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December 24, 1988

Hyannis Port/ Jack's Home

"Papa!" Elizabeth yelled running into her grandpas huge house

Since day one, both Elizabeth and Jack had a special bond, that Kate loved to watch unfold.

"Elizabeth slow down!"

Matt and Kate's anniversary had come and gone, and now it was Christmas Eve and his daughter's first birthday and he was nowhere to be found. At this point he had been gone for seven months without calls or texts, every once it a while they would get a letter, but they where short, mostly telling Kate he was okay, and that he loved her and Liza so much.

They where supposed to go to Matt's this year, but he wasn't here, so what was the point? Plus Kate loved Christmas with her father.

"Liza?" He asked surprisingly

When they walked in Jack sat staring at all the many presents that where marked 'Kate' and 'Liza'. Quickly Elizabeth jumped up onto Jack's lap, and hugged him tightly

"Woah slow down Liza be easy on papa" Kate said kissing her father from behind

"Gosh dad, you out did yourself!" Kate stared down all the colorfully wrapped presents

"I'm glad you two made it!" Jack spoke as his daughter snuggled up on his shoulder as Elizabeth curled up on his lap

Elizabeth started to drift in and out of sleep, at this point in time this happened on a daily basis when her cortisol would drop to low. She'd start to drift, when that would happen she  speed up the pumps rate and try to get her to stay awake. Therefore Kate ripped her daughter from her father and laid her down on the couch next to them.

"Liza! Liza! wake up for mommy! Wake up!" She said as she bumped up her pump a couple units

Slowly she started to kick and scream, looking around for somebody. Jack yanked her up and tried to calm her down

"Liza, Liza, hey it's papa, papas here"

Once she calmed down, Kate just straight took Elizabeth's shirt off, and let her run around, her pump attached to her little ruffle pants.

"Liza slow down, you wanna make cookies for Santa?" Kate said scooping her up and placing her on the counter, as Jack followed up his ramp into the kitchen

Jack couldn't stop smiling as he watched his daughter and her daughter make cookies, as they laughed and laughed.

After a while the cookies where being taken out of the oven, Kate put the plate of cookies in Elizabeth's lap and Jack rolled her into the main room, where she put the cookies on the mantle. Soon Kate joined the other two in the main room but immediately noticed something different about all the presents including a big one in the corner of the room.

"Kate, Liza I have a very special gift for the both of you, if you wanna go and open that present you can find out" Jack said looking toward Elizabeth

Kate picked her up and walked toward the huge present in the corner. While holding her daughter on her hip she tore the presents paper off of it, and went to open the top, placing Liza on the floor to sit. Before she could even tear the tape, Matt jumped up. Kate broke down and fell to her knees crying while Liza jumped up and ran to her father

"Daddy!" Matt picked her up and started to cry as Kate stood up and sobbed into her husband

"Surprise!" Jack yelled from behind the reunion of the small family

That night Elizabeth and Matt had went up to bed, Kate staying downstairs with her father for a while

"Daddy, I have a present for you" she said handing Jack the pretty wrapped present

I haven't told a single soul yet, your the first one" she said as he ripping into the present, starting to cry when he realized what it was

"Jack Francis Hayes" was written in tiny letters on the front

And on the back it said,

"Playing football with papa since 87' "

"Daddy I'm pregnant"

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