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January 22, 1963

12:00 Noon

The doctors had finally cleared Jackie to go home, which not only made her happy but Jack as well. It had taken the nurses forever to get all the paperwork done, so instead of sleeping Jackie stayed awake, and now could hardly function. Now Jack had to help her do her every move, to get dressed, to brush her hair, to tie her shoes all the simple things you learn as a child, Jack had to do for her. When it came time to put her shirt on, Jack would have to take the cannula off, slip the shirt on quickly, then hopefully get the cannula back into Jackie's nose before she can totally freak out, which was going to be challenging.

"Ok, Kid I'm going to try to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible so please work with me ok?"

Jackie shook her head


Jackie once again responded with a nod


He takes off the cannula slowly, trying not to hurt the skin on Jackie's cheeks, leaving Jackie gasping for air once again


"Almost done, just BREATHE Jackie!"

He slips the shirt over her head, gets her arms in, and quickly returns the cannula to its rightful place. When the nurse came into give Jack the okay to go, Jackie was still sitting on the bed trying to catch her breath again. Once the nurse left, Jack turned to Jackie

"Are you finally ready to go home?"

"I am Jack, let's get out of here"

Now Jack had to worry about the transfer from bed to wheelchair, which he really didn't think would go that bad, so he was confident in himself.

"Okay ready?"


Jack lifted his wife into the standing position, and for the first time in 4-5 days they where actually facing each other. Without warning Jackie passionately kisses Jack on the lips.

"I love you, John Kennedy"

Jack who had been waiting for this moment, returns the favor

"I love you too Jacqueline Kennedy"

Once she was all settled into the wheelchair, Bobby finally decided to show up.

"Jacks, how are you?" He said hugging Jackie a little to hard causing her to cough

"I'm as good as I can be" she said motioning to her cannula and tank

"Well are you two ready to get back to D.C.?" He said rounding Jackie to where Jack was standing

"Ok so you push her, I'll pull the tank alright?" Jack said looking at his brother

"Alright whatever you say, bro"


When they finally arrived back as Air Force One, the attendants had put up the ramp so it would be easier for Jackie to get up. Which was a relief for Jack. As they managed to push her and the tank up the ramp, Jackie could hear the reporters from all sides,

"Look at Mrs. Kennedy, is she ok?"

"She's become so skinny, is that healthy?"

"Why does she have that thing?"

"What happened to her?"

"What about the new baby?"

And the worst of the comments came just as she had entered the plane,

"She looks awful"

Jack heard the last one, and was furious

"Excuse me?" This caused the reporter to turn red with embarrassment

"You have no right to talk about MY wife like that, you do not know the hell she's been through, and just so you understand I think my wife is beautiful no matter what!"

And with that the last people boarded and Jack went back to his and Jackie's cabin, where Jackie was settled. He walked in and immediately went and snuggled onto Jackie's chest, finding comfort in hearing her heartbeat and feeling her chest move up and down.

"Jack, do I really look that bad?" Jackie asked with tears in her eyes, this made Jack even madder than before

"No, Jackie, No, No, those reporters are just bastards, never, ever listen to them, I think that your beautiful just the way you are and that's all that matters"

"Thank you Jack, I love you"

"I love you too, Kid"

Mr. President, Mrs. Kennedy where about to take off, have a nice flight

And off they went back to Washington, back to normal life

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