his little girl

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August 13, 1963

Hyannis Port

Jack's plan of sleeping after Kate's appointment was a complete fail. Kate slept the rest of the day, which scared Jack, because she normally wouldn't sleep this long. So he just worried about Kate all the rest of the day. And just before he knew it, it was 6:25 and he could barely keep his eyes open. He got himself and Kate dressed, and off they went to Air Force One.

It was Kate's first flight. And just as Jack suspected she was great. Most of the time she slept, but when she woke up she played on the floor with him.

Now when they landed, the hard hit, scared her quite a bit. She cried for a while, but once Jack got her to calm down, the doors of Air Force One where opening. And there stood Jack's entire family. Not one or two family members, but the whole family, Joe all the way to Teddy.

Jack watched his mother cry as he and Kate (now in her car seat) walked down the Air Force One stairs, alone. Immediately Kate was snatched up by all of Jack's sisters, who she seemed to already like, considering she loved to be held.

Jack went right to his mother, of course to comfort her. Ever since Jackie's funeral, after she heard the news about Kate's name, she had been pretty upset. Joe had called Jack multiple times in attempt to see what was wrong with her.

The whole family hugged and where in awe of Kate. They all loaded back up into there cars, and for the first time Kate was separated from Jack, riding in the car behind him. Of course being the protective dad, he turned around quite a bit, from the airport to the compound.

Jack didn't know if he was ready to go back, but he was happy he had support from the whole family. Plus to make it even better, he had Kate.

When they arrived, he was taken back. But he just did as Jackie always did

'Put on a smile, and suffer through'

As he got out of the car he heard one of his many sisters calling for him, soon he heard why.

As he approached the car behind him, and came into Kate's view, the crying stopped

"Wow Jack I'm impressed" Bobby said coming up behind him

"Oh shut up Bobby" he said unbuckling Kate and carrying her inside

As the family sat down to dinner all together, Jack sat Kate in her highchair like thing. Just as he buckled her in, his phone started ringing. It was on the counter in front of Bobby when it started ringing, and Bobby being Bobby he was curious to who it was, so he looked at the caller ID.

"Georgetown Memorial Hospital"

"Jack? Why are you getting calls from the hospital?" He said rather loudly, setting off the whole family

Suddenly Jack sprinted to the phone to pick it up.

"Hello" He said as he started to walk out of the room, Bobby secretly following behind him

"Is this John Kennedy?"

"Yes, this is him"

"I'm calling in regards to your daughter, Kate Kennedy's test results"

Now Bobby heard that loud and clear, so clear that he managed to knock a vase right of the side table near the door, making Jack turn around.

"Um, can you hold for just one second?"

"Yes, Sir, is everything alright?"

"Oh, yes"


"Bobby, what the hell?"

"What where the test for?" Bobby asked pretty bluntly

"Kate, she may have a heart murmur, these are the results to her echo and ultrasound, so shut the fuck up"


"I'm so sorry, back to what you where saying"

"Oh yes your daughter's test results did show a murmur in her heart that is in her left ventricle I'm so sorry sir"

"We would like to do surgery as soon as possible, so please call when you get back from your vacation"

And then JACK hung up, he was so angry, why in the hell would this happen to his happy, smiley, little girl. Then he remembered that Bobby was still standing there. He turned around to face Bobby, big crocodile tears, coming from his eyes, showing the results where not good.

"Oh, no Jack, no"

"Yea Bobby, not only has my wife died, but my little girl might to" he said burring his head into Bobby's shoulder.

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