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"Jack! What are you doing?, Get up!, your wife's life is hanging in the balance and so is your child's!" Joe yelled from the front door of the main house, causing Jack to actually grasp what was happening.

"your right" he said under his breath

Quickly he regained his balance, and with the help of his brothers he climbed into Bobby's car and off the three went to the hospital.


Just as the ambulance pulled into the hospital, Bobby pulled into the parking lot. Once he had parked, Jack left his brothers in the dust hoping to get the smallest glimpse of his wife. He blast through the rotating doors, and just like that a stretcher surrounded by nurses and doctors speed past, and Jack just knew that was his "Kid". He took off running after her, and as he wished he saw a glimpse of Jackie for a second. And then the door was slammed in his face. Seconds later an alert came over the speakers,

Code Blue/ Trauma 2

His heart dropped as he looked at the "2" above the door. All he could do was sit and watch as his wife's life slipped through his fingers. He buried his head in his hands, just as his wife had done just two hours before, and soon he found himself crying himself to sleep.


"Mr. President?"

"What?" Jack said opening his eyes and pulling his head up

"Your wife, we have stabilized her, because of the water that she aspirated into her lungs, she's still having some trouble breathing confidently on her own, but where hoping with the help of the chest tube extracting the extra water from her lungs that she will be able to start slowly breathing on her own without assistance. She also lost a good bit of blood, from the cut on the back of her head, so she will need one or two blood transfusions, we will move her up to the icu for close observation, but otherwise I believe she will make a full recovery"

Just as the doctor started to walk away, Jack spoke up,

"What about our baby?"

The doctor turned around and spoke

"She lost oxygen for a while there, so we'll have to check on that, but otherwise I do believe that everything is alright"


"Oh, yes sir you and your wife are expecting a baby girl, congratulations"

"Can I see my wife, please?"

"You can go ahead and go up to ICU and just meet us up there"

Jack turned around to see Bobby still asleep in the chair that was beside his.

"I'll just leave him to sleep, he's too stressed out anyway" Jack thought to himself, and off he went upstairs to meet his wife.

Once he approached the deck the nurses immediately knew who and why he was there, so they pointed to a room with all clear walls a couple rooms down. He waited till he could hear the machines beep and wheels coming from the distance. He could hear the gasps from the nurses at the station, as they rolled her by, which started to scare him. He didn't know if he was ready to really see his wife in this state. They entered the room, with all the monitors and machines first which scared Jack even more. But when he saw his wife for the first time, now that scared him the most. She just looked so uncomfortable, a tube coming from her side, one down her throat, one iv in her shoulder, and one in her foot. The only thing that still was the same was her dark hair, although it was wet and matted it was the same, which comforted Jack. As soon as everybody cleared out Jack immediately went to Jackie's hand. He had never gripped something so tight in his life, he held her hand in till he just couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. And he ended up falling asleep to the melody of his wife's heart rate on the monitor.


"Jack, hey!, Jackie's waking up!'

Jack's eyes were suddenly wide open once again to see his brother, smiling. He could see out of the corner of his eye, his wife beginning to stir, therefore he got up and walked to her side

"Hey, hey Kid it's me, Jack" Jack spoke trying to get Jackie not to focus on the tubes all around her

Her hand immediately shot up, looking for Jack's

"See I'm right here" he said grabbing her hand once again

She squeezed his hand tightly, which Jack only thought that maybe she was scared or confused. So Jack brought the head of her bed up to face him

"Hi, Jackie" he responded smiling

After explaining what happened, Jackie seemed to be drifting in and out of sleep, so Jack once again lowered the head and held her hand as she still squeezed it tightly.

"Jackie, a baby girl, just like we've dreamed" he whispered

Suddenly a single tear dropped from Jackie's eye, right before she closed them again.

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