'we miss her'

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April 5, 1982

Hyannis Port

It was coming close to Easter, therefore all the Kennedy children made there way to Hyannis, with there families, including Jack.

Kate was doing a lot better. She slowly started to walk without the walker, not quite being there yet, but making leaps and bounds. Feeds where coming up in speed, honestly it all depended on the day on whether she would tolerate them. She had great days and really bad days.

But as Kate got better, Jack got worse. Since he had been taking care of Kate, his back had definitely gotten worse. If he went anywhere in public, he would have to use something  for support, most of the time it was his wheelchair. So the first family of Kennedy's where what Joe Sr. called 'crippled', but luckily Joe had already gotten over that mountain.

Today was Kennedy Klan pictures, the huge family picture, and the children's individual family pictures. Oldest to youngest like always, therefore Jack and Kate where in the corner, with Joe and Rose, then Eunice, Pat, Bobby, Jean, and finally Teddy on the very end.

The huge family picture was taken, then Jack and Kate came together, one in a wheelchair and one using a walker. The pictures were taken, and Eunice and her family stepped up, as Jack and Kate sat in the sand watching the family pictures.

"I love it here" Kate said looking towards her father

"So do I, your mother and I used to sit on this beach and talk all about you, your future, what we wanted for you"

"The week before you had your pacemaker placed, I brought you out here, you absolutely loved it, that was probably one of the best weekends, I'd  had since your mom died"

"Dad, how did you do it?"

"Do what?" He said looking up

"Raise me, I had so many problems as a kid, I'd been in so many hospitals yet you where always there, and you always believed in me no matter what"

"Well, honestly I really don't know, I cussed the lord a good bit, but I've repented, your uncle Bobby was a huge help, and your mother helped me no matter what happened to you, she was always ready for you if you went to heaven, I'm sure she's still ready for that day"

"I could tell that she wanted me to stay so bad last time, but she is still her self-less self and she sent me back down to you."


A couple weeks later

Washington D.C

Kate walked down the stairs slowly, grabbing their family pictures from the floor of the house and walked into the kitchen. Jack rolled down his ramp and into the kitchen,

"They finally came?"

"Yea you wanna look at them?" Kate said pushing Jack to sit next to her at the table

When Kate started to gradually take out the pictures tears streamed down Jack's face. And there was a note in the bottom of the envelope

Our family is WHOLE again

Dear Jack,
We hope you like how your family pictures turned out, the picture of Jackie we placed into the picture was really the only good one in the house. We know, especially these days, that things are hard for both of you. Me and your father love you oh so much.

We Miss Her, Jack


Kate watched as her father cried happy tears, looking at the picture. This was the only family picture they had, all of them together. It was beautiful

One picture was in black and white, Jack sat in his wheelchair, and Kate sat with her head against with her walker a couple inches in front of her and her mother standing behind them, her tank near by, as the cannula ran into her nose. It really showed the true colors of the Kennedy/ Bouvier family and Jack absolutely loved it.

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