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September 28, 1973

Washington D.C./ Hyannis Port

"Shit, I just got her all adjusted" Jack signed climbing the stairs and into Kate's room again.

Quickly he got her portable feed backpack with a couple days worth of feeds in it, strapped it around her shoulders, wrapped a blanket around her and ran out the door with Bobby.


Once the four all boarded the jet, Jack surprisingly found an old pack- in-play that was Kate's, therefore he slid her into it in a closet in the back of the jet to maybe sleep a little bit in peace.

"Ok now that she's sorta down, what the hell is going on?"

"All I know is that mom said that the doctors think it's a stroke, and he's doing fine, mom just wants us in Hyannis"

"Ok, so he's not like dieing right?"

"No Jack.. dumbass" saying that last part under his breath

"Ok, then I'm going to open this door and sleep on the floor next to this pack-in-play" Jack said sounding drained and getting down on the floor, where he would soon fall asleep


Just before landing Jack woke up, having to check his surroundings before he did anything. Slowly he started to wake up Kate.

"Kate c'mon let's wake up"

Kate started to stur as Jack lifted her up out of the small, cramped pack-in-play. Of course the first person she ran to was Bobby.

Once the jet landed, he picked up his daughter and walked to a car near by. Keeping in mind that she was still in her soccer pajamas, and was still on night time feeds considering it was only about 2:00 a.m. . They immediately drove to the hospital, as Jack jerked to stay awake.


As Kate walked down the hall hand in hand with her daddy, she spotted someone she knew and loved, but sure hadn't seen in quite awhile.

"GRAMMY!" She yelled taking off down the hallway, and jumping into her arms

Immediately she had a face full of concern, quickly Jack addressed his mother.

"Night-time feeds, she still has pajamas on because I was being rushed" he said looking a Bobby, as he sat down in a chair, yawning

"You wanna see Grampy?" Rose asked Kate, in which she responded with a tired nod

Once Kate was in his room, she climbed up in Joe's bed and soon fell asleep in the arms of her grampy


After a couple of hours Bobby took Kate to the big house where all the kids where, of course in a separate room, trying to prevent events of last time. As Bobby left with Kate Jack tried to explain everything he could.

"If her pump goes off go get help just in case of a mess, there are always written instructions inside the front pocket of her backpack, I wrote them word for word so just follow them and hopefully you will be ok, and after your done just let her sleep, if she sleeps past 10:00 LET ME KNOW!"

"Damn Jack, protective much?"

"Bobby just do the shit I told you okay?" He said getting irritated

"I love you Kate, night night" she said kissing her forehead as she slept in the arms of her uncle

"Night, night daddy" she whispered opening one eye to exchange looks with her father

And Jack watched as Bobby carried her down the hall and out of his sight

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