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September 18, 1967

8:30 a.m.

"How do I look daddy?" Kate asked Jack as she spun around in her new uniform dress

Today was Kate's first day of Kindergarten, she had woken Jack up at the break of dawn, and now she was sitting in his lap with her purple hair flower in her ponytail and her "mommy necklace" around her neck, she was ready for Kindergarten but Jack wasn't.

"You look beautiful Kate, are you ready to go?"

"Yea, but I think I forgot something in my room" Kate said releasing Jack's tight grip on her hand and running to open her bedroom door, that was decorated with horses and her soccer ball monogram.

She left the door slightly cracked, therefore Jack could see what she was doing. He didn't wanna be noisy, but this was his daughter and he was curious, so he stood by the door looking in. Kate quickly ran to a photo frame on her bedside table and picked it up.

"Bye Mommy, I'll see you after Kindergarten, I love you" she quickly kissed the photo, put it back in its place, and ran back out her door and into Jack's arms, who at this point wanted to tear up

"Alrighty are you finally ready Katies?" He said picking her up once again

"Yep, lets goooo daddy!" She shouted pointing at the front door at the bottom of the stairs


Once they arrived at the school, Jack walked Kate in for the first time. She looked a little timid, which was odd because Kate was Jack's hyperactive, soccer loving, horse back riding, girl she was NEVER shy.

Kate's teacher, Ms. M, was greeting the students at the doorway. She turned to see Kate, who at this point was right up on Jack.

"Well you must be Ms. Kate, would you like to come in and find your desk?" Ms. M spoke kindly grabbing Kate's hand and leading her into the class.

"Here you go Kate, you sit next to Matt, can you say hi?"

"Hi Matt, I'm Kate" She said waving with a big smile on her face

The two began talking, and as Jack sat at the door he realized that his girl had made her very first friend.

Right as he was about to leave Kate ran into Jack's arms.

"I love you daddy"

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