'm still the president, and the nation relies on me. I don't know how I'll do it"

Suddenly a chill came over the room, and a whisper came to his ear

"Because I'll always be with you, I'll be right along side you raising Kate, I love you Jack don't forget that"

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